Gutierrez, Celedonio, "Field notes and observations on the activity of Paricutin Volcano," 1947-1949, 1951-1952
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Gutierrez, Celedonio, "Field notes and observations on the activity of Paricutin Volcano," 1947-1949, 1951-1952

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Contained In: William F. Foshag Collection, 1923-1965 and undated
Series: SIA RU007281
Series: Smithsonian Field Book Project : an initiative to improve access to field book content that documents natural history


Foshag, (William Frederick), 1894-1956




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The papers are a continuation of a handwritten diary, correspondence, and photographs of Celedonio Gutierrez's observations on the activity of Paricutin Volcano, 1947-1949, 1951-1952. Celedonio Gutierrez was an inhabitant of San Juan Parangaricutiro, a community adjacent Paricutin Volcano region, prior to its eruption, and was Foshag's assistant during fieldwork at the volcano. The diary gives a daily description of changes observed in Paricutin and Mesa de los Hornitos and the surrounding environment, including emanating debris (i.e. ash) and vapor, ongoing eruptions, changes to the crater, and individuals who explored the area. In a note in Folder 6 included by Foshag, he states "although these notes are couched in simple terms, they constitute the only complete record of the volcano's activity and have the advantage of being free of any preconceived notions of what a volcano should do." Papers are handwritten and typed. Handwritten notes are grouped by month and year, with the day's date listed in the left-hand margin next to entries. There are no translations in the folder.


Black-and-white photographs , Correspondence , Diary , Field notes , Geology , Mexico , Paricutín , Volcanological research , Volcanos

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Smithsonian Field Books collection




DOI: https://doi.org/10.5962/bhl.title.132775


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