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Book Title
Sur la production et la fixation des variétés dans les plantes d'ornement
Publication Details
Paris, J.B. Baillière, 1865
Holding Institution
Cambridge University Library
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Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
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Annotation Not Available

annotation in Darwin's hand, in reddish-orange crayon      Verlot
show subjects concepts

annotation p. 4 & 5 Bud-variationt01 —goodt02
t01 - `p. 4 ... Bud-variation' horizontally crossed in Darwin's hand
t02 - `—good' in Darwin's hand, in pencil

annotation 11 — Hybridization , facts on Bryanthus «genera» &t01
t01 - `, facts ... &' in Darwin's hand, in pencil
show subjects subjects

annotation horizontally crossed in Darwin's hand in pencil 14 case of Datura illustrating Cytisus Adami
show subjects subjects

annotation 20 ✔t01 Leptosiphon «Polemoniaceae» t02 case of crossing naturally
t01 - `✔' in Darwin's hand, in reddish-orange crayon
t02 - `« Polemoniaceae» ' in Darwin's hand, in pencil
show subjects concepts

annotation horizontally crossed in Darwin's hand in pencil 28 . Vilmorin on selecting greatest durations «p. 31»

annotation cancelled in Darwin's hand in blue crayon 30 causes of variation — age of seed age of seed & time when gathered

annotation vertically crossed in Darwin's hand in pencil 32. ✔t01 Individual plants of same variety alone having power of transmission
t01 - `✔' in Darwin's hand, in reddish-orange crayon

annotation 34. individual dwarf Ageratum sterile
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annotation vertically crossed in Darwin's hand in pencil 38. case of dwarf Saponaria with no power of transmission.
     p. 39 another «✔»t01 dwarf with strongest power.
t01 - `✔' in Darwin's hand, in reddish-orange crayon
show subjects subjects

annotation vertically crossed in Darwin's hand in pencil 42 Macnab on different effect on offspring of pollen from difft anthers «of differn size» t01 in Rhododendron —
t01 - `« of differn size» ' in Darwin's hand, in pale pencil

annotation 46. on crossing Tropical & Temperate Amaryllis case like Rhod. Arboreum.

annotation vertically crossed in Darwin's hand in pencil 54 inheritance of purple beech & of purple barbary. Used in Ch XIt01
t01 - `Used in ... XI' in Darwin's hand, in pencil

annotation 56 principle of the 3 colours in flowers.

annotation vertically crossed in Darwin's hand in pencil 59. white flowers very rarely vary into other colours.

annotation cancelled in Darwin's hand in pencil 63 Vilmorin on «origin of» stripedt01 flowers being
t01 - `« origin of» striped' in Darwin's hand

annotation vertically crossed in Darwin's hand in pencil «I think partly used»t01 66. case of partial reversion. Good. I shew also from crossing .
t01 - `I think ... used' in Darwin's hand, in pencil

annotation [alongside next two annotations] in Darwin's hand, in pencil Copy of Dichog Index
show subjects concepts

annotation 66 Vars. of Convolvulus, Antirrhynum «✔»t01 & Nemophila naturally crossing good as I know the 2 former are self-fertile
     71 Do on Dianthus
t01 - `✔' in Darwin's hand, in reddish-orange crayon

annotation |t01 72 some plants Tomatos Pimentos &c said never to cross naturally. ]t02
t01 - `|' in Darwin's hand, in reddish-orange crayon
t02 - `]' in Darwin's hand, in pencil
show subjects subjects

annotation 72. Cases of corellation of colour of flower & seed. (Q)t01
t01 - `(Q)' in Darwin's hand, in pencil

annotation 74 White spotted leaves inherited «partly Q.» t01
t01 - `« partly Q.» ' in Darwin's hand, in pencil

annotation horizontally crossed in Darwin's hand in pencil 80 Hose & hose primrose sterile
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annotation [alongside next annotation] in Darwin's hand, in pencil (Used)
show subjects concepts

annotation vertically crossed in Darwin's hand in pencil 84 Stocks producing mostly double plants quite sterile & a few single-flowered plants by which race is propagated, illustrates production of neutral ants.
show subjects subjects

annotation cancelled in Darwin's hand in pencil 85 Old seeds positively said to produce most double flowers not since disputed.t01
t01 - `not since disputed.' in Darwin's hand, in pencil

annotation vertically crossed in Darwin's hand in pencil 86 «Bears also on selection, knowledge of Vars»t01 case of gardener who cd distinguish 150 vars of Camellia when not in «flower»
t01 - `Bears also ... Vars' in Darwin's hand, in dark grey ink
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annotation vertically crossed in Darwin's hand in pencil 88 4 cases of monstrous flowers which can be inherited & therefore are not sterile.

annotation cancelled in Darwin's hand in pale pencil 89 & 90 On Peloria of Linaria
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show subjects concepts

annotation horizontally crossed in Darwin's hand in pencil 92 Var. horrida oft01 «(Usedt02 common hawthorn
t01 - `Var. horrida of' cancelled in Darwin's hand in pale pencil
t02 - `(Used)' in Darwin's hand, in pale pencil
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annotation cancelled in Darwin's hand in pencil 93 . on inheritance of weeping trees
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

annotation cancelled in Darwin's hand in pencil 94 . Exaggeration of fastigate habit in seedling Irish yew.—
show subjects subjects