Nouveau voyage autour du monde
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Nouveau voyage autour du monde. : Où l'on décrit en particulier l'Istme de l'Amerique, plusieurs côtes & isles des Indes occidentales, les isles du Cap Verd, le passage par la Terre del Fuego, les côtes meridiolales [sic] de Chili, du Perou, & du Mexique; l'Isle de Guam, Mindanao, & des autres Philippines; les isles orientales qui sont prés [sic] de Cambodie, de la Chine, Formosa, Luc̦on, Celebes, &c. La Nouvelle Hollande, les Isles de Sumatra, de Nicobar, de Sainte Helene & le Cap de Bonne Esperance. Où l'on traite des differens terroirs de tous ces païs, de leurs ports, des plantes, des fruits, & des animaux qu'on y trouve: de leurs habitans, de leurs coûtumes, de leur religion, de leur gouvernement, de leur negoce &c

Title Variants

Alternative: Voyage autour du monde
Uniform: New voyage round the world


Dampier, William, 1651-1715

Halley, Edmond, 1656-1742
Hacke, William.
Dampier, William, 1651-1715 , Discourse of the trade-winds, breezes, storms, seasons of the year, tides and currents of the torrid zone throughout the world
Dampier, William, 1651-1715 , Voyage from Achin in Sumatra, to Tonquin, and other places in the East Indies
Dampier, William, 1651-1715 , Voyages to the Bay of Campeachy
Wafer, Lionel, 1660?-1705? , New voyage and description of the Isthmus of America
Wood, John, Captain. , Voyage thro' the Streights of Magellan
Sharpe, Bartholomew, active 1679-1682 , Journal of his expedition
Cowley, William Ambrosia. , Voyage round the globe
Robert, A., 17th cent- , Voyage to the Levant
Robert, A., zoologist. , Voyage to the Levant




Published material

Publication info

A Rouen, Chez Jean-Baptiste Machuel, ruë Etoupée, M. DCC. XXIII. [1723]


"Journal de l'expedition du Capitaine Sharp", p. 212-251, 2nd count, has separate caption title.

"Suite du Voyage de Guillaume Dampier aux terres australes, à la Nouvelles Hollande, &c. fait en 1699", p. 1-166, 2nd count, has separate caption title.

"Suplement [sic] du Voyage autour du monde" is a translation of parts 1 and 2 of: Voyages and descriptions, first printed London, 1699, which comprises volume 2 of the author's A new voyage round the world, and which was first printed in French in 1701; wanting part 3 entitled "Traité des vents alisez ou reglez, des vents frais de mer & de terre, des tempêtes, des saisons de l'année, des marées, & de courans de toute la zone torride" which is a translation of "Discourse of the trade-winds, breezes, storms, seasons of the year, tides and currents of the torrid zone throughout the world" and is here printed at the end of vol. 2 in this collection.

"Traité des vents alisez ou reglez, des vents frais de mer & de terre, des tempêtes, des saisons de l'année, des marées, & de courans de toute la zone torride", v. 2, p. [273]-396, 2nd count, has divisional title page. This is a translation of "Discourse of the trade-winds, breezes, storms, seasons of the year, tides and currents of the torrid zone throughout the world", which first appeared as part 3 in the author's New voyage round the world, vol. 2, first printed London, 1699 under title: "Voyages and descriptions"

"Voyage aux terres australes a la Nouvelle Hollande, &c. fait en M. DC. XCIX" is a translation of "A voyage to New Holland, &c. in the year 1699" first printed London, 1703 and first printed in French by Paul Marret, Amsterdam 1705; This work, without the addition of Wafer's A new voyage and description of the Isthmus of America, comprises vol. 3 of the author's A new voyage round the world.

"Voyage aux terres australes, a la Nouvelle Hollande, &c." is a translation of "A continuation of a voyage to New-Holland, &c. in the year 1699" first printed London, 1709 and first printed in French by Paul Marret, Amsterdam 1711.

"Voyage de Guillaume Dampier, aux terres australes, a la Nouvelle Hollande, &c fait en 1699", v. 4, p. [1]-146, 1st count, has a preface written by Edmund Halley on p. 16-20, 1st count.

"Voyage de Mr. Wafer, où l'on trouve la description de l'Istme [sic] de l'Amerique", p. [147]-381, has divisional title page, and is a translation of "A new voyage and description of the Isthmus of America" first printed London, 1699.

"Voyage du Capitaine Cowley autour du monde", p. [253]-302, 2nd count, has divisional title page.

"Voyage du Capitaine Vood [sic] à travers le détroit de Magellan, &c.", p. 167-211, 2nd count, has separate caption title.

"Voyage du Levant de Mr. Robert", p. [303]-363, 2nd count, has divisional title page.

A collected issue, with additions, of William Dampier's voyages, first printed in English in four separate volumes, London, 1697 to 1709, and first printed in four separate volumes in French, Amsterdam by Paul Marret, 1698-1705.

Approbation and privilege for collection: v. 5, p. [24-25], 3rd count.

Includes indexes.

Pagination: v. 1: [14], 408, [24] p., [8] leaves of plates (5 folded); v. 2: [6], 396, [10] p., [9] leaves of plates (4 folded); v. 3: [8], 393, [11] p., [8] leaves of plates (6 folded); v. 4: 20, 381, [15] p., [18] leaves of plates (6 folded); v. 5: [4], 363, [25] p., [19] leaves of plates (5 folded)

Signatures: v. 1: pi² (pi1 recto, pi2 verso blank) ẽ⁶ (-ẽ6) (ẽ1 missigned ã1) A-S¹² (S12 verso blank); v. 2: pi⁴ (-pi4) (pi1 recto, pi2 verso blank) A-Q¹² (M5 verso blank) R¹² (-R12); v. 3: pi1 (pi1 verso blank) ẽ⁴ (-ẽ4) (ẽ1 missigned ã1) A-Q¹² R¹⁰; v. 4: pi1 (pi1 verso blank) ã4 (-ã4) ẽ⁶ A-Q¹² (G2 verso blank) R⁶ (R6 verso blank); v. 5: pi² (pi1 verso blank) A-Q¹² (E3 missigned L3) (L7, N8 versos blank) R²

The first collected French edition was printed in Amsterdam by Paul Marret from 1711-1712.

The translations of the voyages of Wood, Sharpe, Cowley, and Roberts included in vol. 5 are from A collection of original voyages / edited by William Hacke, first printed London, 1699 and are additions to Dampier's A new voyage round round the world, vols. I-IV.

This collected edition is a reprint of the Rouen, Jean-Baptiste Machuel edition of 1715. Cf. Sabin.

Title page of vol. 2 reads: "Suite du voyage autour du monde. Avec un Traité des vents qui régnent dans toute la zone torride" and has identical imprint as that of title page of vol. 1.

Title page of vol. 3 reads: "Suplement [sic] du Voyage autour du monde. Contenant une description d'Achin, ville de Sumatra, du royaume de Tonquin & autres places des Indes, & de la Baye de Campeche. Enrichi de cartes & figures" and has identical imprint as that of title page of vol. 1.

Title page of vol. 4 reads: "Voyage aux terres australes, a la Nouvelle Hollande, &c. fait en M. DC. XCIX. Où l'on trouve la description des Isles Canaries, des isles de Mayo & de Saint Jago, de la Baye de Tous les Saints, des forts & de la ville de Bahia dans le Bresil, &c. Par Guillaume Dampier. Avec le voyage de Lionel Wafer, où l'on trouve la description de l'Isthme de Darien dans l'Amerique, &c." and has identical imprint as that of title page of vol. 1.

Title page of vol. 5 reads: "Voyage aux terres australes, a la Nouvelle Hollande, &c. Où l'on a joint I. Le voyage du Capitaine Vood [sic] à travers le détroit de Magellan, &c. II. Le journal de l'expedition du Capitaine Sharp. III. Le voyage autour du monde du Capitaine Cowley. IV. Le voyage du Levant de Mr. Robert. Avec divers cartes & figures. Par Guillaume Dampier" and has identical imprint as that of title page of vol. 1.

Title pages printed in red and black; woodcut head and tail pieces; initials.

Volume 2, part 1, p. 1-272, 2nd count, continues the author's Nouveau voyage autour du monde, vol. 1, first printed in English, 1697 and first printed in two volumes in French in Amsterdam, 1698.

Volumes 1 and 2 have added, illustrated title pages reading: Voyage au tour [sic] du monde.

Leclerc, C. Bib. Americana, | 417.

Alden, J.E. European Americana, | 723/41.

Leclerc, C. Bib. Americana (1878), | 161.


Australia , Buccaneers , Cabo Verde , Campeche, Bay of (Mexico) , Canary Islands , Description and travel , Discovery and exploration , East Indies , Imprint 1723 , Indonesia , Latin America , Magellan, Strait of (Chile and Argentina) , Mexico , Middle East , Natural history , Ocean currents , Pacific Ocean , Papua New Guinea , Salvador (Brazil) , Shark Bay (W.A.) , Tides , Voyages and travels , Voyages around the world , West Indies , Winds




DOI: https://doi.org/10.5962/bhl.title.115277
LCCN: https://lccn.loc.gov/05039310


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