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On a true parthenogenesis in moths and bees, a contribution to the history of reproduction in animals
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London, John Van Voorst, Paternoster Row, 1857
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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
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lines 17—21 score
from End Slip 1 annotation p.4 long life of Spermatozoa — p.61

lines 17—26 score
lines 17—26 annotation rudimentary state
from End Slip 1 annotation 34 Female Psyches in rudimentary condition

lines 10—15 score

line 22 annotation why ?

lines 23—33 annotation They are not fully developed & therefore are in degree in larvae state

lines 25—28 score
from End Slip 1 annotation 53 Dzierzon on unfertilized eggs producing drones

lines 24—28 score

lines 24—26 score
from End Slip 1 annotation p.4 long life of Spermatozoa — p.61

line 4 underline "variety"
lines 3—6 score
lines 3—6 annotation F. Smith calls species
from End Note 2 annotation 68 to 75 vars of Bees;
from End Slip 1 annotation 68 Differences of Italian Bees — dark Bees appear amongst the Italian Bees Apis Ligustica p71.

lines 8—19 score
line 9 underline "rusty ... colour"

lines 23—26 score

line 24 underline "amongst ... yellow"

line 27 underline "praesentior ... magis"

bottom-margin annotation V. original German to see whether in same hive

lines 1—3 score
from End Slip 1 annotation 69 Golden Bees more industrious & better tempered

line 5 underline "gold ... Bees"

line 6 underline "together"

line 10 underline "cum ... alvo"
line 10 annotation same hive

line 16 underline "rectioribus cruribus"
line 16 annotation ask F. Smith

lines 20—22 score

line 25 underline "1806"

line 29 underline "Lago Maggiore"

line 32 underline "according ... Spinola"

line 33 underline "also ... Piedmont"

lines 35—39 score

lines 1—8 score
from End Note 1 annotation p.70 order F. Smith get good description of Italian Bees
from End Slip 1 annotation 70 References to the Bienenzeitung

lines 20—22 underline "From ... bee"

lines 21—25 score

lines 40—42 score
lines 40—42 annotation order this book

line 10 underline "crossings"
top-margin annotation I must ascertain whether this refers to pure Italian Mothers.
from End Slip 1 annotation 68 Differences of Italian Bees — dark Bees appear amongst the Italian Bees Apis Ligustica p71.

lines 14—16 score
lines 14—16 underline "⟨most of line⟩"

line 14 at "Italian" annotation crossed??

line 20 underline "only"

line 21 crossing-out "Such"
lines 21—24 score
lines 21—24 annotation I do not understand V. original

lines 24—32 annotation clearly much crossing has taken freely place & yet fertile
from End Slip 1 annotation 72 fertile when crossed

line 5 underline "hybrid hives"

lines 13—15 score
line 14 at "hybrid" annotation ized

line 18 at "hybrid" annotation ised

lines 19—20 score

lines 16—19 score

lines 34—36 score

lines 7—12 score
from End Note 2 annotation 68 to 75 vars of Bees;

line 14 crossing-out "otherwise ... say"

line 20 at "hybrid" annotation ised

lines 25—34 score

lines 27—32 score
from End Slip 1 annotation 106 sexes in Parthenogenesis

lines 19—23 score
from End Note 2 annotation 107; 107 Hooker — Gall-insects male & female in different galls
from End Slip 1 annotation 107 on differences of sexes according to conditions of life of larvae of certain Hymenopter. insects.