By: Galen. - Polybus. - Guinterius, Joannes, Andernacus, - Apuleius Barbarus. - Benivieni, Antonio, - Galen.Edition:Publication info: [Parisiis], Prostant ... apud Christianu Wechel, 1528Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Boston Public LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Helwig, Christoph, - Hippocrates. - Galen. - Aristotle.Edition:Publication info: Basil. [Basel, Switzerland], Typis Joh. Jacobi Deckeri Academiae Typographi, [1666]Volume:Series:Holding Institution: John Carter Brown LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Hippocrates - Houry, Jeanne d', - Desmars, J. T., - Galen.Edition:Publication info: A Paris, Chez la veuve d'Houry, imprimeur-libraire, 1798Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research InstituteSubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Paré, Ambroise, - Galen. - Hippocrates. - J. G. - Johnson, Thomas, - Clark, Mary, - Clark, John, - Spiegel, Adriaan van de,Edition:Publication info: London, Printed by Mary Clark, and are to be sold by John Clark, at Mercers Chappel at the Lower End of Cheapside, MDCLXXVIII. [1678]Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Wellcome LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections:
By: Serapion, the Younger. - Averroës, - Rāzī, Abū Bakr Muḥammad ibn Zakarīyā, - Galen. - Brunfels, Otto, - Geldenhauer, Gerard, - Georg Ulricher.Edition:Publication info: [Argentorati [Strasbourg], Excudebat Georgius Ulricher, 1531, mensis SeptembriVolume:Series:Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: Missouri Botanical Garden's Materia Medica