Asa Gray correspondence
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Asa Gray correspondence. Senders Ho-Hy

Related Titles

Contained In: Asa Gray correspondence files, 1820-1904
Series: Asa Gray Correspondence Project

External Resources

Collection guide: Asa Gray correspondence files of the Gray Herbarium, 1820-1931. Harvard University Botany Libraries


Gray, Asa, 1810-1888 , addressee
Holm, Theodor (Herman Theodor), 1854-1932 , correspondent
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 1809-1894 , correspondent
Holton, Isaac F. (Isaac Farwell) , correspondent
Holzinger, J. M. (John Michael), 1853-1929 , correspondent
Hooper, Edward William, 1839-1901 , correspondent
Horsford, Frederick Hinsdale, 1855-1923 , correspondent
Howell, Joseph, 1830-1912 , correspondent
Howell, Thomas, 1842-1912 , correspondent
Humphreys, A. A. 1810-1883 , correspondent
Hunnewell, Horatio Hollis, 1810-1902 , correspondent
Hunt, Thomas Sterry, 1826-1892 , correspondent
Hunter, C.L., , correspondent




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Consists of letters and postcards written to Asa Gray from 29 correspondents with surnames starting with the letters Ho-Hy, arranged alphabetically by sender. Correspondents are: Frederick Hoffman, Herman Theodor Holm, Andrew Fernando Holmes, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Isaac F. Holton, John Michael Holzinger, Edward William Hooper, Joshua Hoopes, James Mason Hoppin, Ruth Hoppin, Sir John Francis Fortescue Horner, Eben Norton Horsford, Frederick Hinsdale Horsford, Alfred Winslow Hosmer, Joseph Howell, Thomas Howell, Eliza F. Howland, Joseph Howland, U. Howson, Raphael Hoyle, James and Edwin Hoyt, Joseph Burnley Hume, Andrew A. Humphreys, Horatio Hollis Hunnewell, Catherine C. Hunt, Thomas Sterry Hunt, C.L. Hunter, Frederick Dan Huntington, and Mordecai Elijah Hyams.


1810-1888 , Botanists , Correspondence , Gray, Asa,




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