Historiae antipodum, siue Novi orbis, qui vulgo Americae, & Indiae Occidentalis nomine vsurpatur, pars tertia
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Historiae antipodum, siue Novi orbis, qui vulgo Americae, & Indiae Occidentalis nomine vsurpatur, pars tertia, : Complectens admirandam cum ipsius terrae Brasiliae, tum incolarum eius barbarorum & antropophagorum historiam libris tribus descriptam: Quorum I. Primo continetur narratio profectionis Ioannis Stadij Hessi in Brasiliam, qui à barbaris interceptus, nouemque menses inter eos versatus est, II. Diegesis historica naturam coeli solique Brasiliensis, vt & auiam, ferarum, piscium, arborum item caeterorumq[ue] vegetabilium illius terrae experimens. III. Luculientissima descriptio itineris Iohannis Lerij Burgundi, quod in easdem terras suscepit

Title Variants

Alternative: Historiae antipodum
Alternative: Historiae antipodum, sive Novi orbis, qui vulgo Americae, & Indiae Occidentalis nomine usurpatur, pars tertia
Alternative: Historiae antipodvm
Alternative: Novi orbis, qui vulgo Americae, & Indiae Occidentalis nomine usurpatur, pars tertia
Alternative: Novi orbis, qui vulgo Americae, & Indiae Occidentalis nomine vsurpatur, pars tertia
Uniform: Warhaftige Historia und Beschreibung eyner Landtschafft der wilden, nacketen, grimmigen Menschfresser Leuthen in der Newenwelt America gelegen

Related Titles

Series: Great voyages, pt. 3


Staden, Hans, approximately 1525-approximately 1576

Clusius, Carolus, 1526-1609
Bry, Theodor de, 1528-1598
Merian, Matthaeus, 1593-1650
Léry, Jean de, 1534-1611 , Histoire d'un voyage fait en la terre du Brésil
Barré, Nicolas, active 1555- , Copie de quelques letres sur la navigation du chevalier de Villegaignon es terre de l'Amerique




Published material

Publication info

[Frankfurt am Main], Venales reperiu[n]tur in officina Theodori de Bry, [1630]


[Third edition]


"Exemplar dvarvm epistolarvm, qvibvs breviter explicantvr, et navigatio Nicolai Villagagnonis equitis Melitensis, in illam Americae prouinciam, quae vltra aequitorem ad Tropicum vsque Capricorni extenditur: & mores consuetudinesque incolarum eius regionis. Scriptae quidem illae ad flumen Ganabara (Lusitanis Rio de Genero dictum) & in Galliam missae à quodam è Villagagnonis domesticis: nunc vero recèns Latio donatae à C.C.A.", p. [285]-295, has divisional title page.

"Historiarvm, Novi Orbis liber III. quo continetur Navigatio in Brasilieam regionem Americae, qva avctoris navigatio, qvae memoria digna in mari viderit, Brasiliensivm victvs et mores a nostris valde alieni, animalia etiam, arbores, herbae, & reliqua singularia nostris penitus incognita describuntur. A Joanne Lerio Bvrgvndo Gallicè primum scripta, deinde Latinitate donata. Variis autem figuris illustrata per Theodorum de Bry, Leo:", p. [135-136], has divisional title page.

Actual date of publication supplied by Church.

Constitutes the sole issue of the third Latin edition of part three of Theodor de Bry's Great voyages, printed in fourteen parts, in Latin, German, French, and English, in Frankfurt am Main, Oppenheim, and Hanau from 1590-1644, and the Elenchus, an outline of the thirteen Latin parts, published by Matthias Merian in Frankfurt am Main in 1634.

Contains one double folded map of part of Central and South America bound between p. [8], 1st count, p. 1, 2nd count, and 30 described engravings printed within the text, many of which are duplicated on other pages as listed by Church.

Errors in paging: p. 195-198 are misnumbered 295-298, which is not notated by Church.

Fully engraved and illustrated title page; engraved head and tail pieces; initials.

Latin translation, by Adam Lonicer, of: Warhaftige Historia und Beschreibung eyner Landtschafft der wilden, nacketen, grimmigen Menschfresser Leuthen in der Newenwelt America gelegen, first printed Marburg, 1557.

Latin translation, by Charles de L'Écluse, of two letters by Nicolas Barré first printed in: Copie de quelques letres sur la navigation du chevalier de Villegaignon es terre de l'Amerique oultre l'oequinoctial, iusques soubz le Tropique de Capricorne, printed Paris, 1557, and again in Paris, 1558.

Latin translation, by Jean de Léry, of: Histoire d'un voyage fait en la terre du Brésil, first printed La Rochelle, 1578 and which first appeared in Latin under title: Historia navigationis in Brasiliam, quae et America dicitur, Geneva, 1586.

Signatures: a⁴ (a2 missigned a) (a1 verso blank) A-2O⁴ (B4 missigned B3) (R4 verso, S4 verso, 2O4 blank)

The "Historiarvm, Novi Orbis liber III." beginning on p. [135-136] has sections on p. 186 and p. 190-193, which contain staves of music with chants in a native Brazilian language, and other scattered words in this language, which is spoken by the Tououpinambaultii people, possibly the Tupi tribe; also contains chants with music and native words on p. 226, 228, and 229; a dialogue in the [possible] Tupi language appears in Latin and Tupi on p. 250-266.

The C.C.A., on the title page on p. [285], are the initials of Carolus Clusius Artebatensis, i.e. Charles de L'Écluse, the celebrated botanist. Cf. Church.

The first issue of the first Latin edition of part three was printed under title: Americae tertia pars Memorabile[m] provinciae Brasiliae historiam contine[n]s, Germanico primùm sermone scriptam à Ioa[n]ne Stadio Homburgensi Hesso, nunc autem Latinitate donatam à Teucrio Annaeo Priuato Colchanthe Po: & Med: addita est narratio profectionis Ioannis Lerij in eamdem provinciam, qua[m] ille initio Gallicè conscripsit, postea verò Latinam fecit, Frankfurt am Main, 1592.

The sole issue of the third edition of Latin part three can be identified by the elimination of the dedication and the preface, found in the two previous editions; by the omission of the illustration of Adam and Eve on p. 144, which is a blank leaf; and there is a difference in the in text illustrations from the first and second editions, with several new or re-engraved illustrations replacing the old ones, which are detailed by Church.

This part is made up of two separate narratives: the first is an account of two voyages made to Brazil in 1546-1548 and 1549-1555 by Johann von Staden. This narrative was originally written in German by the author and published at Marburg in 1557. The Latin translation, here given, is the work of Adam Lonicer. The second part is an account of a voyage to Brazil in 1556-1558, by Jean de Léry. The narrative of this voyage was originally published in French in 1578. The Latin translation appears to have been made by the author himself and was first published in 1586, from which was doubtless taken by De Bry. The two letters of Nicolas Barre, who accompanied Villegaignon, relate to Brazil and are dated the first of February and 25th of May, 1552. They are also to be found in Lescarbot's Histoire de la Nouuelle France (1609), pp. 146-163. Cf. Church.

This work has been identified as the sole issue of the third Latin edition of part three of the Great voyages by Church.

JCB Lib. cat., pre-1675, | I: p. 391-392.

Alden, J.E. European Americana, | 630/173.

Church, E.D. Discovery, | 152.


1510-1571? , 1534-1611 , 1548-1580 , 1549-1762 , approximately 1525-approximately 1576 , Brazil , Description and travel , Glossaries, vocabularies, etc , History , Imprint 1630 , Indian linguistics , Indians of South America , Léry, Jean de, , Natural history , Staden, Hans, , Tupi language , Villegaignon, Nicolas Durand de,




DOI: https://doi.org/10.5962/bhl.title.103113


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