Report of the Second Norwegian Arctic expedition in the "Fram" 1898-1902 ...
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Report of the Second Norwegian Arctic expedition in the "Fram" 1898-1902 ...

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Related/Analytical: Second Norwegian Arctic expedition in the "Fram", 1898-1902


Norske videnskaps-akademi i Oslo.

Schei, Per Elisaeus, 1875-1905 , ed.
Wille, N. (Nordal), 1858-1924 , ed.




Published material

Publication info

Kristiania, In commission by T. O. Brøgger, 1907-1919


Issued in 36 numbers, each with special t.-p. and separate paging, 1904-17, "at the expense of the Fridtjof Nansen fund for the advancement of science".

Managing editors: P. Schei and after his death, Prof. N. Wille.

Editing committee: W. C. Brøgger, R. Collett, G. Guldberg, H. Mohn and N. Wille.

Contents: I. Nathorst. A. G. Die oberdevonische flora des Ellesmere-landes. Simmons. H G. The vascular plants in the flora of Ellesmereland. Strand. E. Coleoptera Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera und Araneae. Mohn, H. Meteorology.--II. Isachsen, G. Astronomical and geodetical observations. Steen, A. S. Terrestrial magnetism. Kittl, E. Die triasfossilien vom Heureka Sund. Nordgaard, O. Bryozoa from the 2nd "Fram" expedition. 1898-1902. Rostrup, E. Fungi. Collected by H. G. Simmons on the 2nd Norwegian polar expedition. 1898-1902. Wahlgren, E. Collembola from the 2nd "Fram" expedition. 1898-1902. Bryhn, N. Bryophyta in itinere polari Norvagorum secundo collecta. Broch, H. Hydroiden und medusen. Grieg, J. A. Echinodermata.

Contents: III. Bjerkan, P. Ascidien. Ditlevsen H. Annulata polychaeta. Simmons, H. G. A revised list of the flowering plants and ferns of north western Greenland, with some short notes about the affnities of the flora. Kiær, H. On the bottom deposits from the Second Norwegian Arctic expedition in the "Fram". Sars, G. O. Crustacca, Simmons, H. G. Stray contributions to botany of North Devon and some other islands, visited in 1900-1902. Grieg, J. A. Brachiopods and molluecs, with a supplement to the echinoderms. Darbishire. O. V. Lichens collected during the 2nd Norwegian polar expedition in 1898-1902. Bugge, C. Petrographische resultate der 2ten Fram-expedition. Fristedt, C. Sponges from the coast of Ellesmere land. Ingvarson, F. Die treibho¨lzer auf dem Ellesmere-land. Jensen, A. S. Fishes, Appello¨f, A. Pycnogoniden. Gran, H. H. Phytoplankton.

Contents: IV. Holtedahl. O. The cambro-ordovician beds of Bache Peninsula and the neighbouring regions of Ellesmereland. Meyer, O. E. Die devonischen brachiopoden von Ellesmereland. Loewe, S. Die devonischen korallen von Ellesmereland. Carlgren, O. Actiniaria. Holtedahl, O. On the fossil faunas from Per Scheis series B in south western Ellesmereland. Kiær, J. Upper Devonian fish remains from Ellesmere land with remarks on Drepanaspis. Tschernyschew, T. u. Stepanyow, P. Obercarbonfanna von König Oscars und Heibergsland. Nathorst, A. G. Tertiäre pflanzenreste aus Ellesmere-land. Holtedahl, O. Summary of geological results.


"Fram" Expedition , 1898-1902 , Arctic regions , Meteorology , Natural history

Call Number

Q115 .N895




DOI: https://doi.org/10.5962/bhl.title.55607
LCCN: https://lccn.loc.gov/22012880
OCLC: 13632668
Wikidata: https://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q54737280


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