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Book Title
The naturalist in Bermuda
Publication Details
London, Reeves & Turner, 1859
Holding Institution
Cambridge University Library
Copyright & Usage
Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

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In copyright

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

annotation vertically crossedin brown ink IX
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annotation vertically crossedin brown ink X in 1609
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annotation vertically crossedin brown ink 11    2 Bats
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annotation vertically crossedin brown ink 12
     27 to 38
     (Read to 66)t01
     to end—
     p. 190.—
t01 - `(Read to 66)' horizontally crossed
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annotation in brown ink over pencil [right-hand side] vry peculiar Soil
show subjects concepts

annotation in brown ink ☞ { No peculiar Birds; good
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annotation in brown ink ☞■ {■ Audubons flight across Bays cuttg off distance explains case.—
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annotation    Jones' Bermuda
show subjects concepts

annotation IX    Sea-Birds tame on discovry of Isd■    ■
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annotation X    Hogs run wild & swarmed
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annotation p. 1. 3 mice
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annotation p 12    At discovery 1609 no rats & mice
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annotation 12 «to» 16 [corrected from `13'] «to»    on migrations of Bats — occasional (like Birds)
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annotation 27 to 84    Migrations of Birds (p 174 Blank season)
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annotation 30 European Lark killed in Bermuda■ !    p■ 45 Land-Rail do
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annotation 43 variation in tail-feathers in Snipes
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annotation 67 case of wanderers of same species as resident

annotation 70 case of enormous migrations    72 do
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annotation 76    probalbe rate of flight in Plover drng migration    lines 30—35 miles per hour
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annotation 98 Scincus    no Batrachians
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annotation 115 Hony-bee perhaps Apis caffra
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annotation 121    Only 3 nocturnal Lepidoptera
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annotation 133 Antigua    Orange-trees all destryd by Coccus

annotation p. 117 Ants vry destructive to «Rabbit Poultry .»
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annotation 172 Imported poultry all die .
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annotation 190 Sapindus saponaria now growing in Governrs Garden, raised from sea-drifted «seed.—»
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annotation ―    Gulf Stream occasionally wanders frm course & brings timbers to Bermuda

annotation 191    At Azores trees torn up by roots & 2 dead were washed ashore
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annotation     (See Back)
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