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Book Title
In Sachen Darwin's insbesondere contra Wigand
Publication Details
Stuttgart, E. Schweizerbart, 1874
Holding Institution
Cambridge University Library
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Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

annotation p.4 «to 16» on ammonites &c changng in successive strata & on variability
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annotation p. 29.    variations which were perpetuated without selection
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annotation p.33—«39» Causes why fruit & flowers not made vry large by nature, as under cultivation

annotation 40.    Selection cannot act on embryo (in relation to environment.

annotation 48.    explains how use increases a part.

annotation 52.    thinks insects feeding on a new kind of plant, wd gain a new odour & wd. then not cross with othr individuals.
show subjects subjects

annotation 69    Eggs of silkmoth vary in resistg cold

annotation 70.    Several pigeons killed by Hawks all white or yellow vars
show subjects subjects

annotation 86    Higher forms can adapt themselves & range further ??

annotation 90.    In all divergence there is always advance or retrogradation of organisation.

annotation 114.    nictitatng membrane a necessary correlation of eyelids.

annotation on accont of view of constant (old) forms & variable forms — consider dom. plants & animals. —
     The goose a fixed form, but mny allies — The Peacock fixed vy isolated — Plants wd be best — Is any cultivated & variable plant monotypic ?

annotation in pale pencil p 69
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annotation in pale pencil p 102    good nectar
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annotation in pale pencil All marked
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annotation in pale pencil p 243 Expression
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annotation in pale pencil p 106 Climbers
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annotation in pale pencil Many marks
     p 38
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annotation p. 115 on use of skeleton of Vertebrates    its ground-plan.—
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annotation p. 130—«134» Sexual S. use of barbules of fishes as exciting organs.
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annotation 176. «to 183.» Each new modification necessarily throws back th embryological stages, unless whole evolution is longer — (not so with insects)
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