Asa Gray correspondence
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Asa Gray correspondence. Senders Sa-Sm

Related Titles

Contained In: Asa Gray correspondence files, 1820-1904
Series: Asa Gray Correspondence Project

External Resources

Collection guide: Asa Gray correspondence files of the Gray Herbarium, 1820-1931. Harvard University Botany Libraries


Gray, Asa, 1810-1888 , addressee
Scribner, Frank Lamson, 1851-1938 , corresondent
Salisbury, Stephen, 1798-1884 , corresondent
Sargent, Charles Sprague, 1841-1927 , corresondent
Sartwell, Henry Parker, 1792-1867 , corresondent
Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von (Diedrich Franz Leonhard von), 1794-1866 , corresondent
Schultz, Carl Heinrich, 1798-1871 , corresondent
Scudder, Samuel Hubbard, 1837-1911 , corresondent
Seemann, Berthold, 1825-1871 , corresondent
Shaw, Henry, 1800-1889 , corresondent
Shockley, William Hillman, 1855-1925 , corresondent
Smith, Charles Eastwick, 1820-1900 , corresondent




Archival material

Publication info



Consists of letters and postcards written to Asa Gray from 48 correspondents with surnames starting with the letters Sa-Sm, arranged alphabetically by sender. Correspondents are: Pier Andrea Saccardo, Augustin François César Prouvençal de Saint-Hilaire, Stephen Salisbury, John Herman Sandberg, James A. Sanford, Sarah N. Sanford, Louis Charles Joseph Gaston Saporta, Charles Sprague Sargent, Henry Winthrop Sargent, Henry Parker Sartwell, F. Scammon, Johann Wilhelm (Guillermo) Schaffner, Hauptmann Schambach, Wilhelm Philipp Schimper, Diederich Franz Leonhard von Schlechtendahl, Jacob Schneck, Arthur Carl Victor Schott, Heinrich Wilhelm Schott, August Schrader, Joachim Heinrich Schuette, Carl Heinrich Bipontinus Schultz, Christian Friedrich Schwägrichen, Frederick Schwatka, Charles Scribner's Sons, Frank Lamson Scribner, Samuel H. Scudder, Berthold Carl Seeman, S.W. Seton, Arthur Bliss Seymour, Minor L. Seymour, William Sharswood, Henry Shaw, Lemuel Shaw, Edmund Perry Sheldon, C. Sherman & Son, Fanny Sherman, William Hillman Shockley, Howard Shriver, Robert Wilson Shufeldt, Robert Shuttleworth, Georg Christian Sibbern, Hans Siegfried, Benjamin Silliman Jr., Aubrey H. Smith, Charles Eastwick Smith, Hamilton Lanphere Smith, and Worthington George Smith.


1810-1888 , Botanists , Correspondence , Gray, Asa,




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