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Book Title
De l'espèce et des races dans les êtres organisés et spécialement de l'unité de l'espèce humaine
Publication Details
Paris, J.B. Baillière et Fils, 1859
Holding Institution
Cambridge University Library
Copyright & Usage
Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

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In copyright

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

annotation     Godron sur l' Espece All abstracted for my 1' vol. separately .—t01
t01 - `All abstracted ... .—' in pencil

annotation Vol I
show subjects concepts

annotation 36 change in range of Sparrow
show subjects subjects

annotation 77 on naturalised plants frm hotter countres becomig extinct —    one good case of plant naturalised , yet not setting seed —    like Ivy under nature
show subjects subjects

annotation 90    curious special adaptation t particular localities in plants p. 95

annotation 120 «& 124» Batrachian Ranunculus    2 kinds of Leaves, —means of Transition .
show subjects subjects

annotation 134    Pu■erile ■t quot Pompeian & Aegyptian remains, as nothng in antiquity «to pre-Glacial Remains»

annotation 148 cases of seeds long buried coming up

annotation 160 case of ‹va› ancient variety of Mercurialis
show subjects subjects

annotation 168    on th facility with which Aegilops triticoides is produced
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

annotation 181.    Hybrids of Partridge —
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

annotation p. 183 cases of copulation of distinct molluscs so no repugnance under nature    p. 196 Hybrid Pheasants
show subjects subjects

annotation 195 [he means `193'] Antiquity of Common Mule in Bible
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

annotation 247    references about Hybrid — Papers
show subjects concepts

annotation 249    Fertility of Hybrids    p 250
show subjects concepts

annotation in pencil 391    No stripe on Black Ass
show subjects subjects

annotation p10 — Histry of Believers in Mutation

annotation 19
     30 to
     58 to    ■
     to       ■
show subjects concepts

annotation --------

annotation deleted no marks—
show subjects concepts

annotation in dark pencil 341
     346 to end of volume
show subjects concepts

annotation in brown ink { Book by Gervais referrd to. on Zoologies }
show subjects concepts

annotation p 10    History of ‹Mutations› Believers of Mutatn

annotation     --------