Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 68 (1) 2021, 139-164 | DOI 10.3897/dez.68.61819 eee ee BERLIN Records and descriptions of caddisflies from Natma Taung National Park and adjacent localities in the Chin Hills of Myanmar (Insecta, ‘Trichoptera) Wolfram Mey!?, Hans Malicky? 1 Museum fir Naturkunde, Leibniz Institute of Evolution and Biodiversity Research, Invalidenstr. 43, D — 10115 Berlin, Germany 2 Sonnengasse 13, A — 3293 Lunz am See, Austria http://zoobank. org/28566A43-1E66-49C4-BFS8E-F'422762C 3328 Corresponding author: Wolfram Mey (wolfram.mey@gmx.de) Academic editor: Susanne Randolf # Received 8 December 2020 @ Accepted 19 February 2021 @ Published 26 March 2021 Abstract During several excursions to the Chin Hills of Myanmar from 2001 to 2015, rich collections of caddisflies were made which form the basis of the present taxonomic and biogeographic study. A total of 106 species were identified including seven new species. They are described as Arctopsyche subflava sp. nov., Hydromanicus abdominalis sp. nov., Cheumatopsyche janosolahi sp. nov., Lepidostoma subpanaitos sp. nov., Aplatyphylax pumilus sp. nov., Adicella natmataungensis sp. nov. and Triaenodes mindatensis sp. nov. Illustrations of the male genitalia and images of the adults are provided. Two species names were recognised as junior syn- onyms: Hydropsyche athamas Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 2000, = Hydropsyche januha Olah & Barnard, 2008, syn. nov.; Hy- dropsyche khasigiri Olah & Barnard, 2008, = Hydropsyche kiogupa Olah & Schefter, 2008, syn. nov. In an attempt to determine the biogeographic character of the fauna, the known ranges of all resident species were plotted into three longitudinal transects from 85°—95°E, 95—98°E and 98°—108°E, ranging from the eastern Himalayas to northern Vietnam. About half of the species have ranges extending over all three transects. The fauna is equally composed of western and eastern species qualifying the Chin Hills as part of a transition zone including palearctic elements. Most of the species, which are widely distributed in south-east Asia, are members of the suborder Annulipalpia. The investigations of the authors yielded 77 autochtho- nous species, which have been unrecorded from the country including the newly-described taxa. This brings the number of species records from Mynamar to 304. Key Words inventory, new species descriptions, new synonyms, Oriental Faunistic Region, Palaearctic Faunistic Region, transition zone Introduction Local inventories are key data resources for measuring insect diversity, recognising ranges of taxa and planning conservation activities. Inventories provide enduring in- formation and are archives of life, assuming that the sam- pled material is stored and conserved adequately. Many such inventories are needed in each country to reveal the general and unique features of a country’s insect fauna and of the biogeographic regions of which the country is a part. There is only one locality in Myanmar which can be regarded as intensively sampled for Trichoptera, the area around Kambaiti in the Miytkyina District of the Kachin Province. It is about 5 km from the Yunnan border and sit- uated at an elevation of 2000 m. The collector was René Malaise and his wife Ebba. The couple spent three and a half months at this place in 1934 collecting huge amounts of insects by using traps designed by R. Malaise and later named after him (Vardal and Taeger 2011). Back in Swe- den, the material was sorted to systematic groups and sent out to specialists for identification and description. The Trichoptera were studied first by A. V. Martynov, M. S. Mosely and D. E. Kimmins for material sent to the former British Museum (Natural History), London, today the Natural History Museum, London. They included in their studies additional material from collections made during Copyright Wolfram Mey, Hans Malicky. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 140 Wolfram Mey & Hans Malicky: Caddisflies from Natma Taung National Park the British colonial times in India and Burma. Later on, examination of the Malaise material was continued by F. Schmid, H. Malicky, K. Johanson, J. Olah and others. A complete list of species was, however, not published by these authors. This task was accomplished by Wityi et al. (2015), who retrieved and compiled all species descrip- tion from the various publications of Martynov, Mosely, Kimmins, Schmid, Malicky and others. Moreover, they provided the first synopsis of the Trichoptera of Myan- mar, not only based on literature, but with the addition of results from their own fieldwork in the Chin Hills in Myanmar from 2012-2014. In recent years, fieldwork in Myanmar was started by P. Laudee from his base in Thailand. He carried out some collecting trips to various localities in eastern Myanmar. The results of his excur- sions were new species descriptions which were pub- lished afterwards in close cooperation with H. Malicky (e.g. Laudee and Malicky 2018). In 2002, the first author (WM) joined an excursion to the Chin Hills organised by Dr. Stefan Naumann (SN) (Berlin), who travelled to the area the year before in search of Saturniidae and Eupterotidae (Lepidoptera, Macroheterocera), lepidopteran families for which he is one of the world’s leading specialists. With the partici- pation of WM, the objectives of the 2002 excursion were extended to include Microlepidoptera and Trichoptera in an effors to gather information from this then largely unexplored mountain range. During this short excursion, adult caddisflies were sampled at several locations and altitudes in the Natma Taung National Park (NTNP) and in adjacent areas. SN visited the Chin Hills repeatedly in subsequent years until 2015 and brought back addition- al samples of caddisflies that he donated to the Museum fur Naturkunde, Berlin (MfN). Examination of the col- lected material immediately started after returning from Myanmar in 2002, but came to an abrupt stop due to more urgent commitments of the first author. The study of the Trichoptera samples was resumed in 2019 and first re- sults were published by Malicky and Mey (2020). The purposes of the present article are to summarise all data on Trichoptera collected by the author and SN in the Chin Hills including the NTNP and to provide further new taxa descriptions. This information was used as an initial attempt to recognise species distribution patterns in SE Asia and to determine the biogeographic character of the fauna of the Chin Hills. The Chin Hills and the Natma Taung National Park The Natma Taung National Park (NTNP) is one of Myan- mars 43 currently existing protected areas (Beffasti and Galanti 2011). It is situated in the southern Chin Hills, Chin State, in western Myanmar, west of the Ayeyawad- dy River (= Irrawaddy River), occupying the higher ele- vations of this mountain range (Figs 1, 2A, B). The Chin Hills are part of the Burma Arc, a range of mountain systems extending for 700 km from the Eastern Himala- dez.pensoft.net yas in the north to the Arakan-Yoma range in the south. The Andaman and Nicobar Islands in the Gulf of Bengal are geologically the southern prolongation of this arc. The Burma Arc is of early Tertiary origin and was up- lifted by the docking of the Indo-Australian Plate to the Asian continent. It is part of the West Burma Block, a continental terrain of Gondwanan origin that was ac- creted together with other terrains to Asia in the Late Cretaceous (Metcalfe 1996). The Park covers an area of 723 km? and rises with the summit Natma Taung (= Vic- toria Peak) (Fig. 2F) to a height of 3051 m (Woo Shin Lee et al. 2016) The monsoon climate is characterised by a long rainy-wet season from May to early December with mean annual rainfall of 1,763 mm. Rain in the dry season and frosts at higher elevations occur regularly. In Kanpetlet, one of the three townships close to the NTNP, the mean annual minimum and maximum temperatures are about 12 °C and 25 °C, respectively. The vegetation of the NTNP was studied by Kingdon-Ward (1958). He differentiated three types of forest: monsoon forest up to 1000 m, subtropical evergreen forest from 1000-2130 m and temperate, semi-evergreen forest above the mist line to the summit. Trees of Quercus semicarpifolia, Pinus kesiya and Rhododentron arboretum dominate the veg- etation at high altitudes. NTNP was established in 1997 to preserve plant species endemism, rare birds and to protect the catchments of two large and several smaller rivers on which about 3 million people of the Chin tribe depend. The area is an important reservoir of plant and animal biodiversity. High plant species endemism and a number of different forest communities are outstand- ing features of the NTNP (Kingdon-Ward 1958; Kang et al. 2017). A first survey on the animal biodiversity was published by Woo Shin Lee et al. (2016) which con- tains chapters on conspicuous species of selected insect groups (Lepidoptera, Odonata, Coleoptera, Hemiptera, Orthoptera). Trichoptera and most other aquatic groups were not included. The presence of human settlements in the NTNP is increasingly impacting forests and bio- diversity. Shifting cultivation, the traditional way of life of the local Chin people and extensions of other agri- cultural activities are major threats to the National Park (see Fig. 2H). Material and methods Caddisflies were collected during various months in the Chin Hills from 2001 to 2015. The main sampling sites with coordinates and altitude are as follows: Falam, | km north-east, 22°54'49"N, 93°40'40"E, 1430— 1700 mas.l. Hakha, 1.5 km west, 22°38'43.94"N, 93°36'18.12"E, 2260 ma.s.l. Kanpetlet, 2 miles west, 21°12'N, 94°O1'E, 1700 m a.s.1. Kanpetlet, 6 miles west, area of Mt. Victoria, 21°12'N, 93°59'E, 2060 m a.s.l., Fig. 2A, F Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 68 (1) 2021, 139-164 ad 100°E S China 25°N 20°N 15°N Andaman 10°N 141 93°0'0"E 94°0'0"E Elevation (m) - High : 5696 24°0'0"N 23°0'0"N 22°0'0"N 21°0'0"N Figure 1. Map of Myanmar with the Chin Province outlined (left) and the position of the NTNP in the Chin State (right) Kanpetlet, 5 miles west, Myohaung Camp, 21°13'N, 93°S58'E, 1950 ma.s.l., Fig. 2C Kanpetlet, 8 miles camp, way to Mt. Victoria, 21°13'N, 93°5S'E, 2500 m a.s.1., Fig. 2D Mindat, 8 km west, Agricultural Research Station, 21°23.440'N, 93°52.478'E, 1916 ma.s.l. Mindat-Matupi road, 22 miles camp, 21°26.427'N, 93°47.121'E, 2286 ma.s.l., Fig. 2G Mindat-Matupi road, 30 miles camp, 21°29.782'N, 93°47.364'E, 2498 ma.s.l. Mindat, 16 miles west, 16 miles camp, 21°23'N, 93°50'E, 2500 ma.s.l. Mindat, 2 miles south-west, sign post at border to NTNP, 21°21'N, 93°57'E, 1280 ma.s.l., Fig. 2E Tiddim (Tedim), environment of Thaing-gnin, 23°22'33"N, 93°39'14"E, 2160-2310 ma.s.l. The sampling of caddisflies concentrated on adults, which were collected by sweeping the riparian vegetation along watercourses with hand-nets in the daytime. Collect- ing at night in 2002 was performed with a 12V battery-op- erated light-tower (2 x 15 Watt, superactinic light tubes, F. Weber Company, Stuttgart, Germany). The tower was in operation for about 4 hours starting at sunset and finish- ing, when the temperature dropped below 6 °C and insects ceased arriving. Most of the material, sampled by SN, was gathered at the lights by picking up the insects manually from a white sheet illuminated by a single 160 or 250 W bulb. The lamp was powered by a Honda Ex 350 generator. Most of the imagines were immediately preserved in ethyl alcohol (75%), while others were pinned or micro-pinned and stored dry in small boxes. Dry preserved specimens are indicated as pinned, while the remaining material is preserved in ethyl alcohol. The material is deposited in the Museum fiir Naturkunde, Berlin (MfN), with voucher specimens in the collection of the second author. In contrast to the practice for Lepidoptera, the descrip- tions of new species of Trichoptera are rarely accompa- dez.pensoft.net 142 Wolfram Mey & Hans Malicky: Caddisflies from Natma Taung National Park a ee ae ‘NATMATAUNG NATIONAL PARK - afer AREA.279.SQUARE MI } SCALE... LINCH.2.MILES ae Figure 2. Views from the NTNP. A. View to summit of Natma Taung (Mt. Victoria); B. Chin Hills, north of Kanpetlet; C. Myohaung Camp; D. Road to Mt. Victoria; E. Sign post and information table at the entrance to NTNP; F. SN and WM on top of Natma Taung; G. Stream crossing the road from Mindat to Matupi; H. Locality of shifting cultivation. dez.pensoft.net Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 68 (1) 2021, 139-164 nied by photos of the adults. Most articles about Trichop- tera in south-east Asia go without. We decided to publish images of some species, demonstrating in this way, the diversity of forms and colours of adults, including some types of new species described herein. Dissection of genitalia was performed according to the procedure described by Robinson (1976). The genitalia of small species were embedded in Euparal on permanent slides. Chlorazol Black was used for staining. The cleared abdomens of the larger species were transferred either into polyethylene vials with glycerine on the pins or placed to- gether with the corresponding specimens into alcohol vi- als. Prior to embedding on permanent microscope slide or into glycerine vials, genitalia were drawn using a camera lucida attached to a Leica MZ12 compound microscope. The illustrations were scanned and processed in Photo- shop. Photographic documentation of imagines and geni- talia were performed with a Nikon Coolpix. Terminology used in the description of the species follows common practice exemplified by Schmid (1998). The treatment of families and species are arranged in systematic order as applied by Malicky (2010). In order to obtain an idea about the biogeographic character of the Trichoptera fauna of the Chin Hills, dis- tributional data of the registered species were gathered from literature (Mosely 1936, 1942, 1948, 1949; Kim- mins 1950, 1953a, b, 1955, 1957; Schmid 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1991a, 1994a, b; Tian et al. 1996; Malicky 2000; Yang and Weaver 2002; Malicky 2005, 2007; Olah and Johanson 2008a, b, 2010; Malicky 2010; Mattern 2015; Yang et al. 2016; Morse 2020) and plotted into three longitudinal transects from 1) 85°-95°E, 2) 95— 98°E and 3) 98°-108°E. The transects were chosen with respect to the topography of the landscape between India and Vietnam south of China. The median transect cov- ers the watershed area of the Ayeyawaddy River includ- ing its extended lowlands, which are suspected by us to represent a distributional barrier between the Indian and Southeast-Asian Subregions. All identified species of the Chin Hills are listed sys- tematically according to family affiliation and, within those, in alphabetical order. Their known distributions are indicated by using country abbreviations in the three columns of the table representing the three transects. In- formation about the original description of the species, on bibliographic data and references to synonyms are available from the Trichoptera World Catalogue of Morse (2020). This catalogue was regularly consulted for check- ing the correct writing of taxonomic names. The biogeographic affinities of the new species, de- scribed from the Chin Hills, were derived from the loca- tion or range of their nearest relatives, which are noted and discussed in the diagnoses of the species descriptions. In some cases, the assignment is un-problematical (cf. Arctopsyche subflava sp. nov.), whereas in others, a clear assignment to one of the three transects was not possi- ble because closely-related species are present in several transects. The distributions of these species are indicated with an asterix (*) that may occur in more than one col- 143 umn. The comparison of species numbers per transect is thought to provide chorological patterns of Trichoptera species distributed in the area between the Himalayas and northern Vietnam. It is, admittedly, a rough analysis, but in the absence of sufficiently accumulated knowledge of range patterns, the method may provide some useful 1n- sights into the biogeographic character of the fauna of the Chin Hills and into the distribution patterns of species in south-east Asia and adjacent areas. Results Systematics and faunistics Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila assimilis Kimmins, 1953 Material. 5 ¢ 1 9, Myohaung Camp, 2060 m as.l., 3-5.x.2002, leg. W. Mey; 1 @ 1 9, 16 miles camp, 2500 m a.s.l., 11.x.2002, leg. W. Mey. Rhyacophila aureomaculata Schmid, 1970 Material. 2 4, 16 miles camp, 2500 m a.s.l., 11.x.2002, leg. W. Mey. Rhyacophila bifida Kimmins, 1953 Material. 1 4, 16 miles camp, 2500 m a.s.l., 10.x.2002, leg. W. Mey (pinned). Rhyacophila chenmo Schmid, 1970 Material. 1 3 1 9, 16 miles camp, 2500 m as.., 10.x.2002, leg. W. Mey (pinned). Rhyacophila curvata Morton, 1900 Material. 1 3, Mindat, 1453 m as.l., 21.v.2012, leg. S. Naumann (pinned). Rhyacophila lamael Malicky & Mey, 2020 Material. 4 3 (Holotype and paratypes), Myohaung Camp, 2060 m a.s.1., 3—5.x.2002, leg. W. Mey. Rhyacophila manipuri Schmid, 1970 Material. 1 @%, Myohaung Camp, 2060 m as.., 3—5.x.2002, leg. W. Mey. dez.pensoft.net 144 Rhyacophila marae Malicky & Mey, 2020 Material. 3 3 (Holotype and paratypes), Myohaung Camp, 2060 m a.s.1., 3—5.x.2002, leg. W. Mey. Rhyacophila parva Kimmins, 1953 Fig. 3B Material. 1 4, Myohaung Camp, 2060 m a.s.l., area of Mt. Victoria, 3—5.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey, photo 06/20, (pinned). Rhyacophila scissa Morton, 1900 Material. 2 4, 9 miles west of Mindat, 1960 m a.s.l., 9.x.2002, leg. W. Mey, (pinned); 2 <, 9 miles west of Mindat, 1960 m a.s.l., LF, 9.x.2002, leg. W. Mey, (pinned). Rhyacophila scissioides Kimmins, 1953 Fig. 3A Material. 2 4, Myohaung Camp, 2060 m a.s.l., area of Mt. Victoria, 3—5.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey, photo 02/20 (pinned); 2 3, 16 miles camp, 2500 m a.s.l., 10.x.2002, leg. W. Mey (pinned). Rhyacophila scotina Kimmins, 1953 Material. 1 4, 16 miles camp, 2500 m a.s.l., 10.x.2002, leg. W. Mey (pinned). Rhyacophila spp. Material. | 9, Kennedy Peak, 2690 m a.s.l., 18.v.2001, leg. S. Naumann (pinned); 1 2, 16 miles camp, 2500 m a.s.l., 10.x.2002, leg. W. Mey (pinned); 1 9, Min- dat — Matupi Road, 22 miles camp, 2266 m a.s.l., 14— 15.v..2012, leg. S. Naumann (pinned). Remarks. The female specimens cannot be assigned to any of the other collected species. They belong to three different species. Himalopsyche navasi Banks, 1940 Material. 1 9°, Tiddim, Thaing gnin Village, 2100 m a.s.l., 4-5.x1.2015, leg. S. Naumann (pinned) Hydrobiosidae Apsilochorema annandalei Martynovy, 1935 Material. 3 3, Mindat-Matupi road, 22 miles camp, 2286 m a.s.l., 14—15.v.2012, leg. S. Naumann dez.pensoft.net Wolfram Mey & Hans Malicky: Caddisflies from Natma Taung National Park Apsilochorema tanum Schmid, 1970 Material. 1 4, 16 miles camp, 2500 m a.s.1., 10.x.2002, leg. W. Mey Apsilochorema utchtchunam Schmid, 1970 Material. 1 4, 9 miles west of Mindat, 1960 ma.s.l., LF, 9.x.2002, leg. W. Mey Glossosomatidae Glossosoma atestas Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1992 Material. 2 3’, Tiddim, 1 km north-west of Thaing-gnin, 2160 m as.l., 17.v.2001. leg. S. Naumann; 1 3, Myo- haung Camp, 2060 m a.s.l., 3—5.x.2002, leg. W. Mey; 3 3, 9 miles west of Mindat, 1960 m a.s.1., 9.x.2002, leg. W. Mey, (pinned) Glossosoma dentatum McLachlan, 1875 Material. 1 <4, Mindat-Matupi Road, 30 miles camp, 2286 ma.s.l., 15.v.2012, leg. S. Naumann Glossosoma hamael Malicky & Mey, 2020 Material (Holotype): | &, Mindat-Matupi Road, 30 miles camp, 2286 ma.s.l., 15.v.2012, leg. S. Naumann Glossosoma hemantajam Schmid, 1971 Material. 1 3, Chin Hills, Natma Taung National Park, 15 km north of Mindat, 4.11.2005, leg. S. Naumann (pinned). Glossosoma malayanum Banks, 1934 Fig. 3C Material. 1 41 2, Tiddim, 1 km north-west of Thaing- gnin, 2160 m as.l., 17.v.2001. leg. S. Naumann; 2 ¢ 2 9, 4 km north-west of Thaing-gnin, 2310 m a.s.l., 25.v.2001, leg. S. Naumann; 2 3, Myohaung Camp, 2060 m a.s.l., area of Mt. Victoria, 3—5.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey, photo 03/20, (pinned); 14' 1 9, 15 km north of Mindat, 4.i1.2005, leg. S. Naumann (pinned); 6 <, path to Mt. Victoria, 2600 m a.s.1., 2.11.2005, leg. S. Naumann; 1 3, Mindat-Matupi Road, 22 miles camp, 2286 m a.s.L., 14—15.v.2012, leg. S. Naumann Glossosoma vehuel Malicky & Mey, 2020 Material (type specimens): 1 4, 4 km north-west of Thaing-gnin, 2310 m a.s.l., 25.v.2001, leg. S. Naumann; Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 68 (1) 2021, 139-164 145 Figure 3. Images of adult caddisflies from the Chin Hills. A. Rhyacophila scissoides; B. Rhyacophila parva; C. Glossosoma malay- anum; D. Chimarra nahesson; E. Kisaura longispina; F. Diplectrona aurovittata;, G. Diplectrona burha; H. Diplectrona sanguana; J. Hydromanicus abdominalis sp. nov., S holotype; K. Hydromanicus seth. Scale bars: 0.2 mm. 2 4, Mindat-Matupi Road, 22 miles camp, 2286 ma.s.l., 14-15.v.2012, leg. S. Naumann; 4 J, Mindat-Matupi Road, 22 miles camp, 2286 m a.s.l., 15.v.2012, leg. S. Naumann. Philopotamidae Chimarra aberrans Martynov, 1935 Material. 11 ¢, Tiddim, Thaing gnin Village, 2200 m a.s.l., 17-20.v.2001, leg. S. Naumann (3 3 pinned); 21 3 1 9, 4 km north-west of Thaing-gnin, 2310 m a.s.L., 25.v.2001, leg. S. Naumann; 17 3 3 Q, 1.5 km west of Hakha, 2260 m a.s.l., 24.v.2001, leg. S. Naumann; 1 4, west of Kampetlet, 1750 m a.s.l., 23.vi.2008, leg. S. Naumann; 1 3, 8 km west of Mindat, 1914 m as.1., 30.vi.2008, leg. S. Naumann; 6 ¢ 1 9, Mindat-Matupi Road, 22 miles camp, 2286 m a.s.l., 14—15.v.2012, leg. S. Naumann; 2 4, Mindat, 1916 m, Agricultural Research Station, 22.v.2012, leg. S. Naumann. Remarks. The male genitalia of this widespread spe- cies are variable. In Fig. 5A—C, the male genitalia of a specimen from Mindat are depicted. According to male genitalia, C. hoangliensis Mey, 2002 is a related species occurring in northern Vietnam. dez.pensoft.net 146 Wolfram Mey & Hans Malicky: Caddisflies from Natma Taung National Park Chimarra areli Malicky & Mey, 2008 Material. 1 4, 16 miles camp, 2500 m a.s.l., 10.x.2002, leg. W. Mey. Chimarra argax Malicky, 1989 Material. 1 3, 1.5 km west of Hakha, 2260 m a.s.l., at light, 24.v.2001, at light, leg. S. Naumann (pinned). Remarks. The male genitalia of this species are vari- able. In Fig. 5D-F, the male genitalia of the single speci- men are depicted. Chimarra crepidata Kimmins, 1957 Material. 2 <4, 2 miles south of Mindat, 1280 m as.l., 12.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey, (1 3 in coll. Malicky). Chimarra devva Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1993 Material. 1 4, Myohaung Camp, 2060 m a.s.l., area of Mt. Victoria, 3—5.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey, (pinned); 1 3, 9 miles west of Mindat, 1960 m a.s.l., 9.x.2002, leg. W. Mey, (pinned). Chimarra nahesson Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1993 Fig. 3D Material. 1 ¢, 1 9, Myohaung Camp, 2060 m as.l., area of Mt. Victoria, 3—5.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey, pho- to 07/20, (pinned); 1 4, 8 miles camp, 2500 m a.s.l., 6-8.x.2002, leg. W. Mey; 1 4, 16 miles camp, 2500 m a.s.l., 10.x.2002, leg. W. Mey (pinned); 1 31 9, 2 miles south of Mindat, 1260 m a.s.l., 12.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey (pinned). Chimarra okuihorum Mey, 1998 Material. 2 ¢ 2 9, 1 km east of Mindat, 1278 mas.l., 9.x1.2015, leg. S. Naumann (pinned). Chimarra otiel Malicky & Mey, 2020 Material (type specimen): 1 <4, 16 miles camp, 2500 m a.s.1., 10.x.2002, leg. W. Mey. Chimarra scopulifera Kimmins, 1955 Material. 1 3, 1 2, Myohaung Camp, area of Mt. Victoria, 2060 m a.s.l., 3—5.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey, (pinned). dez.pensoft.net Wormaldia relicta (Martynov, 1935) Material. | <2 km east of Kanpetlet, 1700 ma.s.1.,2.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey, photo 08/20, (pinned); 8 4, 2 9, Myohaung Camp, 2060 m a.s.l., area of Mt. Victoria, 3—5.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey, (pinned); 6 3, 2 2, 9 miles west of Mindat, 1960 m a.s.l., LF, 9.x.2002, leg. W. Mey, cleared abdomen in glycerine vial, (2 4 2 9, pinned); 1 3, W Hakha, 2260 m a.s.1., 23—24.v.2001, leg. S. Naumann (pinned). Wormaldia serrata (Kimmins, 1955) Material. 1 3, Myohaung Camp, 2060 m as.l., 3-5.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey, photo 08/20, (pinned). Wormaldia simulans Kimmins, 1955 Material. 1 4, 8 miles camp, 2500 m a.s.1., 6-8.x.2002, LE, leg. W. Mey, photo 26/20, (pinned); 2 41 9, 16 miles camp, 2500 ma.s.l., 10.x.2002, leg. W. Mey (pinned). Wormaldia therapion Schmid, 1991 Material. 7 ¢ 1 9, 8 miles camp, 2500 m as.., 6-8.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey (4 4, 1 9, pinned); 4 3 3 9, 16 miles camp, 2500 m a.s.l., 10.x.2002, leg. W. Mey (3 3, 3 Gpinned); 1 3, same locality, 11.x.2002, leg. W. Mey; | 4, Mindat-Matupi Road, 30 miles camp, 2498 m a.s.1., 19.v.2012, leg. S. Naumann. Wormaldia timoleon Schmid, 1991 Material. 1 4, 9 miles west of Mindat, 1960 ma.s.l., LF, 9.x.2002, leg. W. Mey. Kisaura alsuel Malicky, 2012 Material. | 4, Myohaung Camp, 2060 maz.s.1., 3—5.x.2002, LE, area of Mt. Victoria, leg. W. Mey, genitalia in glycerine vial (pinned); 1 3’, 8 miles camp, 2500 maz.s.1., 6-8.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey (pinned); 2 3’, 9 miles west of Mindat, 1960 ma.s.l., 9.x.2002, leg. W. Mey, photo 21/20, (pinned); 2 3,2 miles south of Mindat, 1260 ma.s.l., 12.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey, (pinned); 1 4, Thaing gnin Village, 2100 m a.s.1., 4-5.x1.2015, leg. S. Naumann (pinned). Kisaura longispina (Kimmins, 1955) Fig. 3E Material. 2 ¢ 1 9, Myohaung Camp, 2060 m as.l., 3—5.x.2002, LF, area of Mt. Victoria, leg. W. Mey, gen- italia in glycerine vial (pinned); 7 4 3 9, 9 miles west Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 68 (1) 2021, 139-164 of Mindat, 1960 m a.s.l., 9.x.2002, leg. W. Mey, photo 35/20, (3 3 3 &, pinned); 3 4, 16 miles camp, 2500 m a.s.l., 10.x.2002, photo 19/20, leg. W. Mey (2 3 pinned). Remarks. There is a number of very similar species with a large distribution in south-east Asia displaying a certain variation in male genitalia (Malicky 2018). In some cases, we were not able to discriminate between lo- cal variations or different species. Kisaura moselyi (Kimmins, 1955) Material. 1 4, 8 miles camp, 2500 m a.s.1., 6-8.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey, genitalia in glycerine vial, (pinned). Kisaura sura Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1993 Material. 1 4, 9 miles west of Mindat, 1960 m as.l., 9.x.2002, leg. W. Mey, genitalia in glycerine vial (pinned). Dolophilodes elongata Kimmins, 1955 Material. 1 3, 30 miles camp, 2495 m a.s.l., 24-26. vi.2008, leg. S. Naumann (pinned). Dolophilodes flaviventris Kimmins, 1955 Material. 1 4, 9 miles west of Mindat, 1960 m as.l., 9.x.2002, leg. W. Mey. Dolophilodes torrentis Kimmins, 1955 Material. 6 6 3 9, 8 miles camp, 2500 m as.., 6-8.x.2002, LE, leg. W. Mey, ¢ genitalia in glycerine vial (6 5 3 G pinned); 3 ¢ 3 2, 16 miles camp, 2500 ma.s.l., 10.x.2002, leg. W. Mey (2 & 3 9, pinned). Stenopsychidae Stenopsyche benaventi Navas, 1934 Material. 2 2°, West Hakha, 23—24.v.2001, 2260 ma.s.l., leg. S. Naumann (pinned); 3 3', 2 miles south of Mindat, 1260 m a.s.l., 12.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey, & genitalia in glycerine vial (pinned); 3 9, 15 km north of Mindat, 4.11.2005, leg. S. Naumann (pinned); 1 4, 8 km west of Mindat, 1914 ma.s.L., 30.vi.2008, leg. S. Naumann; 2 3, Mindat, 1453 m a.s.L., 21.v.2012, leg. S. Naumann (pinned); 2 2, 1 km east of Mindat, 9.x1.2015, 1278 m as.1., leg. S. Naumann (pinned). Stenopsyche brevata Tian & Zheng, 1989 Material. 5 <4, 2 miles south of Mindat, 1260 m as.l., 12.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey, genitalia in glycerine vial 147 (3 ¢ pinned); 14 1 9, 15 km north of Mindat, 4.ii.2005, leg. S. Naumann (pinned); 1 4, 1 km east of Mindat, 9.xi.2015, 1278 ma.s.l., leg. S. Naumann (pinned); 2 3, 14 km west of Mindat, 10.x1.2015, 1910 ma.s.l., leg. S. Naumann (pinned). Stenopsyche cazul Malicky & Mey, 2020 Material (Holotype): 1 4, Mindat, 1916 m a.s.l., Agri- cultural Research Station, 22.v.2012, leg. S. Naumann. Stenopsyche himalayana Martynov, 1926 Material. 1 9, 2 km east of Kanpetlet, 1700 m as.l., 2.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey, (pinned); 6 3’, 1 2, Myohaung Camp, 2060 m a.s.l., 3—5.x.2002, LF, area of Mt. Victo- ria, leg. W. Mey, genitalia in glycerine vial (pinned); 2 3, 8 miles camp, 2500 m a.s.1., 6-8.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey (pinned); 2 <, 9 miles west of Mindat, 1960 ma.s.1., LF, 9.x.2002, leg. W. Mey (pinned); 22 ¢ 1 9, 2 miles south of Mindat, 1260 m as.l., 12.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey (6 ¢ 1 @ pinned); 3 4, 5 km west of Kampetlet, 1900 m a.s.l., 31.1.2005, leg. S. Naumann (pinned); 2 4 1 2, path to Mt. Victoria, 2600 m a.s.1., 2.11.2005, leg. S. Naumann (pinned). Stenopsyche similis Ulmer, 1927 Material. 2 3 2 2, West Hakha, 23-24.v.2001, 2260 m a.s.l., leg. S. Naumann (pinned); 1 @, Kennedy Peak, 2690 maz.s.l., 16.v.2001, leg. S. Naumann (pinned); 8 3, 4°, Tiddim, Thang-gnin, 2200 m as.l., 17—20.v.2001, leg. S. Naumann (pinned); 1 4, 9 miles west of Mindat, 1960 m a.s.l., LF, 9.x.2002, leg. W. Mey (pinned); 1 3, west of Kampetlet, 1750 m a.s.1., 23.vi.2008, leg. S. Nau- mann; | 4, 30 miles camp, 2495 m a.s.1., 24-26.vi.2008, leg. S. Naumann (pinned); 7 5 10 2, Mindat-Matupi Road, 22 miles camp, 2260 m a.s.l., 20.v.2012; leg. S. Naumann (pinned); 12 3 9 9, Mindat, Agricultural Sta- tion, 1916 ma.s.l., 22.v.2012, leg. S. Naumann (pinned). Polycentropodidae Plectrocnemia forcipata Schmid, 1965 Material. 2 3, West Hakha, 23—24.v.2001, 2260 maz.s.1., leg. S. Naumann (pinned); 1 2, Myohaung Camp, 2060 m a.s.l., area of Mt. Victoria, 3—5.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey, (pinned); 1 9, 16 miles camp, 2500 m a.s.l., 10.x.2002, leg. W. Mey (pinned). Remarks. The forewings display a conspicuous pattern with three oblique, yellow streaks, two in the thyridial cell and one in the anal loop. The anal wing margin and the postcubital fields are yellow. This pat- tern is present in males and females and allows the as- sociation of sexes. dez.pensoft.net 148 Wolfram Mey & Hans Malicky: Caddisflies from Natma Taung National Park Polyplectropus anakempat Malicky, 1995 Material. 1 4, Myohaung Camp, 2060 m a.s.l., area of Mt. Victoria, 3—5.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey. Polyplectropus musiriel Malicky & Mey, 2020 Material (Holotype and paratypes): 2 &, 9 miles west of Mindat, 1960 m a.s.l., 9.x.2002, leg. W. Mey, cleared abdomen in glycerine vial, (1 @ pinned). Polyplectropus phrixos Malicky & Changthong, 2007 Material. 1 3, Tiddim, Thaing gnin, 2200 m a.s.l., 17— 20.v.2001, leg. S. Naumann (pinned); 1 3’, 2 miles south of Mindat, 1260 ma.s.l., 12.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey. Polyplectropus sabael Malicky & Mey, 2020 Material (Holotype and paratypes): 3 &, 2 miles south of Mindat, 1260 m a.s.l., 12.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey, photo 18/20, (2/0 pinned). Psychomyidae Lype atnia Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1993 Material. 23 4, Myohaung Camp, 2060 m as.., 3-5.x.2002, LF, area of Mt. Victoria, leg. W. Mey, (7 3 pinned); 7 4, 8 miles camp, 2500 m a.s.l., 6-8.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey. Arctopsychidae Arctopsyche tricornis Schmid, 1968 Fig. 6A—C Material. 1 ¢, 1 2, Myohaung Camp, 2060 m as.l., 3—5.x.2002, LF, area of Mt. Victoria, leg. W. Mey (pinned). Remarks. The form of the intermediate and inferior appendages of the male genitalia slightly differs from specimens from India. The male genitalia are depicted in Fig. 6A-C. Arctopsyche subfiava sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/8C23 AC 1C-6E02-4068-B3A8-626F 12AAE827 Figs 4B, 6D, E Type material. Holotype ¢ (pinned), Myanmar, Chin, Chin Hills, 9 miles west of Mindat, 21°22'N, 93°55’'E, 1960 m a.s.l., 9.x.2002, at light, leg. W. Mey (ME£N). Etymology. Latin, subflavus, pale yellow (adjective), named after the pale-yellow band along the termen and dorsal margin of forewings. Diagnosis. The new species shares with A. inaequi- spinosis Schmid, 1968 (described from Sikkim) 1) the dez.pensoft.net pale-yellow band on the forewings and 2) a similar ar- chitecture of the male genitalia. The species differ in the form of the bifid intermediate appendages, with longer dorsal branches in A. subflava sp. nov. and longer ventral branches in A. inaequispinosus. The second segment of the inferior appendages has a prominent ventral keel in the new species, whereas this keel is inconspicuous and flat in A. inaequispinosus. Both species form a species pair in the A. composita group (sensu Schmid 1968) with allopatric distribution ranges in the Himalayas (A. inaeq- uispinosus) and Chin Hills (A. subflava sp. nov.). Description. Forewing length 14 mm, wing span 30 mm. Head and antennae pale yellow, eyes large, hemi- spherical, cephalic dorsal warts with pale yellow hairs, hairs on occiputal warts black, labial and maxillary palpi brown; mesonotum dark brown laterally and with medi- an, pale yellow band bearing short, yellow hairs; tegu- lae of forewings with long, black hairs, fork 4 very long, starting at the base of the median cell, wing membrane grey, sparsely covered with short black hairs, membrane with pale spots along costal and apical margins, dorsal margins with a broad, pale yellow band extending on termen (= outer margin) towards wing apices, termen somewhat concave; hindwings membranous, costal area covered with short brown hairs, fork 1 with short stalk. Male genitalia (Fig. 6D, E). Segment IX with evenly curved anterior margin, segment X membranous, pre- anal appendages free, large and oval, intermediate ap- pendages with long dorsal and short ventral branches, basal part not broader than pre-anal appendages, inferior appendages with short basal and more elongate apical segments, the latter exhibiting a prominent, slender keel on ventral sides, apical portions slightly bent mediad and deeply excised on the median sides subapically; phallic apparatus with tubular phallotheca and erectile membra- nous endotheca, containing long, sickle-shaped phallo- tremal sclerites. Female. Unknown Distribution. Only known from the Chin Hills, Myanmar. Biology. Mountainous species with flight period in au- tumn. Adults are attracted by light. Hydropsychidae Diplectrona aumel Malicky & Mey, 2020 Material (type specimen): | <, 8 km west of Mindat, 1914 mas.1., 30.vi.2008, LE, leg. leg. S. Naumann Diplectrona aurovittata Ulmer, 1906 Fig. 3F Material. 2 ¢ 3 9, 2 km east of Kanpetlet, 1700 ma.s.l., 2.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey, photo 10/20 (pinned); 2 <4, Myohaung Camp, area of Mt. Victoria, 2060 m as.l., 3—5.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey; 2 3’, Mindat, 1453 ma.s.l., 21.v.2012, leg. S. Naumann; 2 4, Mindat, 1278 m a.s.l., 9.x1.2015, leg. S. Naumann (pinned). Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 68 (1) 2021, 139-164 149 Figure 4. Images of adults from the Chin Hills. A. Hydropsyche pallipenne; B. Arctopsyche subflava sp. nov., @ holotype; C. Aplatyphy- lax pumilus sp. nov., @ holotype; D. Micrasema turbo; E. Lepidostoma assamense; F. Lepidostoma serratum, G. Lepidostoma ylesomi; H. Paraphlegopterix aykroydi; J. Adicella natmataungensis sp. nov., 6 paratype; K. Poecilopsyche duhchasana. Scale bar: 0.2 mm. Diplectrona burha Schmid, 1961 Fig. 3G Material. 1 9, 2 km east of Kanpetlet, 1700 m a.s.l., 2.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey, (pinned); 6 ¢ 4 2, Myohaung Camp, area of Mt. Victoria, 2060 m a.s.1., 3—5.x.2002, LF, photo 11/20, leg. W. Mey; 2 31 2, 8 miles camp, 2500 m a.s.l., 6-8.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey (1 pinned); 4 4 3 9, 9 miles west of Mindat, 1960 m a.s.l., LF, 9.x.2002, leg. W. Mey (3 3 3 & pinned); 3 4, 2 miles south of Mindat, 1260 ma.s.l., 12.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey. Diplectrona harpyia Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1992 Material. 2 3:2 9, 8milescamp, 2500maz.s.1.,6-8.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey, genitalia in glycerine (pinned). Diplectrona hermione Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1992 Material. 16 ¢ 5 9, 2 miles south of Mindat, 1260 ma.s.l., 12.x.2002, photo 17/20, LF, leg. W. Mey (5 3'5 @ pinned). dez.pensoft.net 150 Wolfram Mey & Hans Malicky: Caddisflies from Natma Taung National Park Figure 5. Male genitalia. Chimarra aberrans, A. Lateral, B. Ventral, C. Dorsal; Chimarra argax; D. Lateral, E. Ventral, F. Dorsal; Hydromanicus seth; G. Lateral, H. Dorsal, J. Ventral. Scale bars: 0.5 mm (A.—-C.); 0.25 mm (D.—-F.); 0.4 mm (G., H., J.). dez.pensoft.net Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 68 (1) 2021, 139-164 Figure 6. Male genitalia Arctopsyche tricornis A. Lateral, B. Dorsal, C. Ventral; Arctopsyche subflava sp. nov., & holotype; D. Lateral, E. Ventral. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Diplectrona flavospilota Mey, 1998 Material. 1 ¢ 3 9, 8 miles camp, 2500 m as.., 6—8.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey, (pinned). Diplectrona sanguana Kimmins, 1964 Fig. 3H Material. 14 3 10 9, 9 miles west of Mindat, 1960 m a.s.l., LF, 9.x.2002, leg. W. Mey, cleared abdomen in glycerine vial, (11 ¢ 10 9, pinned). Potamyia flavata (Banks, 1934) Material. 1 3, Tiddim, Thaing gnin Village, 2200 m a.s.l., 17—20.v.2001, leg. S. Naumann (pinned). Hydromanicus abdominalis sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/7BE3B46A -OF78-47D5-BCED-9E71 14F76A75 Figs 3J, 7A-C, 9A Type material. Holotype ¢ (pinned), Myanmar, Chin, Chin Hills, Myohaung Camp, 2060 m a.s.l., area of Mt. Victoria, 21°12'N, 93°59'E, 2060 m a.s.1., 3—5.x.2002, at light, leg. W. Mey, photo 43/20 (MEN). Etymology. Latin, abdominalis, adjective of abdo- men, named after the contrasting yellow colour of the male abdomen including most of the genitalia structures. Diagnosis. The new species is assigned to the H. ver- rucosus group, as defined by Olah and Johanson (2008b). In contrast to other members of the group, the male ab- domen including genitalia, except inferior appendag- es, 1s completely yellow, the endothecal processes are round and not elongate and the harpagones are apically dez.pensoft.net 152 Wolfram Mey & Hans Malicky: Caddisflies from Natma Taung National Park Figure 7. Male genitalia (scale: 0.5 mm). Hydromanicus abdominalis sp. nov., 3 holotype, A. Dorsal, B. Ventral, C. Lateral; Cheu- matopsyche janosolahi sp. nov., holotype, D. Dorsal, E. Lateral, F. Ventral; Hydropsyche athamas G. Lateral, H. Dorsal, J. Ventral. enlarged, flat and twisted. H. scotosius Mey, 1996 (Thai- Description. Length of forewing 8.7 mm, wing span land, Vietnam) seems to be a related species by sharinga 18mm. Head and thorax black, cephalic warts with black similar form of the inferior appendages and the small size __ bristles, eyes small, interocular index 1.0, antennae black, of the adults. longer than forewing length, proepistermal setal wart dez.pensoft.net Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 68 (1) 2021, 139-164 present, legs black, inner spur of fore-tibiae very small, inner ungues of praetarsi with bundle of black hairs; fore- wings dark brown, with naked (= without hairs) costal field, fork 1 present (Fig. 9A), hindwings sparsely cov- ered by brown hairs, fork 1 present. Abdomen with seg- ments I-II black, remaining segments yellow. Male genitalia (Fig. 7A—C). Ventral and dorsal part of segment IX narrow; segment X curving dorsad, with short apicodorsal lobes widely separated in dorsal view and with blunt tips in lateral view, lateral sides with spinose mar- gins; inferior appendages black in contrast to other parts of genitalia, as long as phallotheca, coxopodites short and broad at apices, harpagones as long as coxopodites, en- larged apically, flat and twisted; phallic apparatus with phallotheca broad and narrowed subapically, endothecal processes evenly rounded, phallotremal sclerites small, clearly separating endothecal processes at their bases. Distribution. Myanmar, Chin Hills Biology. Mountainous species with flight period in au- tumn. Adults are attracted to light. Aydromanicus almansor Malicky, 1993 Material. 1 3, 30 miles camp, 2495 m a.s.l., 24-26. vi.2008, leg. S. Naumann (pinned). Aydromanicus luctuosus Ulmer, 1905 Material. 1 ¢ 3 2, 2 miles south of Mindat, 1260 ma.s.l., 12.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey (3 @ pinned). HAydromanicus remiel Malicky & Mey, 2020 Material (Holotype and paratypes): 1 3, 2 km east of Kanpetlet, 1700 m a.s.1., 2.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey, (pinned); 14, 1 2, Myohaung Camp, area of Mt. Victo- ria, 2060 m a.s.l., 3—5.x.2002, leg. W. Mey (pinned); 1 3, Mindat-Matupi road, 22 miles camp, 2286 m a.s.l., 15.v.2012, leg. S. Naumann; 4 4, Mindat, Agricultur- al Station, 22.v.2012, leg. S. Naumann (pinned); 2 3, Mindat-Matupi Road, 16—18.v.2012, 30 miles camp, 2496 m as.l., leg. S. Naumann (pinned); 1 3, Mindat, 1916 ma.s.l., Agricultural Research Station, 22.v.2012, leg. S. Naumann. Aydromanicus seth Malicky, 1993 Figs 3K, 5G—J Material. 1 4, 1.5 km west of Hakha, 2260 m as.l., 24.v.2001, leg. S. Naumann; 1 <, 9 miles west of Mindat, 1960 maz.s.1., LF, 9.x.2002, leg. W. Mey (pinned), cleared abdomen in glycerine vial; 4 4, 8 km west of Mindat, 1914 mas.l., 30.vi.2008, leg. S. Naumann; 1 3, 14 km west of Mindat, 1910 ma.s.l., 10.x1.2015, cleared abdo- men in glycerine vial, leg. S. Naumann (pinned). 153 Remarks. The species belongs to the H. trunca- tus group sensu Olah and Johanson 2008b. H. seth is characterised by the subapically-excised harpagones, the bulbous apex of the phalloteca and the endothecal processes, which are divided into a dorsal, sclerous and a ventral, membranous part. Congeneric species with similar, non-circular, endothecal processes are H. asor Malicky, 1993 and H. eleasar Malicky, 1993, both de- scribed from Myanmar too. The latter two differ from H. seth by the form of the second segment of the inferior appendages, which are variably excised subapically in H. seth (Fig. 5H). Hydromanicus umbonatus Li, 1993 Material. 1 ¢, 30 miles camp, Natma Taung National Park, 2495 m a.s.l., 24—26.v1.2008, leg. S. Naumann. Cheumatopsyche charites Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1997 Material. 1 3’, 9 miles west of Mindat, 1960 maz.s.l., LF, 9.x.2002, leg. W. Mey (pinned). Cheumatopsyche chryseis Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1997 Material. 2 4 2 miles south of Mindat, 1260 m as.l., 12.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey, genitalia in glycerine vial, (1 3 pinned). Cheumatopsyche janosolahi sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/OF5B 10AC-3E4A-4167-B6A9-FB3397580CB 1 Fig. 7D-F Type material. Holotype ¢ (pinned), Myanmar, Chin, Chin Hills, Natma Taung National Park, 8 miles camp, area of Mt. Victoria, 2500 m a.s.l., 6—-8.x.2002, at light, genitalia in glycerine vial (MfN). Paratypes (pinned): 2 &, same data as holotype (MfN) Etymology. The species is named in honour of Janos Olah, who reviewed the Oriental and Afrotropical species of this genus. Diagnosis. The new species belongs to the C. holz- schuhi group (Olah et al. 2008a), which is defined by the presence of apicodorsal lobes on segment IX and apicov- entral setal lobes on segment X. The male genitalia of the new species resemble C. automedon Malicky & Chantar- amongkol, 1997 (Thailand) and C. meyi Malicky, 1997 (Vietnam). Each of these species, however, has specifi- cally-formed harpagones, allowing their clear separation and identification. Description. Length of forewing 5—5.5 mm. Head and thorax black, cephalic warts with black bristles, eyes small, interocular index 1.0, antennae dark brown, longer dez.pensoft.net 154 Wolfram Mey & Hans Malicky: Caddisflies from Natma Taung National Park than forewing length, indistinct spots at articulations on ventral side; legs brown, inner spur of fore-tibiae very small; forewings brown, with golden-brown macula on subapical costal field, fork 1 present, hindwings sparsely covered by brown hairs, fork 1 present. Male genitalia (Fig. 7D-F). Ventral part of segment IX broad, dorsal part short and narrow; apicodorsal lobes of segment [X widely separated in dorsal view and with pointed tips in lateral view, apicoventral lobes on seg- ment X short and rounded; inferior appendages shorter than phallotheca, harpagones deeply split into a longer median branch and a shorter, lateral branch; phallic ap- paratus with phallotheca bulbous at base and narrowed subapically, endothecal processes evenly rounded, oval, phallotremal sclerites large, clearly separating endothecal processes at their bases. Distribution. Myanmar, Chin Hills. Biology. Mountainous species with flight period in au- tumn. Adults are attracted by light. Cheumatopsyche naumanni Malicky, 1986 Material. | 3, Mindat, 1453 m as.l., 21.v.2012, leg. S. Naumann. Hydropsyche appendicularis Martynov, 1931 Material. 10 ¢, Falam, 1500-1700 ma.s.1.,21—22.v.2001, leg. S. Naumann; | , 1 km east of Mindat, 1278 ma.s.1., 9.x1.2015, leg. S. Naumann (pinned). Hydropsyche athamas Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 2000 Fig. 7G-J = Hydropsyche januha Olah & Barnard, 2008, syn. nov. Material. 1 3, 2 miles south of Mindat, 1260 m a.s.l., 12.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey: 1 4, Myohaung Camp, area of Mt. Victoria, 2060 m a.s.1., 3—5.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey, cleared abdomen and metathorax in glycerine vial, (pinned). Remarks. The illustrations of the male genitalia of Hydropsyche januha Olah & Barnard, 2008b: 60, de- scribed from Khasi Hills, matches nearly completely with the genitalia of H. athamas. The species is herewith syn- onymised with H. athamas. Hydropsyche atlas Malicky & P Chantaramongkol, 2000 Fig. 8A—C Material. 2 <4, Mindat-Matupi Road, 22 miles camp, 2280 m a.s.l., 14-15.vi.2012, at light, leg. S. Naumann (pinned). dez.pensoft.net Remarks. The species was described from Nepal and later reported also from Bhutan (Malicky 2007). The male genitalia of the specimens largely correspond with those of the Nepalese holotype. HAydropsyche briareus Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 2000 Material. 2 ¢, 1 km north-east of Falam, 1500-1700 m a.s.l., 21-22.v.2001, genitalia in glycerine vial, leg. S. Naumann (1 ¢ pinned); 1 @, Mindat, 1453 a.s.l.m, 21.v.2012, leg. S. Naumann. Hydropsyche ditalon Tian & Li, 1982 Material. 4 ¢ 1 9, Myohaung Camp, 2060 m as.l., 3—5.x.2002, LF, area of Mt. Victoria, leg. W. Mey, (pinned); 3 3, 8 miles camp, 2500 m a.s.1., 6-8.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey, | S genitalia in glycerine vial (pinned). Remarks. The range of the species extends from east- ern Tibet, north-east India, Yunnan to Myanmar. The oc- currence in the Chin Hills is the southernmost record sug- gests an uninterrupted occurrence along the north-south stretching mountain ranges connecting the Chin Hills with the eastern Himalayas. Hydropsyche hackeri Mey, 1998 Material. 1 <4, Mindat-Matupi Road, 22 miles camp, 2286 m a.s.l., 15.v.2012, leg. S. Naumann. Aydropsyche khasigiri Olah & Barnard, 2008 sp. nov. = Hydropsyche kiogupa Olah & Schefter, 2008, syn. nov. Material. 4 4, Myohaung Camp, area of Mt. Victoria, 2060 ma.s.l., 3-5.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey (1 3, pinned); 7 3, 8 miles camp, 2500 m a.s.l., 6-8.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey (pinned); 8 3 1 9, 9 miles west of Mindat, 1960 m a.s.l., LF, 9.x.2002, leg. W. Mey, (3 6 1 @ pinned); 1 3, 16 miles camp, 2500 m a.s.l., 10.x.2002, leg. W. Mey (pinned); 1 4, Mindat, 1453 m a.s.l., 21.v.2012, leg. S. Naumann; 1 4, Mindat, 1916 m a.s.l1., Agricultural Re- search Station, 22.v.2012, leg. S. Naumann 2 3’, Myan- mar, Chin, east of Kalemyo, west of Thaing Gnin Vil- lage, 23°12.861'N, 93°48 .478'E, 6.x1.2015, 2090 m a.s.l., genitalia in glycerine vial, leg. S. Naumann (pinned); 2 4, same locality, 4—5.xi.2015; 2 4, Mindat-Matu- pi Road, 22 miles camp, 2286 m a.s.l., 20.v.2012; 1 2, Falam, 22°54'49"N, 93°40'40"E, 1500-1700 m, a.s.1.21— 22.v.2001, genitalia in glycerine vial: 1 4, 30 miles camp, 2495 m a.s.l., 24—26.v1.2008, leg. S. Naumann (pinned); 3 63 9, 14km W Mindat, 1910 ma.s.l., 10.xi.2015, all leg. S. Naumann (pinned). Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 68 (1) 2021, 139-164 155 Figure 8. Male genitalia (scale: 0.5 mm). Hydropsyche atlas A. Lateral, B. Ventral, C. Dorsal; Hydropsyche khasigiri D. Lateral, E. Ventral, F. Dorsal; Lepidostoma subpanaitos sp. nov., ~ holotype, G. Ventral, H. Wing venation (scale: 2 mm), J. Lateral, K. Dorsal dez.pensoft.net 156 Wolfram Mey & Hans Malicky: Caddisflies from Natma Taung National Park Remarks. The species was at first identified as H. ki- ogupa Olah & Barnard, 2008 and described from the Naga Hills of Manipur, which are connected with the Chin Hills in the south. In the male genitalia, the dor- sal keel of segment IX, the dorsal depression between segment IX and X and the endothecal processes of the phallic apparatus exhibit some variation, which includes also the genital morphology of H. khasigiri, as illustrat- ed in Olah and Johanson (2008b). The latter species has page priority rendering H. kiogupa as a junior synonym of H. khasigiri. This species was described from the Kha- si Hills, an area about 250 km west of the type locality of H. kiogupa. Hydropsyche pallipenne Banks, 1938 Fig. 4A Material. 6 3, 1 2, 2 miles south of Mindat, 1260 ma.s.l., 12.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey, photo 18/20, (pinned); 1 3, Tiddim, Thaing gnin Village, 2200 a.s.1. m, 17—20.v.2001, leg. S. Naumann (pinned); 2 4, W Hakha, 2260 ma.s.l., 23-24.v.2001, leg. S. Naumann (1 4 pinned); 2 4, Natma Taung National Park, 15 km north of Mindat, 4.11.2005, leg. S. Naumann (pinned); 4 4, 2 miles south of Mindat, 1260 ma.s.l., 12.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey; 2 4, Mindat, 1453 m a.s.l., 21.v.2012, leg. S. Naumann. Hydropsyche rakshakaha Olah, 1994 Material. 6 ¢, Falam, 1500-1700 ma.s.1., 21—22.v.2001, leg. S. Naumann; 1 <4, Tiddim, Thaing gnin Village, 2200 m a.s.l., 17—20.v.2001, leg. S. Naumann (pinned); 1 3, 4km north-west of Thaing-gnin, 2310 m, 25.v.2001, leg. S. Naumann; 3 4, W Hakha, 2260 m as.l., 23- 24.5.2001, leg. S. Naumann; 2 3 1 9, 9 miles west of Mindat, 1960 m a.s.l., LF, 9.x.2002, leg. W. Mey, (1 4 1 9 pinned); 1 @, 16 miles camp, 2500 ma.s.1., 10.x.2002, cleared abdomen in glycerine vial, leg. W. Mey (pinned); 3 3, 2 miles south of Mindat, 1260 m a.s.l., 12.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey; 2 4, Chin Hills, Natma Taung National Park, 15 km north of Mindat, 4.11.2005, leg. S. Naumann (pinned); 1 4, path to Mt. Victoria, 2600 maz.s.1., 2.ii.2005, leg. S. Naumann; 5 3 1 2, 30 miles camp, 2495 ma.s.l., 24—26.vi.2008, leg. S. Naumann (2 3 1 & pinned); 3 3, 20 miles camp, 2350 m a.s.l., 27.vi.2008, leg. S. Nau- mann; 7 3, Mindat, 8 km east, 1914 maz.s.l., 30.vi.2008, leg. S. Naumann (1 @ pinned); 1 ¢ 1 9, Mindat-Matupi Road, 22 miles camp, 2286 m a.s.l., 14—18.v.2012, leg. S. Naumann (pinned). HAydropsyche tabulifera Schmid, 1963 Material. 6 ¢ 1 9, Myohaung Camp, 2060 m as.l., 3—5.x.2002, LF, area of Mt. Victoria, photo 15/20, leg. W. Mey, (4 3 1 9, pinned) dez.pensoft.net Hydropsyche uvana Mey, 1995 Material. 1 3’, west of Hakha, 2260 ma.s.1.,23—24.v.2001, leg. S. Naumann; 4 3’, 2 miles south of Mindat, 1260 m a.s.l., 12.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey, (2 3 pinned); 3 3, W Hakha, 2260 m a.s.l., 23—24.v.2001, leg. S. Naumann (pinned); 2 ¢, Mindat, 1453 m a.s.l., 13.5.2012, leg. S. Naumann (pinned). Phryganeidae Eubasilissa maclachlani (White, 1862) Material. 2 9, Mindat-Matupi Road, 2286 m a.s.l., 14-15.v.2012, leg. S. Naumann (pinned); 2 4, Mindat, Agricultural Station, 1916 m a.s.l., 10.xi.2015, leg. S. Naumann (pinned); 1 2, road to Matupi, 25 miles camp, 12.x1.2015, leg. S. Naumann (pinned). Brachycentridae Micrasema turbo Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1992 Fig. 4D Material. 12 ¢ 1 9, 8 miles camp, 2500 m as.., 6—8.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey, photos 30/20, 33/20, (6 4 1 9 pinned); 2 4, 16 miles camp, 2500 ma.s.1., 10.x.2002, leg. W. Mey. Micrasema spec. A Material. 1 9, 8 miles camp, 2500 m a.s.l., 6—8.x.2002, LE, leg. W. Mey, (pinned). Goeridae Goera spec. Material. 1 2, 2 miles south of Mindat, 1260 m a.s.l., 12.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey, (pinned). Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma armatum (Ulmer, 1905) Material. 6 6 3 9, 8 miles camp, 2500 m as.., 6—8.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey, cleared abdomen in glyc- erine vial, (pinned); 10 3 6 9, 16 miles camp, 2500 m a.s.l., 10.x.2002, cleared 4 abdomen in glycerine vial, (6 3 6 & pinned); 3 4, 1 9, road to Matupi, 25 miles camp, 12.x1.2015, leg. S. Naumann (pinned). Lepidostoma assamense (Mosely, 1949) Fig. 4E Material. 11 3, 6 2, Myohaung Camp, area of Mt. Vic- toria, 2060 m a.s.l., 3—5.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey, photo 09/20, (7 3, 4 Qpinned); 4 3’, 8 miles camp, 2500 ma.s.l., 6-8.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey, photo 29/20, (pinned); 1 3 Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 68 (1) 2021, 139-164 1 2, 9 miles west of Mindat, 1960 m a.s.l., LF, 9.x.2002, leg. W. Mey, (pinned); 4 3 1 9, Mindat — Matupi Road, 22 miles camp, 2266 m a.s.l., 14—15.v..2012, leg. S. Nau- mann (1 3 1 & pinned). Lepidostoma brueckmanni Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1994 Material. 2 ¢, Natma Taung National Park, path to Mt. Victoria, 2600 m a.s.l., 2.ii.2005, leg. S. Naumann; 1 3, Mindat, 1916 m as.l., Agricultural Research Station, 22.v.2012, leg. S. Naumann. Lepidostoma hardiel Malicky & Mey, 2020 Material (Holotype and paratypes): 1 4, 1 9, 2 km east of Kanpetlet, 1700 ma.s.I.,2.x.2002, LE leg. W. Mey, (pinned); 10 4,4 2, Myohaung Camp, 2060 m a.s.1., 3-5.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey, photo 12/20, 13/20, (4 3 4 @ pinned); 1 @, 8 miles camp, 2500 m a.s.l., 6-8.x.2002, leg. W. Mey; 1 4,9 miles west of Mindat, 1960 m a.s.l., 9.x.2002 (pinned). Lepidostoma moulmina (Mosely, 1949) Material. 2 <4, 2 miles south of Mindat, 1260 m as.l., 12.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey. Lepidostoma serratum (Mosely, 1949) Fig. 4F Material. 2 3, 2 km east of Kanpetlet, 1700 m a.s.l., 2.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey, photo 25/20, (1 3 pinned). Lepidostoma subpanaitos sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/97783E87-74AE-4D3A-BB49-30BE05D3 1088 Fig. 8G-K Type material. Holotype 3 (pinned), Myanmar, Chin, Chin Hills, Natma Taung National Park, 8 miles camp, area of Mt. Victoria, 2500 m a.s.l., 6—8.x.2002, at light, genitalia in glycerine vial (MfN). Paratypes (pinned): 1 <, same data as holotype (MEN). Etymology. The name refers to the close similarity to L. panaitos Malicky & Silalom, 2012. Diagnosis. This species is closely related to L. panai- tos Malicky & Silalom, 2012, described from Chiang- mai Province (Thailand) and L. parva (Mosely, 1941), described from northern Myanmar. L. subpanaitos sp. nov. differs by having the inferior appendages much more slender at bases, by absent baso-dorsal processes and with possessing parameres longer than phallus. Description. Length of forewing 8 mm. Head brown, second segment of male maxillary palpi with erected bun- 157 dle of black, androconical scales, labial palpi with basal segment very short, terminal segment longer than second segment; scape short, curved and kneed subapically, cov- ered with long bristles, flagellomeres bicoloured, yellow basally and brown apically; forewings brown, small an- droconial scales sparsely distributed at base and along veins, costal fold with hair comb, end of thyridial cell with naked spot; wing venation in Fig. 8K. Male genitalia (Fig. 8G—J). Segment IX fused forming compact ring, dorso-mesal processes of segment X long and triangular, with acute tips, lateral processes absent, first article of inferior appendages nearly rectangular at base in lateral view, baso-dorsal process absent, ven- troapical process finger-like, rounded at apices, dorsoapi- cal process short, second article slightly shorter than ven- troapical process, with apicomesal point; phallicata with basal portion slender and recurved basally, apical half nearly straight and broadened distally, parameres long, slender, symmetrical, longer than phallicata and slightly curved dorsad apically. Distribution. Myanmar, Chin Hills Biology. Mountainous species with flight period in au- tumn. Adults are attracted by light. Lepidostoma yehuiah Malicky & Mey, 2020 Material (Holotype and paratypes): 11 4, 8 miles camp, 2500 ma.s.l., 6-8.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey, (2 3 pinned) Lepidostoma ylesomi Weaver, 2002 Fig. 4G Material. 1 @, Myohaung Camp, 2060 m as.., 3-5.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey, photo 09/20, (pinned); 2 3, 14 km W Mindat, 1910 m a.s.l., 10.xi.2015, cleared abdomen in glycerine vial, leg. S. Naumann (pinned); 1 3, Mindat — Matupi Road, 22 miles camp, 2266 m a.s.1., 14-15.v.2012, leg. S. Naumann. Paraphlegopterix aykroydi Weaver, 1999 Fig. 4H Material.1 3, 1 9, 2 km east of Kanpetlet, 1700 ma.s.l., 2.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey, (pinned); 2 6 1 9, Myo- haung Camp, 2060 m a.s.1., 3—5.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey, photo 14/20, (1 @ 2 Qpinned); 2 4, 2 2, 8 miles camp, 2500 m a.s.l., 6-8.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey, (pinned); 1 3, west of Kampetlet, 1750 m a.s.l., 23.vi.2008, leg. S. Naumann; | 3, Mindat — Matupi Road, 22 miles camp, 2266 ma.s.l., 14-15.v..2012, leg. S. Naumann; 1 3’, Min- dat, Agricultural Station, 1916 a.s.lm, 22.5.2012, leg. S. Naumann (pinned); 2 3, 1 9, same locality, 10.xi.2015, leg. S. Naumann (pinned); 1 4, Matupi, 25 miles camp, 12.x1.2015, cleared abdomen in glycerine vial, leg. S. Naumann (pinned). dez.pensoft.net 158 Apataniidae Moropsyche chandrabuchita Schmid, 1968 Material. 1 4, Mindat, 1916 m a.s.l., Agricultural Re- search Station, 22.v.2012, leg. S. Naumann. Moropsyche vauliah Malicky & Mey, 2020 Material (Holotype and paratypes): 3 3 1 2, Mindat — Matupi Road, 22 miles camp, 2266 ma.s.1., 14—15.v.2012, leg. S. Naumann. Limnephilidae Aplatyphylax pumilus sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/3BC48C A3-CE24-4974-939F-96824D91992C Figs 4C, 9B—D Type material. Holotype ¢ (pinned), Myanmar, Chin, Chin Hills, 9 miles west of Mindat, 1960 m as.l., 9.x.2002, at light, leg. W. Mey, photo 24/20 (MEN). Paratypes (pinned): 1 &, same data as holotype (MfN); 2 3, Natma Taung National Park, 16 miles camp, 2500 m a.s.l., 10.x.20002, at light, leg. W. Mey, photo 23/20, gen- italia in glycerine vial (MfN). Etymology. Latin, pumilus, pygmy, referring to the small size of the male adults. Diagnosis. With 8-9 mm forewing length, the new Species appears to be the smallest in the genus. The broadly-rounded apices of the forewings and the absent tessellated bands on abdominal sternites are further dis- tinguishing characters. Concerning male genitalia, the short inferior appendage, the long, free intermediate ap- pendages and the curved parameres are similar with A. unicornis (Mey & Yang, 2001) described from Shaanxi, China. The slightly serrate dorsal margins of the interme- diate appendages and the forewing pattern are unique fea- tures of the new species, which together with A. unicor- nis, seems to take an isolated position within the genus. The majority of Aplatyphylax species occur in the Eastern Himalayas from Sikkim to Assam (Schmid 1991b). Description. Length of forewing 8-9 mm (<), wing span 16-18 mm. Head and thorax dark brown, setal warts slightly paler, frons and palpi light brown, antennae yel- low-brown, somewhat longer than forewings; legs yel- low-brown, spines black, absent on praetarsi, spurs 1.2.2; membrane of forewings light grey, with scattered pale spots, nygma present at base of fork 2 and in apical part of thyridial cell, venation as in A. mishmicus Kimmins, 1950 (genotype); abdomen yellow-brown, sternites unicoloured, without bands of tessellate structures on dorsal sides. Male genitalia (Fig. 9B—D). Tergit VHI with pair of subapical patches of short and black, spaced spines encir- cling a rounded depression between patches; segment LX in lateral view broadest in the middle, narrow on dorsal and ventral sides; pre-anal appendages relatively broad, long, slightly curved dorsad; intermediate appendag- es a pair of long, separate processes, not fused at bases, dez.pensoft.net Wolfram Mey & Hans Malicky: Caddisflies from Natma Taung National Park directed dorso-distad, dorsal margin with finely serrated surface; inferior appendages short and shallow, rounded in ventral view. Phallic apparatus large, endotheca exten- sible, long, with round sclerite on gonoporus; bases of parameres membranous, broad, apical parts sclerotised, hook-like, with apices directed laterad in exposed stadi- um and mediad in reposed state. Female. Unknown. Distribution. Myanmar, Chin Hills. Biology. Mountainous species (1900-2500 m a.s.1.) with flight period in autumn. Adults are attracted by light. Leptoceridae Adicella medaia Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1992 Material. 1 41 9, 9 miles west of Mindat, 1960 ma.s.l., 9.x.2002, leg. W. Mey (1 @ pinned) Adicella natmataungensis sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/CC70909A-FEE0-42 1E-8F63-2B5F 1D1DB036 Figs 4J, 9E-G Type material. Holotype ¢ (pinned), Myanmar, Chin, Chin Hills, Natma Taung National Park, 8 miles camp, area of Mt. Victoria, 2500 m a.s.l., 6—-8.x.2002, at light, leg. W. Mey, genitalia slide Mey 31/20 (MEN). Paratypes: 3 3 2 & (pinned), photo 31/10, 1 3 (in alcohol), same data as holotype (MfN). Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the name of the type locality, the summit Natma Taung (= Mt. Victoria). Diagnosis. The species does not exhibit a clear simi- larity to any of the known species of China, the Indian or South East Asian regions. According to male genitalia, the species resembles those of the 4. pulcherrima group. However, the external morphological criteria of the group, as listed by Schmid (1994) and Yang and Morse (2000), include a cushion of dense, erect hairs on the ju- gal lobes of the forewings and a brush of long hairs on the jugum of the hindwings. Both characters are imperfectly present in the new species, with short, erect hairs on the base of the anal vein (but not cushion) and with long hairs on the hindwing jugum representing the normal fringes (but not hair brushes). The long segment X with only one pair of dorsal processes and the widely-diverging apical parts have a similar shape in some species of the group, for example, A. papillosa Yang & Morse, 2000 from south-western China and A. castanea Kimmins, 1963 from Khasi Hills. Description. Length of forewings 5.6-6 mm, wing span 13 mm. Head and thorax dark brown, vestiture on setal warts brown, palpi brown, basal segments of anten- nae and flagellum densely covered by short brown hairs; legs pale brown, spurs 1.2.2; forewings densely covered by brown hairs, maculae absent, jugal area and base of anal veins with short, erect hairs; hindwings sparsely covered by brown hairs, veins darker than membrane, fringes longer than diameter of wings, hair brush on ju- gal area absent. Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 68 (1) 2021, 139-164 159 Figure 9. Male genitalia (scale: 0.5 mm) and wing venation. A. Wing venation of Hydromanicus abdominalis sp. nov., & holotype (scale: 2 mm); Adicella natmataungensis sp. nov., ¢ holotype, B. Dorsal, C. Phallic apparatus, ventral, D. Lateral; Aplatyphylax pumilus sp. nov., @ holotype; E. Lateral, F. Dorsal, G. Ventral; 7riaenodes mindatensis sp. nov., @ holotype, H. Lateral, J. Dorsal, K. Ventral, L. Inferior appendage, dorsal. Male genitalia (Fig. 9E-G). Segment IX in lateral gate, sub-cylindrical, with long hairs; inferior appendages view with straight anterior margin and posterior margin long, in sub-vertical position, slightly lobed apically on with rounded, medial lobe; pre-anal appendages elon- median side, the inner bases with short spicules; segment dez.pensoft.net 160 Wolfram Mey & Hans Malicky: Caddisflies from Natma Taung National Park X valves large, fused dorsally from segment IX to beyond paired dorsal processes, valves widely separated in apical half, deeply excised subapically and pointed at tips. Phal- lic apparatus with phallotheca curved from broader base, endotheca short, with arched phallotremal sclerite. Distribution. Myanmar, Chin Hills. Biology. Mountainous species (2500 m a.s.l.) with flight period in autumn. Adults are attracted by light. Adicella spec. Material. | 2, 8 miles camp, 2500 m a.s.l., 6—-8.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey, (pinned). Remarks. The individual insect is notably larger than the two preceding species and represents a third species that occurs sympatrically with A. natmataungensis sp. nov. Triaenodes mindatensis sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/B44F43BD-99 A 0-442F-939B-4F39AD141CFD Fig. 9H-L Type material. Holotype ¢ (pinned), Myanmar, Chin, Chin Hills, Natma Taung National Park, 2 miles south of Mindat, 1280 m a.s.l., 12.x.2002, at light, leg. W. Mey, genitalia slide Mey 52/20 (MfN). Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the name of the type locality near the township of Mindat. Diagnosis. In the male genitalia, the new species is closely related to 7. trivulcio Schmid, 1994, described from Manipur and 7° dusrus Schmid, 1965, described from Yunnan, but differs by the trilobate form of the inferior appendages, which are pointed in 7 trivulcio and deeply split in 7’ dusrus. The forewings of 7. mindatensis sp. nov. are brown and bear some dark apical spots. Related spe- cies are also 7’ pentheus Malicky, 2005 and T’ menestheus Malicky, 2005, which seem to be widely distributed in South-East Asia (Malicky 2005). The morphology of the inferior appendages is species specific and represents the main diagnostic feature in separating species in this genus. Description. Length of forewing 8 mm. Head and tho- rax light brown, hairs of setal warts brown, maxilary pal- pi covered with long grey-brown hairs, labial palpi short, light brown; antennae yellow-brown, scape with longer hairs apically, flagellum smoothly haired, indistinct- ly flecked on articulations; legs yellow-brown, smooth, spurs 1.2.2; forewings densely clothed by brown hairs, some darker spots at apex extending into fringes, hind- wings membranous, apical area with sparse hairs, fork 1 seemingly absent. Male genitalia (Fig. 9H—L). Pleural regions of seg- ment IX semi-sclerotised, ventral region projecting cau- dad, subquadrat in ventral view; pre-anal appendages large, foliaceous, two times longer than wide, somewhat triangular in dorsal view; segment X with long, median process, slightly curved and surpassing tip of segment X; inferior appendages terminating in three lobes, one dez.pensoft.net small middle lobe and larger ventral and dorsal lobes; re- curved process of basal plate short, not extending beyond ventral lobes of inferior appendages. Phallic apparatus slender, evenly curved, parallel-sided, with pair of later- al ridges near middle, apical region bulbous, with small endothecal sclerites. Distribution. Myanmar, Chin Hills. Biology. Sub-mountainous species (1280 m a.s.1.) with flight period in autumn. Adults are attracted by light. The larvae of Triaenodes species are usually inhabitants of stagnant waters. Triaenodes spec. Material. 1 2, 2 km east of Kanpetlet, 1700 m a.s.l., 2.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey, (pinned); 1 9, Chin Hills, Natma Taung National Park, 15 km north of Mindat, 411.2005, leg. S. Naumann (pinned). Poecilopsyche duhchasana Schmid, 1968 Fig. 4K Material. 1 ¢, 1 9, 8 miles camp, 2500 m as.., 6-8.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey, genitalia slide Mey 30/20, photo 27/20, 28/20, (pinned). Poecilopsyche spec. Material. 1 2, 8 miles camp, 2500 m a.s.l., 6—8.x.2002, LE, leg. W. Mey, (pinned). Setodes nakir Malicky & Mey, 2020 Material (Holotype): 1 3, Natma Taung National Park, path to Mt. Victoria, 2600 m a.s.1., 2.11.2005, leg. S. Naumann. Setodes spec. Material. 1 9, 8 miles camp, 2500 m a.s.l., 6—8.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey, photo 32/20, (pinned). Oecetis maron Malicky & P Chantaramongkol, 2005 Material. 1 4, Mindat, 1916 m a.s.l., Agricultural Re- search Station, 22.v.2012, leg. S. Naumann. Marilia tuyetmira Olah & Johanson, 2010 Material. 1¢, Chin Hills, Natma Taung National Park, 15 km north of Mindat, 4.11.2005, leg. S. Naumann (pinned); 1 3, Mindat, 1453 ma.s.l., 21.v.2012, leg. S. Naumann. Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 68 (1) 2021, 139-164 Anisocentropus pandora Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1992 Material. 1 <4, 8 miles camp, 2500 m a.s.1., 6-8.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey, cleared abdomen in glycerine vial (pinned); 3 6, 1 2, 8 miles camp, 2500 m as.., 6-8.x.2002, LF, leg. W. Mey, (pinned); 4 <4, 1 9, Matupi, 25 miles camp, 12.x1.2015, leg. S. Naumann (pinned); 1 3, 14 km W Mindat, 1910 m as.l., 10.xi.2015, leg. S. Naumann (pinned); 1 3, Mindat, 1916 ma.s.l., 12.v.2012, leg. S. Naumann (pinned); 1 3, Mindat — Matupi Road, 1910 mas.l., 20.v.2012, leg. S. Naumann (pinned). Biogeography The first information on caddisflies of the Chin Hills and from its National Park was provided by Wityi et al. (2015). They recorded a total of 25 species, 13 of which are found again in this study. Together with the 106 spe- cies communicated here, a total of 119 species is now known from the Chin Hills. The number of existing spe- cies is certainly much higher. The fieldwork concentrated on the higher elevations and habitats at lower elevations were sampled only sporadically. The resulting family spectrum is therefore that of a mountain fauna, that lacks a number of groups or contains only a few species from speciose families (e.g. Psychomyliidae, Leptoceridae). The Hydroptilidae are completely absent, which appears to be an artifact based on sampling methodology rather than reflecting reality. From a biogeographical point of view, the fauna of the Chin Hills should resemble the fauna of the Indian Subre- gion (Franz and Beier 1970), especially the fauna of their north-eastern part, known in the past as Assam, the for- mer Province of British India. The Chin Hills range has a north-south orientation and is connected via the Naga Hills in the north to Assam, a topography that facilitates the formation and presence of acommon mountain fauna. Further to the north, the mountain ranges are connected with the Eastern Himalayas, which open a dispersal route of Himalayan or Palaearctic elements to the south. How- ever, this route 1s also open for the entire montane fau- na which is dispersed over numerous mountain ranges, stretching in the west from eastern Tibet, northern Myan- mar, Yunnan, Sichuan to Guangxi, northern Thailand and to northern Vietnam in the east. The species present in this transition zone between the Palaearctic and Orien- tal faunal regions are sometimes difficult to designate as being of Oriental or Palaearctic origin. The distribution ranges of individual species are poorly known in this zone and only a few records are usually available from distant localities. In Table 1, the 106 identified species are listed in systematic order together with indications of their occurrences in three defined longitudinal transects in a west-east gradient. Table 2 gives a summary of the distribution of all species, highlighting the number of Species restricted to each section and provides species 161 numbers according to the four suborders in each of the transects. Annulipalpia, Plenitentoria and Brevitentoria are considered as valid suborders, while Spicipalpia is a paraphyletic group encompassing the basal lineages and families of Plenitentoria+Brevitentoria (Thomas et al. 2020). Though not valid in a systematic sense, the taxon has practical value in comparisons of results in faunistic, biogeographic and ecological studies and is used here. The Trichoptera fauna of the Chin Hills is nearly equally divided into a group of species with a wide dis- tribution in south-east Asia (eastern transect) and into a group whose members are inhabitants of mountain ranges in north-east India and further west (western and central transects). The equal portions of both groups in the composition of the fauna (Table 2) are an argument for considering the Chin Hills as a range situated in the transition zone between “western” and “eastern” faunal elements in the Oriental Region. The width and longi- tudinal extension of this zone is currently unknown, but should follow the mountain topography including parts of Eastern Bangladesh, eastern India and Western Myanmar. The Chin Hills are situated on the western border of the Ayeyawaddy River watershed. It is a task of future stud- ies to find out whether the transition zone includes the entire watershed or remains restricted to mountain ranges on its western and northern margins. There are only a few distributional ranges, which are connecting the Chin Hills in the north with Xizang (e.g. Hydropsyche ditalon) or Yunnan and Sichuan (e.g. Rhya- cophila assimilis, Himalopsyche navasi, Stenopsyche ca- zul, Hydromanicus umbonatus, Aplatyphylax pumilus sp. nov.). The species of these distributional types are consid- ered as palearctic elements, whose occurrence in the Chin Hills is further strengthening the character of the fauna as being a mixture of species of different origins. The mountain fauna of the Chin Hills is dominated by species of Annulipalpia. About 2/3 of the species have wide ranges. The Spicipalpia with species of Rhyacophila spp., Glossosoma spp. and Apsilochorema spp. and the Plenitenoria with species of Lepidostoma spp. have most of their ranges lying in the western transect. A number of these species are certainly endemics with ranges centred in the north-east of India. Discussion The discovery of 19 hitherto unknown species is an inter- esting result. Twelve species were described by Malicky and Mey (2020) as a first part and, in this article, we pro- vide species descriptions of seven further species as a sec- ond part. The Chin Hills are a somewhat isolated moun- tain range and the occurrence of endemic species and their detection was and, is, of high probability. Some of the de- scribed species are perhaps true endemics, while others may occur with further populations north or south of the Chin Hills. Further collecting in Myanmar is necessary to determine the biogeographic status of the new taxa. dez.pensoft.net 162 Wolfram Mey & Hans Malicky: Caddisflies from Natma Taung National Park Table 1. Distribution of resident species from the Chin Hills and Species/taxon West-east longitudinal gradient their occurrences in adjacent countries plotted to longitudinal BB IO ee | AR EACRS : . Pseudolept i iat I,N Y L, T, V sections (85°—95°E: A = Assam, B = Bhuthan, H = Himalayas; es ae Gites eats acorn rot I= India, N= Nepal, Ti= Tibet; 95°_98°E: M = Myanmar, S= Diplectrona aumel Malicky & Mey, 2020 i Sichuan, Y = Yunnan; 98°-108°E: C = Cambodia, L=Laos, Ma —_—Piplectrona aurovittata Ulmer, 1906 Sony : Mage ; , ; Sa Diplectrona burha Schmid, 1961 I,N TV = Malaysia, T = Thailand, V = Vietnam). Presumed localities of Spek Bah es } i Ee : Diplectrona harpyia Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1992 T near relatives of the new species are indicated by an asterix (*). Diplectrona hermione Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1992 T. Ma Species marked with bold are 12 additional records retrieved Diplectrona flavospilota Mey, 1998 Y: from: Wi tyi dial (20 15 ). Diplectrona sanguana Kimmins, 1964 N Cheumatopsyche charites Malicky & TV Ch kol, 1997 Species/taxon West-east longitudinal gradient ceo ; ; eo Cheumatopsyche chryseis Malicky & T 85°-95° 95°-98° 98°-108° Ch kol antaramongkol, 1997 Rhyacophila assimilis Kimmins, 1953 A M Cheumatopsyche cressida Malicky, 1979 N T Bipot pinta aurcomagulate Schtnid, 1270 e Cheumatopsyche dhanikari Malicky, 1979 Andamanes___T, V Rhyacophila bifida Kimmins, 1953 Ti M, Y T Ch Fei psildhe i i Ne id “f eumatopsyche janosolahi sp. nov. Rinacophila chenmo Schmid, Cheumatopsyche naumanni Malicky, 1986 ILN T Rhyacophila curvata Morton, 1900 A,I a TY Potania flaiata( Bankes: 193%) TK Ma,'T. V Rhyacophila manipuri Schmid, 1970 A Hyd an Ae Ales Ii a hyacophila marae Malicky & Mey, 2020 * adhd: Wate tone a iia ‘e ar ae ms Hydromanicus almansor Malicky, 1993 M T Miquoapinla parma kimnsnins, 1939 Ss Hydromanicus inferior Chantaramongkol & N M T Rhyacophila scissa Morton, 1900 A,H i Malicky, 1995 Rhyacophila scissioides Kimmins, 1953 AH,N MY T Hydromanicus luctuosus Ulmer, 1905 AN Y Tv Rhyacophila scotina Kimmins, 1953 A Hydromanicus remiel Malicky & Mey, 2020 ; si Rhyacophila spec. A Hydromanicus seth Malicky, 1993 M Himalopsyche lanceolata (Morton, 1900) A Hydromanicus umbonatus Li, 1993 S,Y Himalopsyche navasi Banks, 1940 S vi Hydromanicus aiakos Malicky, 1997 B M Apsilochorema annandalei Martynov, 1935 IN Hydropsyche appendicularisMartynov, 1931 A,N S L,T Apsilochorema tanum Schmid, 1970 I Hydropsyche atlas Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 2000 I,N Apsilochorema utchtchunam Schmid, 1970 I,N M TV Hydropsyche athamas Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 2000 I Glossosoma atestas Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1992 I,LN Suv Vv Hydropsyche briareus Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 2000 T Glossosoma dentatum McLachlan, 1875 I,N Hydropsyche bootes Malicky & T Glossosoma hamael Malicky & Mey, 2020 % mi Chantaramongkol, 2000 Glossosoma hemantajam Schmid, 1971 I Hydropsyche ditalon Tian & Li, 1988 LTi Y Glossosoma malayanum Banks, 1934 B Ma, T, V Hydropsyche khasigiri Olah & Barnard, 2008 A Glossosoma vehuel Malicky & Mey, 2020 ¥ ‘i Hydropsyche hackeri Mey, 1998 I S,Y Chimarra aberrans Mattynov, 1935 ILN Fydropsyche pallipenne Banks, 1938 I,N M Ma, T Chimarra argax Malicky, 1989 C, Ma, T Hydropsyche rakshakaha Olah, 1994 I,N Chimarra areli Malicky & Mey, 2008 Cc Hydropsyche tabulifera Schmid, 1963 ILN Chimarra ariadne Malicky, 1997 Nikobar Hydropsyche uvana Mey, 1995 I M TV Chimarra crepidata Kimmins, 1957 A Eubasilissa maclachlani White, 1862 N Y,S TV Chimarra devva Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1993 “RN, Micrasema turbo Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1992 als Chimarra nahesson Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1993 TV Micrasema spec. Chimarra okuihorum Mey, 1998 N TV Goera vaichravana Schmid, 1991 A Chimarra otiel Malicky & Mey, 2020 ; % ‘s Goera spec. Chimarra scopulifera Kimmins, 1955 N TV Lepidostoma armatum (Ulmer, 1905) I Wormaldia relicta (Martynov, 1935) B, N M TV Lepidostoma assamense (Mosely, 1949) A Wormaldia serrata (Kimmins, 1955) M 1s Lepidostoma brueckmanni Malicky & Chantaramongkol, I Y L,T Wormaldia simulans Kimmins, 1955 M 1994 Wormaldia therapion Schmid, 1991 I Lepidostoma hardiel Malicky & Mey, 2020 A Wornaldia tiabor Schmid 1891 I Lepidostoma moulmina Mosely, 1949 N M ay Kisaura alsuel Malicky, 2012 A Lepidostoma serratum (Mosely, 1949) I Kisaura longispina (Kimmins, 1955) M Tv Lepidostoma subpanaitos sp. nov. $ & Kisaura moselyi (Kimmins, 1955) M Lepidostoma yehuiah Malicky & Mey, 2020 A Kisaura sura Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1993 TV Lepidostoma y bate Weare 2002 EN Doloplndodes elpaguer Wirnthins, 1935 M Laraphlegopterix DP ne exes: 1999 I Dolophiliaat Habmenitie Ricans, 1955 B,N M Moropsyche ag Schmid, 1968 ts Dolophilodes torrentis Kimmins, 1955 B,N M TV sae aN he Pahcly, Sey 2020 . Stenopsyche benaventi Navas, 1934 I M T Pe i i y st oh ae a Jer, fuses r Stenopsyche brevata Tian & Zheng, 1989 M, Y T “ haere ik tt ate a : Adicella natmataungensis sp. nov. f Stenopsyche cazul Malicky & Mey, 2020 5 : Stenopsyche himalayana M 1926 HI SY TV irae as ic ne coca rae ‘ ‘ : Triaenodes mindatensis sp. nov. - Stenopsyche khasia Kimmins, 1958 A ; S he similis Ulmer, 1927 I,N M Vee ee eS ee : : Poecilopsyche duhchasana Schmid, 1968 A Lype atnia Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1993 Ma, T, V Poccilopsithe spec Psychomyia nimmoi Schmid, 1997 I Setodes nakir Malicky & Mey, 2020 r Plectrocnemia forcipata Schmid,1965 we Vv Setodes spec Polyplectropus anakempat Malicky, 1995 N Occetis scutulata Martynov, 1936 LN T Polyplectropus phrixos Malicky & Changthong, 2007 T Oecetis maron Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 2005 M, T Polyplectropus musiriel Malicky & Mey, 2020 2 Marilia mogtiana Malicky, 1989 L,T Polyplectropus sabael Malicky & Mey, 2020 i Marilia tuyetmira Olah & Johanson, 2010 iB Arctopsyche subflava sp. nov. ‘ Anisocentropus pandora Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1992 al Arctopsyche tricornis Schmid, 1968 A M 81 45 62 dez.pensoft.net Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 68 (1) 2021, 139-164 163 Table 2. Number of species in the three latitudinal sections of table 1, and their distribution according to suborders. 7 species were only identified to genus level in Spicipalpia (1), Plenitentoria (2) and Brevitentoria (4). Species with an asterix (*) may occur in more than one column. All species Annulipalpia Spicipalpia Plenitentoria Brevitentoria Ranges restricted to the western segment: 42 15 11 11 4 Ranges restricted to the western and median segment: 18 11 3 1 2 Ranges extending over all segments: 60 41 8 5 6 total 118 65 22 (+ 1) 17 (+ 2) 10 (+ 4) The Trichoptera of Myanmar were summarised in a first, annotated check-list by Wity et al. (2015) provid- ing data for a total of 227 species. The investigations of the present authors yielded another 77 species, previous- ly unrecorded from the country or herein established as new taxa. This brings the number of species records from Myanmar to 304. However, this number will certainly in- crease with future collection efforts, such as the initiative of P. Laudee from Thailand. After Kambaiti in the Kachin State, the NTNP in the Chin State represents now the sec- ond location of a more thorough inventory of Trichop- tera in Myanmar. It will hopefully be followed by further studies in coming years, a demanding task with regard to the shrinking areas of natural habitats in Myanmar and elsewhere in south-east Asia. Acknowledgements The authors are thankful to U Shein Gay Ngai and Aung Zaw Linn from the NTNP Nature and Wildlife Conserva- tion Division, Kanpetlet for their support in conducting fieldwork and to U Htay Aung (Yangoon) for organising voyages to the Chin State. We would like to thank S. Naumann (Berlin) for col- lecting caddisflies during several trips in Myanmar and for donating the material to WM and to the MfN. The country map and the map of the Natma Taung National Park were produced by J. Mey (Potsdam). J. Dunlop (Mf£N) correct- ed and improved the English text of a first draft of the manuscript. Colour slides of collecting sites were scanned by T. Schmid-Dankward (MfN). Additional photos were provided by S. Naumann. K-T. Park (Incheon) and T. Nozaki (Kanagawa) sent copies of articles on the Natma Taung National Park. They all deserve our sincere thanks, as well as B. Armitage (Panama) and T. Malm (Stock- holm) for their critical input in improving the manuscript. The financial support of the MfN for the publication of this article is acknowledged with thanks. References Beffasti L, Galanti V (2011) Myanmar Protected Areas. Context, Cur- rent Status and Challenges. Ancora Libri Press, Milan, 155 pp. Franz H, Beier M (1970) Die geographische Verbreitung der Insekten. Handbuch der Zoologie, Band IV: Arthropoda 2-1/6, 139 pp. Kang DH, Ling SM, Kim YD, Homervergel GO (2017) New records of flowering plants of the flora of Myanmar collected from Natma Taung National Park (Chin State). 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