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Journal Title
A treatise on the geography and classification of animals
Publication Details
London, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green & Longman, Taylor, 1835
Holding Institution
Natural History Museum Library, London
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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Annotation Not Available

lines 34—38 score
lines 34—38 annotation Motacilla — nightingale

lines 19—31 score

lines 7—18 score
from Front Note 2 annotation p.8. Each country is said to have an original breed of own domesticated quadrupeds.—
from End Slip annotation 8 says neither temp — food, foes &c account for local distribution — good to quote him as an example of ignorance — something must check —

lines 35—39 score

lines 1—6 score
from Front Note 2 annotation p12 General aspect of forms from different countries
from End Slip annotation 12 show how climate is given up. What a contrast between Java & Madagascar N. Guinea. New Zealand & N. Caledonia as far as is size of Mammals.

top-margin annotation New Zealand Caledonia New Guinea contrasted with Sumatra &c &c & England
from Front Note 2 annotation p.17 No large animals in Madagascar

lines 4—9 score
line 5 score
line 5 underline "absence ... Madagascar"

lines 11—16 score

lines 15—29 score
from Front Note 2 annotation p.21 waders peculiar to Europe
from End Slip annotation 21 Waders greatest ranging Birds

lines 27—35 score
lines 32—35 score
from Front Note 2 annotation p.22 Parrots confined to particular Isls —

lines 22—25 score
from Front Note 2 annotation p.24 soft billed birds best characters taken from—

lines 11—16 score
from Front Note 2 annotation p.26 Many genera in Europe

lines 21—39 score

lines 1—13 score

lines 30—35 score
lines 30—35 annotation because better known?

lines 7—20 score
lines 10—11 o

line 35 o
line 35 underline "perfectly naturalized"

bottom-margin apparently unintentional mark

lines 29—30 o

lines 5—6 o

lines 12—13 o

lines 23—38 score

lines 22—39 score
from Front Note 2 annotation 49 2 Lions

lines 24—30 score
from Front Note 2 annotation 50 Malacca birds peculiar
from End Slip annotation 50 Analogy of S. Asia & Africa (Probably much extinction in Tropics series before glacial period)

lines 1—10 score
lines 1—10 annotation like Elephants driven down

lines 41—43 score
from Front Note 2 annotation 55 European birds go to Asia not v versa

lines 2—7 score
from Front Note 2 annotation 58 North Australia like Africa

lines 9—11 score
lines 9—11 annotation ? Brown

lines 28—36 score
from Front Note 2 annotation 69 Mexican Ornithology

lines 8—9 o

lines 8—10 o

lines 20—24 o

lines 7—9 o

lines 35—38 o

top-margin annotation Monkeys even in Cape 35°!

lines 1—2 annotation N. America

lines 5—11 score

lines 30—38 score

lines 21—31 score
from Front Note 2 annotation 106 Australi genus in S. Africa

lines 38—40 score

lines 31—39 score
from End Note annotation p107 Barn Owl S. Africa

lines 31—39 score
from Front Note 2 annotation 110 Madagascar

lines 2—18 score
from End Slip annotation 111 on relation of Mammals of Madagascar & India

lines 31—39 score

lines 29—33 score

lines 1—21 score
lines 20—24 annotation Mem Brown on Birds
from Front Note 2 annotation 115 Australia & 118

lines 1—13 score
lines 8—11 annotation !
lines 4—8 annotation Opossums make nests

lines 2—28 score
from Front Note 2 annotation 115 Australia & 118

lines 18—26 score

lines 35—37 o

top-margin annotation Every word in this page will serve for the Caracara — an aberrant Eagle

lines 1—36 score

top-margin annotation It would appear that some circles unite many characters & varied adaptations others more confined

lines 4—7 score

lines 29—36 score