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Book Title
Essay on the physiognomy of serpents
Publication Details
Edinburgh, Maclachlan, Stewart & Co, 1843
Holding Institution
Cambridge University Library
Copyright & Usage
Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

Copyright Status:
In copyright

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

annotation 10 Many innocuous serpents «(Q)» have grooved teeth p42 on do. «important» —47 (Q)
show subjects subjects

annotation 22 Snakes & Lizards a good gap well filled up    p 24
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show subjects concepts

annotation 26 Great changes in position of viscera owing to shape «(Q)» of body «correlatn Ch 7» ; & gret differenc in differnt «forms» External organs more constant

annotation 27 Number of vertebrae differing in s■ame species

annotation 38 Rudiments of posterior extremities in 3 genera

annotation 45 Snakes with tips of ribs forming teeth (Q)
show subjects subjects

annotation 55 ‹Pancreas› «Spleen» differs in species & varies in individuals. (Q)

annotation 80 Crotalus mutus has spinet01 not rattle (N.Q)
t01 - underlined in reddish-orange crayon
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annotation 146. Coluber canus only species of genus in S. Africa & abnormal species
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annotation 199 ∗ Snakes in Isls of Pacific
show subjects subjects

annotation 203 Section of genus Elaps, trifling distinction in S. America (& shows persistenc «of trifling characters»
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annotation 206 Corvus cornix & Corone breeding at Dresden (Ch. 4)

annotation 207 Sardinia has many vars. (but not many distinct species)
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annotation 218 Many Mammals of Japan identical

annotation 219 Saurians & snakes of Japan all distinct from Europe. Frogs th same !

annotation 222 «to 226, 8 — to 235» The Monkey of Timor a darker var. this looks as if endemic & other Mammals.

annotation Much on Zoology of Malay Arch.    Philippines & Ceylon allied !

annotation 240 N. America in Reptiles seems to have derived from South (do not range far N.

annotation p. 10
     p. 21
     p. 26, 7 to 55
     197 to end
show subjects concepts

annotation vertically crossed It might be worth looking to great work to see if he argues his local varieties.

annotation { Many for Java & Celebes
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