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  1. By: Culpeper, Nicholas,
    Publication info: Halifax, published by M. Garlick, [1816?]
    Holding Institution: Wellcome Library
  2. By: Culpeper, Nicholas,
    Publication info: Llanrwsi [Llanrwst], Argraffwyd ac ar werth gan J. Jones, [between 1830 and 1839?]
    Holding Institution: Wellcome Library
  3. By: Culpeper, Nicholas,
    Publication info: London, R. Evans, 1814 [reprinted 195-?]
    Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
    BHL Collections: Missouri Botanical Garden's Materia Medica
  4. By: Culpeper, Nicholas,
    Publication info: Halifax, Milner and Sowerby, 1852
    Holding Institution: Emory University, Manuscript, Archives and Rare Book Library
  5. Culpeper's last legacy: left and bequeathed to his dearest wife, for the publick good. : Being the choycest and most profitable of those secrets which while he lived were lockt up in his breast, and resolved never to be publisht till after his death. Containing sundry admirable experiences in several sciences, more especially in chyrurgery and physick: viz. Compounding of medicines, making of waters, syrups, oyles, electuaries, conserves, salts, pills, purges, and trochischs. With two particular treatises; the one of feavers, the other of pestilence: as also rare and choyce aphorismes and receipts, fitted to the understanding of the meanest capacities. The fourth impression; whereunto is added 200 choyce receipts, lately found, never publisht before in any of his other works; with a compleat table
    By: Culpeper, Nicholas,
    Edition: The fourth impression.
    Publication info: London, Printed by Tho. Ratcliffe for Nath. Brooke at the Angel in Gresham-Colledge; and for Ben. Billingsley and Obadiah Blagrave at the printing press in Broadstreet, 1668
    Holding Institution: Wellcome Library
  6. By: Culpeper, Nicholas,
    Publication info: London, printed for S. Ballard, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, R. Baldwin, S. Crowder, P. Davey and B. Law, and H. Woodgate and S. Brooks, [1760?]
    Holding Institution: Wellcome Library
  7. By: Culpeper, Nicholas,
    Publication info: Gainsborough, Printed by and for H. Mozley, 1813
    Holding Institution: Wellcome Library
  8. By: Culpeper, Nicholas,
    Publication info: London, Printed by P. Cole, 1652
    Holding Institution: Wellcome Library
  9. By: Culpeper, Nicholas, - Culpeper, Nicholas,
    Edition: A new ed. with a list of the principal diseases to which the human body is liable, and a general index.
    Publication info: London, Thomas Kelly, 1835
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
  10. By: Culpeper, Nicholas, - Culpeper, Nicholas,
    Edition: A new ed. with a list of the principal diseases to which the human body is liable, and a general index.
    Publication info: London, Thomas Kelly, 1850
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
  11. By: Culpeper, Nicholas, - Culpeper, Nicholas,
    Publication info: London, Foulsham, [188-?]
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Gerstein Science Information Centre
  12. By: Culpeper, Nicholas, - Culpeper, Nicholas,
    Publication info: London, Published by Richard Evans, No. 8, White's Row, Spitalfields, 1815
    Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
  13. By: Culpeper, Nicholas, - Eastwood, John - Royal College of Physicians of London.
    Publication info: Leeds, John Binns, 1799
    Holding Institution: Royal College of Physicians, London
  14. By: Culpeper, Nicholas, - Hamilton, Joshua. - Saunders, William - Royal College of Physicians of London.
    Publication info: London, W. Locke, 1792
    Holding Institution: Royal College of Physicians, London
  15. By: Culpeper, Nicholas, - Hamilton, Joshua. - Saunders, William - Royal College of Physicians of London.
    Publication info: London, W. Locke, 1792
    Holding Institution: Royal College of Physicians, London
  16. By: Culpeper, Nicholas, - Hamilton, Joshua. - Saunders, William - Royal College of Physicians of London.
    Publication info: London, W. Locke, 1792
    Holding Institution: Royal College of Physicians, London
  17. By: Culpeper, Nicholas, - Parkins, Dr.
    Publication info: London, Printed by J. & E. Hodson, for B. Crosby & Co, 1809
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
  18. By: Culpeper, Nicholas, - Royal College of Physicians of London.
    Publication info: London, Willam Nicholson & Sons, [1870]
    Holding Institution: Royal College of Physicians, London
  19. By: Culpeper, Nicholas, - Royal College of Physicians of London.
    Edition: A new edition, with a list of the principal diseases to which the human body is liable, and a general index.
    Publication info: London, Thomas Kelly, 1842
    Holding Institution: Royal College of Physicians, London
  20. By: Culpeper, Nicholas, - Royal College of Physicians of London.
    Publication info: London, J. Scatcherd, 1801
    Holding Institution: Royal College of Physicians, London
  21. By: Culpeper, Nicholas, - Royal College of Physicians of London.
    Publication info: London, Printed for the booksellers, 1799
    Holding Institution: Royal College of Physicians, London
  22. By: Culpeper, Nicholas, - Sibley, Ebenezer,
    Publication info: London, Printed for the author, and sold at the British Directory Office, [1789]
    Holding Institution: West Virginia University Libraries
  23. By: Culpeper, Nicholas, - Sibly, E. (Ebenezer), - Stalker C.
    Publication info: London, printed for the proprietors and sold by C. Stalker, 1790
    Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
    BHL Collections: Missouri Botanical Garden's Materia Medica
  24. By: Culpeper, Nicholas, - University of Glasgow. Library.
    Publication info: Halifax, Printed and sold by J. Nicholson, 1834
    Holding Institution: University of Glasgow Library
  25. By: Culpeper, Nicholas, - University of Leeds. Library.
    Publication info: London, Printed for J. Walker, 1790
    Holding Institution: University of Leeds Library