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Book Title
Flora indica: being a systematic account of the plants of British India, together with observations on the structure and affinities of their natural orders and genera
Publication Details
London, W. Pamplin, 1855
Holding Institution
Cambridge University Library
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Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

line 9 underline "descriptions"
line 8 underline "definitions"
lines 9—8 annotation ?

lines 15—11 score

lines 2—11 score

lines 1—4 score

[continuation] 2 underline "dry ... lower"
lines 2—8 score
lines 2—8 annotation How absolutely opposed to Gardner & Bromfield
lines 9—10 underline "Such ... is"
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation 27 .Dry hot lower hills of Central India poor in species

lines 12—17 double score
line 14 annotation (a)
bottom-margin annotation in pale pencil (a) Everywhere existing conditions of existence thought to be cause
show subjects subjects

lines 7—11 score

line 11 underline "2"
lines 12—20 score
lines 16—18 underline "habit ... exposures"
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation 30 Division of vars. of more permanent which accompany change of locality ?? (Ch 4)t01
t01 - `(Ch 4)' in pale pencil

lines 11—5 score
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation 30 Cedar of Lebanon & Deodar

line 8 score

[continuation] 1—2 score
lines 1—2 underline "is ... continuous"
lines 1—2 annotation ⸮⸮
show subjects subjects

lines 3—8 score

lines 19—21 score

lines 1—5 score
line 2 underline "Gentiana"
lines 3—4 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X
from End Note 1 annotation in pale pencil (Glacial Epoch
     p. 87
     p. 101
     p. 103, 4
show subjects concepts

lines 1—4 score
top-marginline 4 annotation Can thy have travlled up ?
from End Note 1 annotation in pale pencil (Glacial Epoch
     p. 87
     p. 101
     p. 103, 4

lines 20—23 score
line 19 annotation X
lines 16—24 annotation When these connected the few Australians arrived in Ceylon.
from End Note 1 annotation in pale pencil 104 Khasia & India & Java

lines 1—2 score
top-margin annotation I presume absent in Tropics

lines 23—16 score

lines 11—8 double score
lines 11—10 underline "mountain ... Africa"
from End Note 1 annotation in pale pencil (Glacial Epoch
     p. 87
     p. 101
     p. 103, 4

from End Slip, Side 2 annotation 113 Connection of Africa & India, especially mountain plants .p. 129 do p 152

lines 15—10 double score
lines 15—1 annotation like ancient Fossils . There are living Fossils.
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation 207— Orders of limited extent point in mny directions, just like Cucurbitaceae of Wight, though he took distinctness as element.—

lines 30—38 score
lines 34—36 annotation (Q)
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation 218 Berberis some species evergreen, somes deciduous & some varialbe —(so in Privets ? & Oaks). (Q)

lines 20—15 score
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation 233 «& 34» t01 on remarkalbe structural differences in member of same Family .p. 234
t01 - `« & 34» ' in pale brown ink

lines 3—6 score
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation 237 In Khasia orchids 1/12 of vegetation

lines 3—6 score
line 5 underline "first ... plants"
line 3 annotation What ?—
show subjects subjects

lines 21—17 score in pale pencil
lines 17—8 score in dark pencil
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation 237 Point of classification

whole-margin score in pale pencil
lines 10—7 double score in dark pencil
whole-margin annotation in dark pencil If these characters did not vary & so in Barberies they wd. be good species.
from End Note 2 annotation 243 to 248 | Ask Hooker

lines 1—6 score
lines 2—4 annotation “    ”
from End Note 2 annotation 243 to 248 | Ask Hooker
from End Slip, Side 3 annotation p 248 “structure of grave interest in a Physiological point of view, but of no weight in systematics”

lines 26—28 score
lines 28—31 score
from End Note 2 annotation 243 to 248 | Ask Hooker

lines 7—3 score
line 7bottom-margin annotation Is having a style a peculiarity

[continuation] 1—3 score
from End Slip, Side 3 annotation 259 Corydalis one of few genera with many speces in Himalayas, in which majority are remarkably distinct.—

lines 33—34 score
from End Slip, Side 3 annotation 259 Corydalis one of few genera with many speces in Himalayas, in which majority are remarkably distinct.—

top-margin annotation 2./
show subjects concepts

lines 22—33 score
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation p. 2. On Highness & Lowness — Low variable (Q)
show subjects subjects

lines 19—12 score
lines 19—12 annotation (Q)
show subjects subjects

lines 5—10 score
lines 5—10 annotation Shows how vars. & species run into each other
lines 15—11 score
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation p. 13. Remarks that local Botanists new species makers. (Ch. 4)

lines 3—5 score
line 3 underline "quickens"
line 3 annotation ?

lines 20—22 score
lines 20—22 annotation !

line 24 underline "but ... in"

lines 19—17 score
line 19 underline "species ... others"
lines 16—9 score
lines 14—13 )
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation ― Cannon. [he means `Canon.'] Similar climate in distant areas not inhabited by same or similar plants
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation p. 24 Says generally plants vary more in one climate than another (Ch. 4)

lines 5—1 score
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation 28 Ranunculus speces of widely diffused, therefore variable (Q)

lines 3—6 score
lines 5—7 annotation (Q)
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation 28 Individual variation ( Ch. 4)

lines 9—10 double score
lines 8—6 score
lines 8—6 score in dark pencil

lines 15—16 score
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation 29. Organs least modified vary most XX

lines 1—4 score
lines 1—4 annotation Why put under 2d. Head?

lines 15—7 score
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation 37 Many extrardinry instances of deficiencies, as no Oaks & Pines — Caution about Islands. «Woodpecker & Vulture in Australia»

lines 2—5 score
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation 41. India & Java frmerly continuous ! Argues against chance introductions as too harmonious;— ‹th same argumt› look at dispersal of Boulders.—

lines 9—11 score
lines 8—10 annotation !

lines 14—19 score
lines 15—23 annotation are not oceanic currents Harmonious; look at drift deposits.—
show subjects subjects

[continues overleaf] lines 7—6 score
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation 41. Good remarks on strife of Plants
show subjects subjects

line 17 underline "A. atrata"
line 18 underline "A. Pyrenaica"
line 19 underline "A. viscosa"
line 22 underline "A. pubiflora"
line 23 underline "A. nigricans"
line 27 underline "A. alpina"
line 28 underline "A. glandulosa"
line 29 underline "A. jucunda"
line 32 underline "A. Pyrenaica"
line 33 underline "A. leptoceras"
line 34 underline "A. Kanawerensis"
line 35 underline "A. glandulosa"
line 36 underline "A. fragrans"
line 37 underline "A. Moorcroftiana"
line 38 underline "A. Olympica"

lines 5—9 score
lines 5—9 annotation see next Page
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation 82. Mean temps of Equatorial Zones (?) for Glacial — «at 30° of Lat. 1 for each degrees» 1° for 300 ft ∴ 3000 = 10° of Lat.
show subjects subjects

lines 9—22 score
from End Note 1 annotation in pale pencil (Glacial Epoch
     p. 87
     p. 101
     p. 103, 4

from End Slip, Side 2 annotation 87. Lower Himalaya & plants of Ceylon at 8000ft, often identified. (Glacial)

lines 20—23 score
line 22 underline "but ... species"

lines 10—6 score
lines 10—6 annotation Have you list ? Several species of same genus?
lines 5—1 score
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation 92 Local numerous assemblages of species «only» commonest on temperate & sub-alpine districts.

lines 15—9 score
line 15 underline "Malay peninsula"
line 15 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X
lines 5—1 score
lines 2—1 score in pale pencil
lines 4—3 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X
from End Note 1 annotation in pale pencil (Glacial Epoch
     p. 87
     p. 101
     p. 103, 4

lines 6—9 score
line 7 annotation X

lines 11—14 score

lines 19—23 score
from End Note 1 annotation in pale pencil 105 Japan & China

lines 12—8 score
line 11 annotation (a)
bottom-margin annotation (a) I suppose these species are found in temperate China : this is important. —
from End Note 1 annotation in pale pencil 105 Japan & China
show subjects concepts

lines 1—3 score
line 1 annotation in reddish-orange crayon over pencil X

lines 11—22 score
line 17 annotation in reddish-brown crayon over pencil X
from End Note 1 annotation in pale pencil (Glacial Epoch
     p. 87
     p. 101
     p. 103, 4

lines 8—11 score
line 9 underline "Few ... identity"
lines 10—16 score

lines 17—13 score
lines 19—7 annotation Wandering species seem to connect whole world.— together
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation ― Abnormal vry wide rangers but disconnected ??t01 p. 165 do ( opposed tot02
t01 - `but disconnected ??' in pale brown ink
t02 - `( opposed to' in pale brown ink

[continues overleaf] lines 5—3 double score
lines 2—1 score
line 1 underline "identity of species"
bottom-margin annotation Identical Species & representative going together.
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation 114 Cases of identical & reprentative species in remote & exceptional areas

line 1 crossing-out "Western"
line 1 annotation East/
show subjects concepts

lines 11—12 underline "Vaccinium, Gaultheria"
line 12 underline "Rhododendron"
line 13 underline "Rubus, Cotoneaster"
from End Note 1 annotation in pale pencil (Glacial Epoch
     p. 87
     p. 101
     p. 103, 4

line 17 underline "Viburnum ... Rosa"
from End Note 1 annotation in pale pencil (Glacial Epoch
     p. 87
     p. 101
     p. 103, 4

lines 19—20 score
from End Note 1 annotation in pale pencil (Glacial Epoch
     p. 87
     p. 101
     p. 103, 4

bottom-margin apparently unintentional mark

lines 18—16 score
line 17 annotation (a)
whole-margin annotation It wd be worth seeing in all such cases, whether there were small aberrant genera, indicating extinction. There were cases before in Book.
     (Myrsine at Cape & Abyssinia a case ??)
     It is only species common to distant points of continents, & when accidental sea-carriage out of case.

from End Slip, Side 2 annotation ― Abnormal vry wide rangers but disconnected ??t01 p. 165 do ( opposed tot02
t01 - `but disconnected ??' in pale brown ink
t02 - `( opposed to' in pale brown ink

lines 10—4 score

lines 1—2 score
lines 1—2 annotation !
from End Note 2 annotation 243 to 248 | Ask Hooker

lines 10—12 score
line 11 underline "being ... structure"
from End Slip, Side 3 annotation 249. Connecting link between two Nat. Fam.

lines 1—4 score
lines 1—2 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X
from End Note 1 annotation in pale pencil (Glacial Epoch
     p. 87
     p. 101
     p. 103, 4