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Die natürliche wagerechte Richtung von Pflanzentheilen. : [Supplementary material in Charles Darwin's copy]
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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

line 1 underline "ein ... für"
top-margin annotation a sense for attraction of gravity
from End Slip 2 annotation in brown ink p. 2 speaks of sense for attraction

line 18 score [`bookmark']

lines 7—2 double score
lines 8—7 annotation Fragaria
line 1 underline "erfolgende ... gediehen"
bottom-margin annotation takes place very slowly
from End Slip 2 annotation in brown ink 20 Fragaria stolons see to. «this» movemts vy slow.

line 8 score [`bookmark']

lines 18—21 double score
lines 21—22 underline "causaler ... Lichtstrahlen"

lines 24—27 score
lines 29—36 score
lines 24—34 annotation inclined when one side shaded
     evidence of

from End Slip 2 annotation in brown ink 45 leaves stand at right angle to Light — inclined when light strike one side

lines 9—15 score
lines 10—11 underline "eigentliche ... übernimmt"
lines 1—12 annotation ‹A› twistng confind to petiole; ‹but the per›
from End Slip 2 annotation in brown ink 52    twistng confined to petioles.— & not to joints how differt frm Pfeffer.

lines 19—21 score
line 19 underline "der Stiel"
lines 17—25 annotation How differnt frm Pfeffer
from End Slip 2 annotation in brown ink 52    twistng confined to petioles.— & not to joints how differt frm Pfeffer.

lines 1—10 score
lines 1—12 annotation Use of compound Leaves

lines 14—17 score
lines 14—17 annotation especially when fixed by tendril

lines 21—19 multiple score
line 7 underline "Clematisarten"
lines 12—7
lines 18—14 annotation — Mutisia    Bignonia    Fumaria

line 11 score [`bookmark']

line 17bottom-margin annotation [drawings of types of leaf-movement]
lines 7—1 annotation This might be tested by Klinostat

line 3 score in dark pencil

line 6 apparently unintentional mark

line 12bottom-margin annotation not in Darwin's hand This is the same thing as epinasty Origly caused by light afterwards guided by geotr.

lines 14—10 score in dark pencil
lines 8—7 underline "Letztere ... horizontal"
lines 8—7 annotation !
lines 17—6 annotation I thought he said rise in darkness
from End Slip 2 annotation in brown ink 62, «64» leaves of tree which do not rise in darkness.
show subjects subjects

lines 2—7 score
line 1 annotation in darkness
from End Slip 2 annotation in brown ink 62, «64» leaves of tree which do not rise in darkness.
show subjects subjects

lines 8—13 double score in dark pencil
lines 8—9 underline in dark pencil "durch ... können"
line 12 underline in dark pencil "ausgeprägte ... Lichte"

lines 13—17 score
line 14 underline "Schwerkraft ... Licht"

lines 5—1 score in dark pencil

lines 1—2 score
lines 1—2 underline "flächenförmige ... werden"
line 2 underline "Hofmeister"
from End Slip 2 annotation in brown ink 75 Hofmster nearly discovered transverse-geotropism & Heliotropism

lines 15—19 score in dark pencil

lines 6—3 score in dark pencil
line 3 score in dark pencil
lines 15—7 annotation in dark pencil goes on growing

line 2 score
lines 7—1 annotation pulvinus I believe error Pfeffer.

line 11 underline "der ... in"
lines 14—17 score
line 17 underline "longitudinale ... Organes"
lines 11—17 annotation seems to consider it a direct result and not a mere excitemt

lines 14—10 score
lines 13—12 underline "Transversal ... Heliotropismus"

line 5 score
line 1 underline "transversalheliotropischen ... Pflanzentheile"

top-margin annotation I came always to consider the movemnt direct effect of light.

line 5 score [`bookmark']

lines 9—32 annotation This assumption appears to be merely sayng so it is

line 28 score [`bookmark']

whole-margin annotation He believes that those individuals which originlly chanced to have ,for instance, plumule erct & radicle verticlly donwads, wuld survive; but this as yet does — not apply to movemts, & still less to cases like sleep-movemnts.
show subjects subjects

line 2 score
line 2 annotation X
from End Slip 1, Side 1 annotation in dark brown ink Frm final chapter
     p. 90    organs will grw in all directions some favourable & som hurtful.— will change into favourable—
     position — I supposes indeed, movemts.—
     Movemts become so firmy associated with «certain» external influences «such as light & gravity» tht th latter suffice to cause th sam process of grwth or movemt.
     good { like instinct — Compares with chicken seeng food & eatng it an associated habit in this case
show subjects subjects