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Phytologia; or, The philosophy of agriculture and gardening. With the theory of draining morasses, and with an improved construction of the drill plough
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London, J. Johnson, 1800
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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Annotation Not Available

lines 3—4 score

lines 9—13 score
from End Note annotation 45 leaves closing in rain 95 96 99 102 106 108 114

lines 10—12 score

line 31 annotation
line 32 score

lines 1—3 score

line 9 annotation

lines 27—29 score

lines 29—32 score

lines 1—12 score
from End Note annotation 45 leaves closing in rain 95 96 99 102 106 108 114

lines 10—16 score
lines 10—16 annotation will not account for sporting

lines 16—19 score
lines 16—19 annotation How do Horticulturers propagate these

lines 1—3 score
from End Note annotation 45 leaves closing in rain 95 96 99 102 106 108 114

lines 1—5 score
from End Note annotation 45 leaves closing in rain 95 96 99 102 106 108 114

lines 11—32 score
lines 11—32 annotation shows that stigma long remains susceptible of impregnation
from End Note annotation 45 leaves closing in rain 95 96 99 102 106 108 114
from End Slip annotation 106 Q Case of broom other plants bending pistil to late anthers, I doubt

lines 1—9 score

lines 10—19 score
from End Note annotation 45 leaves closing in rain 95 96 99 102 106 108 114

lines 28—32 score

lines 6—9 score

lines 13—18 score
from End Note annotation 45 leaves closing in rain 95 96 99 102 106 108 114

lines 21—32 score

lines 24—32 score

lines 1—3 score
lines 3—1 score
line 11 crossing-out "See ... work"
lines 22—28 score
lines 2—28 annotation important shows extent of crossing
from End Note annotation 116,8 — direct action of pollen of beans V. faba
from End Slip annotation 116 Most curious case of rows of Beans, crossed Bath Soc. vol. 5, p.38

line 21 underline "Vol. ... Academic"
lines 18—21 score

lines 5—7 score
from End Note annotation 116,8 — direct action of pollen of beans V. faba

lines 20—29 score
line 22 underline "plants ... his"

lines 4—8 score

lines 7—15 score
line 11 underline "Fordyce"

lines 19—21 score

lines 1—5 score

lines 19—20 score
line 19 underline "universally ... vegetables"
line 20 underline "sufficiently ... to"
from End Note annotation p207 215 Phosphorus not enough attended to but he thinks shells contain an abundance

lines 15—16 score

lines 6—8 score

lines 6—9 score
from End Note annotation p207 215 Phosphorus not enough attended to but he thinks shells contain an abundance

line 7 score

lines 6—10 score
from End Note annotation 217 use of [?]Straw

line 13 score

lines 1—4 score

lines 24—32 annotation so that Sir G. Sebright explanation of ill effects of breeding in & in — same as my grandfathers for diseases in old trees

lines 3—9 score

lines 29—31 score

lines 27—32 score
lines 27—32 annotation ?

lines 1—2 score

lines 6—7 score

lines 1—5 score
lines 1—5 annotation good
from End Slip annotation 451. 1746 a Mr Cooper selecting his vegetables with care, & evidently independently (shows how it may have gone on) & with this care, does not find any change of seed. necessary. Quoted from Communications to Board of Agriculture

lines 7—14 score

lines 19—23 score

lines 28—32 score

lines 2—5 score

lines 25—30 score

lines 28—29 score

lines 9—12 score

lines 16—18 score
line 18 underline "after flowering"

lines 1—9 score

lines 10—15 score
from End Slip annotation 532 On Gout produced by intemperance. children can bear less.

lines 19—25 score

lines 14—18 score

lines 2—4 score
line 4 underline "Tracts ... Hist."

lines 18—22 score

lines 18—25 score

lines 16—19 score
line 16 underline "Philos. ... Nature"

lines 7—10 score

lines 18—21 score

lines 22—25 score
line 24 underline "old organizations"

lines 30—32 score

lines 5—8 score

line 4 annotation Fish?
from End Slip annotation 568 Phytolacca 1 species with 20 stamens, another with 10, & another with 8 & 8 Pistils & another dioicous — Properly Decandria & [?]Decagyngia

lines 6—10 score
line 6 underline "the ... organs"
line 6 annotation is this so?

line 9 annotation Lamarck

lines 11—30 score

lines 2—16 score

lines 1—3 score

lines 27—29 score

lines 17—20 score

lines 20—23 score