Asa Gray correspondence
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Asa Gray correspondence. Senders Br-Bz

Related Titles

Contained In: Asa Gray correspondence files, 1820-1904
Series: Asa Gray Correspondence Project

External Resources

Collection guide: Asa Gray correspondence files of the Gray Herbarium, 1820-1931. Harvard University Botany Libraries


Brandegee, Townshend Stith, 1843-1925 , correspondent
Braun, Alexander, 1805-1877 , correspondent
Brewer, William Henry, 1828-1910 , correspondent
Bridges, George, , correspondent
Britton, Nathaniel Lord, 1859-1934 , correspondent
Brongniart, Adolphe, 1801-1876 , correspondent
Browne, Walter R. (Walter Raleigh), 1842-1884 , correspondent
Buchenau, Franz, 1831-1906 , correspondent
Buckley, S. B. (Samuel Botsford), 1809-1884 , correspondent
Bureau, Éd. (Édouard), 1830-1918 , correspondent
Bush, Benjamin Franklin, 1858-1937 , correspondent
Gray, Asa, 1810-1888 , addressee




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Consists of letters and postcards written to Asa Gray from 40 correspondents with surnames starting with the letters Br-Bz, arranged alphabetically by sender. Correspondents are: John Pierce Brace, Thomas Lindsley Bradford, L.H. Bradford and Co., Cornelius Beach Bradley, Sir Frederick Joseph Bramwell, Townshend Stith Brandegee, Alexander Carl Heinrich Braun, Frederick Brendel, William Henry Brewer, Aristides Brezina, George Bridges, William Tufts Brigham, E.J. Brill, George Brimmer, James Britten, Nathaniel Lord Britton, Eliza Bromfield, William Arnold Bromfield, Adolphe Theodore Brongniart, William Keith Brooks, Victor Ferdinand Brotherus, Addison Brown, Franklin Brown, Walter R. Browne, Thomas Aquinas Bruhin, James Bryce, Franz Buchenau, Jean Daniel Buchinger, Samuel Botsford Buckley, Prosper Jules Alphonse Berckmans, Freeman Josiah Bumstead, Charles James Fox Bunbury, A.G. Bunge, J.H. Burdick, Édouard Bureau, R. Burgess, Thomas Joseph Workman Burgess, Lodewijk Hendrik Büse, Benjamin Franklin Bush, and George Charles Butz.


1810-1888 , Botanists , Correspondence , Gray, Asa,




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