On the relations between forest lands and climate in Victoria
Vol 16, Page 1
Experiments on the tensile strength of a few of the colonial timbers
Vol 16, Page 6
The diorites and granites of Swift's Creek and their contact zones, with notes on the auriferous deposits
Vol 16, Page 11
On the genus Amathia of Lamouroux, with a description of a new species
Vol 16, Page 89
Notes on the customs of Mota, Banks Islands
Vol 16, Page 119
Some new localities for minerals in Victoria
Vol 16, Page 144
The tidal datum of Hobson's Bay
Vol 16, Page 146
On the method of calculating the increment in the value of land
Vol 16, Page 148
Hughes' induction currents balance and sonometer
Vol 16, Page 152
Notes on the geology of the West Tamar District, Tasmania
Vol 16, Page 155
Notes on small motors
Vol 16, Page 165
On the Yarra dialect and the languages of Australia in connexion with those of the Mozambique and Portuguese Africa
Vol 16, Page 170
Observations of the outer satellite of Mars in 1882
Vol 16, Page 176
Proceedings of Section A. Physical, Astronomical, and Mechanical Science, including Engineering
Vol 16, Page 188