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Book Title
Contributions to the natural history of the United States of North America. vol. 1, part 1
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[s.n.], [s.n.], n.d
Holding Institution
Cambridge University Library
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Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

top-margin annotation Charles Darwin Esq from his friend the Author

annotation     Agassiz on Classification
show subjects subjects

annotation p.5    My valuation of Grups.

annotation 10    Agassiz explanation of Rudimnts
show subjects subjects

annotation 15    Ambylopsis vy remote affinities.
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show subjects concepts

annotation p.15    Proteus    affinities of
show subjects subjects
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annotation 24    Admits tht Vertebrata «p.31» probably arose with other types . Well may he say what changes (p. 24) has 30 years produced. in date of appearance of grupst01
t01 - `in date ... grups' in pencil
show subjects subjects

annotation 30    Isolated Fam. of Fishes.— «p.42. do» / Fresh-water abnormals
show subjects subjects

annotation 37    Admits tht conditions do not explain distribution

annotation 38    No class exist without havng som cosmopolitan genera

annotation 39    On creation of nmber of individuals.
show subjects concepts

annotation 41.    Quotes Waterhouse of reprsntation of all orders by Marsupials in Australia

annotation 44    curious table of relations of Scincus with no relation to geograph. Distribution
show subjects subjects

annotation 49    Aquatic animals bigger than terrestrial

annotation 53    same species have lived for 30,000 years «or 200,000 years» as inferrd frm coral-reefs.
show subjects concepts

annotation 58    Chelonians much individual variability.
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

annotation 61    On Lungs of spiders not really two kinds.
show subjects subjects

annotation 74.    Possible explanation of th strange Mollusc within Synapta
show subjects subjects

annotation 82 On Classification of Fishes.
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

annotation 100 «& 113 & 115» On Embryological & geological Succession    .107 «to 111» Classificatory rank & Geolog. Succession.—

annotation 102    Lund on succession of Types.

annotation 117    On combinations of characters in old Forms
show subjects subjects

annotation 124    Parasites. belong to all orders (.«no» Strepsiptera)
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annotation     |--------|

annotation 162    the sentence from Linnaeus about genera
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

annotation 166    idea of sp. proceeding from single pair almost given up by «all» naturalists !

annotation 172    on th Development of parts in order of importance : I suspect ‹for› «importance» «applies solely to being important for» classification; if so simple case, as might be expected.

annotation 225    on degrees of resemblance of embryos