Accounts rendered of work done and things seen
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Accounts rendered of work done and things seen


Buchanan, J. Y. (John Young), 1844-1925




Published material

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Cambridge, University Press, 1919


Contents: No. 1. Geography. In its physical and economical relations.-No. 2. A retrospect of oceanography in the twenty years before 1895.- No. 3. On similarities in the physical geography of the great oceans.- No. 4. Relation between the temperature of the sea and that of the air above it.- No. 5. The colour of the sea.- No. 6. On the occurrence of sulphur in marine muds and nodules and its bearing on their mode of formation.- No. 7. Note on the manganese nodules found on the bed of the ocean.- No. 8. Manganese nodules in Loch Fyne.- No. 9. On the composition of ocianic and littoral nodules.- No. 10. On a method of determining the specific gravity of soluble salts by displacement in their own mother-liquor; and its application in the case of alkaline halides.- No. 11. The Mediterranean Sea.- No. 12. On the composition of some deepsea deposits from the Mediterranean.- No. 13. On the oxidation of ferrous salts.- No. 14. The sunsets of autumn, 1883. Observed at sea in the cable-ship "Dacia".- No. 15. Sur la densite et l'alcalinite des eaux de l'Atlantique et de la Mediterranee.- No. 16. Monaco a whaling station.- No. 17. The cruise of the "Princesse Alice" (1902).- No. 18. The sperm whale and its food.- No. 19. The oceanographical museum at Monaco.- No. 20. Lakes.- No. 21. On the distribution of temperature in Lock Lomond during the autumn of 1885.- No. 22. The windings of rivers.- No. 23. Volcanoes and earthquakes.- No. 24. On a remarkable effect produced by the mementary relief of great pressure.- No. 25. Preliminary note on the compressibility of glass.- No. 26. On the compressibility of solids.- No. 27. On an apparatus for gas-analysis.- No. 28. Her Majesty's ship "Sultan".- No. 29. Air-tight subdivisions in ships.- No. 30. The Northallerton accident, 1894.- No. 31. The wreck of "Santos Dumont No. 6" at Monaco, 14 February, 1902.- No. 32. The daintiness of the rat.- No. 33. Fish and drought.



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5962/bhl.title.25624
Wikidata: https://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q51437339


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