M.A. Curtis and John Torrey correspondence, 1833-1851
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M.A. Curtis and John Torrey correspondence, 1833-1851

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Related/Analytical: New York Botanical Garden Archives
Series: John Torrey papers, series 1, correspondence


Curtis, M. A. (Moses Ashley), 1808-1872




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Correspondence from M.A. Curtis to John Torrey, dated 1833-1851. Curtis' first letter to Torrey dates from his days as a divinity student, freshly returned from time spent in North Carolina. He and Torrey correspond primarily about plants in their early years, shipping specimens back and forth, and discussing the activities and publications of fellow botanists. Through the years, as Curtis completes his studies and is married and ordained and returns to North Carolina as a clergyman, his enthusiasm for the environment and flora of his adopted state never wanes. "I do not believe that any State in the Union is richer in Nat. Hist. than this," he writes in 1835. He asks Torrey to purchase books for him, and never loses his patience when Torrey fails to write for months on end. In 1846 he tells Torrey he is shifting his attention to lichens and fungi; several later letters are taken up with the matter of the tuckahoe, now known as Wolfiporia extensa. Obsolete plant names mentioned include Amorpha cyanostachya, Carex tabularia, Cimicifuga americana, Eleocharis simplex, Hypobrichia, Pachyma cocos, and Pyrus coronaria.

In English.


Acer rubrum , Actaea podocarpa , Amorpha herbacea , Andromeda , Andropogon , Arenaria , Aristida , Aristida stricta , Aster , Bailey, Jacob Whitman, 1811-1857 , Berkeley, M. J. (Miles Joseph), 1803-1889 , Betula papyrifera , Botanical specimens , Brickellia , Buckley, S. B. (Samuel Botsford), 1809-1884 , Candolle, Augustin Pyramus de, 1778-1841 , Carex , Carex aestivalis , Carey, John, 1797-1880 , Catalogue of plants growing spontaneously around W , Coreopsis , Correspondence , Croom, Hardy Bryan, 1797-1837 , Curtis, M. A. (Moses Ashley), 1808-1872 , Cyperaceae , Cyperus , Darlington, William, 1782-1863 , Dewey, Chester, 1784-1867 , Eleocharis albida , Elliott, Stephen, 1771-1830 , Engelmann, George, 1809-1884 , Fries, Elias, 1794-1878 , Fuirena squarrosa , Fungi , Galactia , Galega , Gramineae , Gray, Asa, 1810-1888 , Herbarium , Hooker, William Jackson, Sir, 1785-1865 , Hunter, Cyrus L., 1807-1881 , Kyllinga , Liatris , Lichenes , Loomis, Harris, 1795-1837 , Ludwigia , Lyonia , Malus coronaria , McRee, James Fergus, 1794-1869 , Mentha , Mitchell, Elisha, 1793-1857 , Monograph of the North American species of Rhyncho , Musci , North Carolina , Panicum , Paspalum , Pinus , Plants , Poa autumnalis , Prodromus systematis naturalis regni vegetabilis , Ranunculus , Ravenel, Henry William, 1814-1887 , Rhynchospora , Rugel, Ferdinand, 1806-1879 , Saxifraga , Schweinitz, Lewis David von, 1780-1834 , Scirpus , Short, Charles Wilkins, 1794-1863 , Silphium , Solidago , Solorina , Spartina , Sphaeria , Torrey, John, 1796-1873 , Tuckerman, Edward, 1817-1886 , Wolfiporia extensa , Wright, Charles, 1811-1885

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John Torrey Papers




OCLC: 987232693


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