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Natürliche Schöpfungsgeschichte. Gemeinverständliche wissenschaftliche Vorträge über die Entwicklungslehre ... über die Anwendung derselben auf den Ursprung des Menschen und andere damit zusamme...
Publication Details
Berlin, 1868
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Natural History Museum Library, London
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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Annotation Not Available

lines 24—27 score
lines 24—27 annotation ?
lines 16—28 annotation (a) Perhaps begin my Book
from End Note 2 annotation good p.5 — for the beginning of my Book

bottom-margin annotation When theory generally accepted I say light will be thrown on the origin of man & his history. The meaning of this cd hardly be misunderstood, but I can see [?]is not the period of going into details. now that the views

line 2 annotation Read

line 31 annotation I have read

line 6 annotation I have read

line 3 score

line 19 annotation Read

lines 23—26 score
lines 14—27 annotation List of Rudimentary Organs

line 32 score
line 32 annotation Read

line 19 score

line 31 score

lines 12—13 score

lines 13—15 score

lines 26—32 score
whole-margin annotation I shd think more differences in civilized individuals than in savages (?) Bates

lines 3—5 score
from End Slip annotation p.230 reduction of parts an advance in ordganisation

lines 11—19 annotation lessening of number a result not cause of development

lines 30—33 score
lines 31—32 underline "die ... Rückschritt"

lines 1—7 score
top-margin annotation Very important organ a rudimentary Lung
from End Slip annotation p235 imported rudiment-Lung

lines 11—12 underline "[whole line]"
lines 11—12 annotation ovaries

lines 22—23 score

lines 3—5 annotation See to this

lines 17—23 score

line 18 underline "Organen"

line 19 underline "Kiemenbogen"

lines 9—17 annotation Branchial arches

line 20 annotation [a translation]

lines 27—31 score

lines 19—20 underline "drei ... Schwanzwirbeln"

lines 3—9 score
lines 4—7 underline "muss ... Stammes"

lines 21—29 score

lines 1—25 annotation the lower forms change more slowly than higher Applies to Man (or I think terrestrial)

lines 19—32 score
lines 22—29 annotation single origin most probable

lines 20—29 score

lines 3—4 score
lines 3—4 underline "[a species name]"
lines 3—4 annotation This last remnant of class

lines 16—20 score
line 17 underline "Pallas Nachtschmecke"
line 18 underline "[most of line]"

line 24 underline "[a species name]"

line 28 underline "[a species name]"

line 33 score
line 33 underline "während ... embryonalen"

lines 1—3 score

line 10 underline "weil ... noch"

line 27 underline "merkwürdig übereinstimmt"
lines 25—28 annotation embryology of Amphioxus

top-margin annotation X I shd say creations like larvae of Ascidians gave rise to Vertebrata

lines 5—9 score
lines 5—9 annotation x Both groups out of same sources

lines 29—33 score
lines 29—33 annotation Selachians parent-form of all chief Vertebrata

lines 24—27 annotation Selachii only in remnant

line 33 annotation [(sub)editorial marking(s)]

lines 6—8 score
lines 6—8 annotation Selachians parent form

lines 13—16 score
line 14 underline "Urfischen"
line 12 annotation Selachii

lines 9—13 annotation Rivers
from End Slip annotation p446 anomalous forms surviving in Rivers.

line 11 underline "Flussfischen"

lines 10—12 score
lines 10—12 annotation Rivers

line 14 underline "Zwischen ... Amphibien"

lines 14—16 score

line 17 underline "[a species name]"
line 17 annotation Rivers

lines 22—24 annotation separate intermediate class

lines 11—12 underline "Stammformen ... Wirbelthiere"

lines 16—20 score
line 18 underline "Lurchfische"
line 18 annotation Lepidosiren

lines 12—15 score

lines 13—16 score

top-margin annotation I shd prefer supposing that both classes descended from forms more intermediate than Dinosaurs & Solenhofen Birds
from End Slip annotation p457. Manner of descent of Birds

lines 16—19 score
line 18 underline "zweifelsohne ... dieser"

lines 20—23 score
lines 21—22 underline "Ornithodelphien ... unterschied"

lines 4—6 score
line 5 underline "Jurazeit"

top-margin annotation Man has cloaca

lines 2—6 score
line 6 underline "zwölfte Woche"

lines 8—10 score
lines 8—10 annotation Breast bone like Birds

line 19 underline "eine ... Klasse"

lines 27—30 score

bottom-margin annotation absence of teeth a change

line 24 score
line 24 annotation Hydrax
from End Note 2 annotation 469 Classification of Mammals; 492 .... of Quadrumana;

line 1 score

line 17 score

lines 27—28 underline "[most of line]"

top-margin annotation X Placentata descended from several implacentata or Marsupials

lines 6—10 score
lines 6—10 annotation thinks X

line 27 score

top-margin annotation contrast of adaptation & inheritance Sea-Lion & Lion —
from End Slip annotation 481 Contrast of adaptation & inheritance Lion & Sea-Lion

lines 10—16 score

lines 21—25 score
lines 21—25 annotation separate Lemurs from Monkeys

lines 27—30 underline "[whole line]"

lines 1—22 score
lines 1—22 annotation intermediate forms, leading to various orders.—
from End Slip annotation 482 Intermediate forms

line 26 score

lines 27—33 score

lines 9—13 score

lines 20—23 score

lines 22—25 score

lines 1—3 score
line 2 underline "Rolle"
line 2 annotation [(sub)editorial marking(s)]

lines 7—8 underline "dass ... kann"

line 21 underline "Affenähnlichkeit ... Menschen"

line 22 underline "einen ... Volke"

line 28 underline "Rolle"

lines 10—12 score
line 11 underline "abgekürzte Vererbung"

lines 9—11 score
line 9 underline "entfernter"

lines 8—11 score

lines 18—22 score

lines 24—26 score

lines 31—34 score

lines 35—37 score

lines 2—3 underline "theilweisen ... Behaarung"

lines 2—3 annotation loss

line 28 underline "aufrechte ... Sprache"
lines 26—31 annotation 2 chief points upright position & speech

line 33 underline "Kehlkopfs"
bottom-margin annotation Head of windpipe

lines 6—7 underline "höhere ... Extremitäten"

lines 8—11 underline "Indem ... Sehens"

line 18 underline "Veränderungen ... Gefolge"

lines 17—19 score
line 18 annotation (a)

lines 25—26 underline "den ... erblicken"

lines 26—27 underline "August Schleicher"

bottom-margin annotation (a) Remember a special part of Brain for speech

lines 18—20 annotation speech polygenitive

line 29 underline "Sprachen ... Ursprache"

lines 30—32 score
bottom-margin annotation but we know nothing about lost primitive tongues, during earliest stages.

lines 15—21 score
lines 15—21 annotation my argument & Huxley

line 20 score

line 25 underline "Afronegern ... findet"

line 29 underline "Mongolen"

line 30 underline "Mesocephali"

line 31 underline "Amerikanern"

lines 25—43 score

line 1 underline "meisten ... Asien"

line 2 underline "das ... Ort"

lines 22—26 score
line 23 annotation islands

lines 11—12 score

lines 6—9 score

lines 20—24 score

line 19 score