A new gobiosuchid crocodyliform taxon from the Cretaceous of Mongolia
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A new gobiosuchid crocodyliform taxon from the Cretaceous of Mongolia

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Series: American Museum novitates, no. 3458


Pol, Diego, 1974-

Norell, Mark A.
Mongolian-American Museum Paleontological Project.
Mongolyn ShinzhlÄ—kh Ukhaany Akademi.




Published material

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New York, NY American Museum of Natural History c2004


Title from caption.

"October 28, 2004."

"Numerous fossil vertebrates were found during the last decade by joint expeditions of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences and the American Museum of Natural History to Cretaceous beds of the Gobi Desert"--Introduction.

We describe a new fossil crocodyliform, Zaraasuchus shepardi, found in the Cretaceous Red Beds of Zos Canyon (Gobi Desert, Mongolia). Z. shepardi shares numerous derived characters with Gobiosuchus kielanae, also known from the late Cretaceous of Mongolia (Bayn Dzak locality). However, it is distinguished from the latter by the presence of a moderately large infratemporal fenestra, anterior margin of infratemporal fenestra almost completely formed by the postorbital, retroarticular process with a well-developed ornamented posterolateral pointed process, and extremely well-developed keels on dorsal and lateral cervical osteoderms (the heights of which are approximately as long as the lateromedial extension of the dorsal osteoderms). A phylogenetic analysis indicated that these two taxa form a monophyletic group located basally among crocodyliforms. This clade is diagnosed by 14 synapomorphies (e.g., anterior and posterior palpebrals sutured to each other and to the frontal, excluding it from the orbital margin, external surface of ascending process of jugal exposed posterolaterally, dorsal surface of posterolateral process of squamosal ornamented with three longitudinal ridges, dorsal surface of osteoderms ornamented with anterolaterally and anteromedially directed ridges, cervical region surrounded by lateral and ventral osteoderms sutured to the dorsal elements, and closed supratemporal fenestra).


Cretaceous , Crocodilians , Crocodilians, Fossil , Gobi Desert (Mongolia and China) , Mongolia , Paleontology , Phylogeny , Reptiles, Fossil , Zaraasuchus shepardi

Call Number

QL1 .A436 no.3458 2004




DOI: https://doi.org/10.1206/0003-0082(2004)458<0001:ANGCTF>2.0.CO;2
OCLC: 56780252


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