The Orchids in the Ottawa District: Floristics, Phytogeography, Population Studies and Historical Review
Vol 111, Iss 1, Page 1, Date 1997
The decline and current status of the dune race of the Dwarf Cherry, Prunus pumila var. pumila, on the Canadian shores of the lower Great Lakes
Vol 111, Iss 2, Page 187, Date 1997
A taxonomic study of the grass genus Glyceria (mannagrass) in British Columbia
Vol 111, Iss 2, Page 194, Date 1997
Coyote, Canis latrans, visitations to scent stations in southeastern Alberta
Vol 111, Iss 2, Page 200, Date 1997
Beaver, Castor canadensis, home range size and patterns of use in the taiga of southeastern Manitoba: I. Seasonal variation
Vol 111, Iss 2, Page 204, Date 1997
Beaver, Castor canadensis, home range size and patterns of use in the taiga of southeastern Manitoba: II. Sex, age, and family status
Vol 111, Iss 2, Page 211, Date 1997
Beaver, Castor canadensis, home range size and patterns of use in the taiga of southeastern Manitoba: III. Habitat variation
Vol 111, Iss 2, Page 217, Date 1997
Food preference and ad libitum intake of wild-captured Sitka Mice, Peromyscus keeni sitkensis
Vol 111, Iss 2, Page 223, Date 1997
Summer food habits and population density of Coyotes, Canis latrans, in boreal forests of southeasten Quebec
Vol 111, Iss 2, Page 227, Date 1997
Egg composition and post-DDT eggshell thickness of the American White Pelican, Pelecanus erythrorhyncos
Vol 111, Iss 2, Page 234, Date 1997
Population growth of Moose, Alces alces, in Labrador
Vol 111, Iss 2, Page 238, Date 1997
Resurgence of breeding Merlins, Falco columbarius richardsonii, in Saskatchewan grasslands
Vol 111, Iss 2, Page 243, Date 1997
Rare and endangered fishes and marine mammals of Canada: COSEWIC Fish and Marine Mammal Subcommittee Status Reports XL
Vol 111, Iss 2, Page 249, Date 1997
Status of the Nootsack Dace, Rhinichthys sp., in Canada
Vol 111, Iss 2, Page 258, Date 1997
Status of the Northern Fur Seal, Callorhinus urinsus, in Canada
Vol 111, Iss 2, Page 263, Date 1997
Status of the Lacs des Loups Marins Harbour Seal, Phoca vitulina mellonae, in Canada
Vol 111, Iss 2, Page 270, Date 1997
Updated Status of the Sea Otter, Enhydra lutris, in Canada
Vol 111, Iss 2, Page 277, Date 1997
Status of the Northern Bottlenose Whale, Hyperoodon ampullatus, in the Gully, Nova Scotia
Vol 111, Iss 2, Page 287, Date 1997
Status of the Sperm Whale, Physeter macrocephalus, in Canada
Vol 111, Iss 2, Page 293, Date 1997
First breeding record of Red-breasted Merganser, Mergus serrator, on Axel Heiberg Island, Northwest Territories
Vol 111, Iss 2, Page 308, Date 1997
Sagina (Caryophyllaceae) range extensions in Canada: S. japonica new to Newfoundland; S. procumbens new to the Northwest Territories
Vol 111, Iss 2, Page 309, Date 1997
Use of active Beaver, Castor canadensis, lodges by Muskrats, Ondatra zibethicus, in Wyoming
Vol 111, Iss 2, Page 310, Date 1997
Fall -early winter home ranges, movements, and den use of male Mink, Mustela vison, in eastern Tennessee
Vol 111, Iss 2, Page 312, Date 1997
Observations of a possible cleaning symbiosis between Painted Turtles, Chrysemys picta, and Snapping Turtles, Cheldra serpentina, in central Ontario
Vol 111, Iss 2, Page 315, Date 1997
Weissia brachycarpa (Nees & Homsch.) Jur. at Niagara Falls, a moss new to Ontario
Vol 111, Iss 2, Page 318, Date 1997
The moss Tortella alpicola Dix. new to Alberta and the Yukon Territory with a discussion of its range and comments on related species
Vol 111, Iss 2, Page 320, Date 1997
The problem of invading alien trees and shrubs: Some observations in Ontario and a Canadian checklist
Vol 111, Iss 2, Page 338, Date 1997
The Minds of Birds, by Alexander F. Skutch [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 2, Page 343, Date 1997
Martens, Sables, and Fishers: Biology and Conservation, eds. S. W. Buskirk, A. S. Harestad, M. G. Raphael, and R. A. Powell [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 2, Page 343, Date 1997
Chickadees, Tits, Nuthatches & Treecreepers, by Simon Harrap and David Quinn [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 2, Page 344, Date 1997
Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera (Trichoptera), by Glenn B. Wiggins [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 2, Page 345, Date 1997
The Scientific Basis for Conserving Forest Carnivores: American Marten, Fisher, Lynx, and Wolverine in the Western United States, eds. Leonard F. Ruggeriero, et al. [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 2, Page 345, Date 1997
The Last Panda, by George B. Schaller [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 2, Page 346, Date 1997
The Birds of Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories, Canada, by Jacques Sirois, and The Birds of the Northwest Territories, by Jacques Sirois and Doug McRae [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 2, Page 347, Date 1997
Bird Song, by C. K. Catchpole and P. J. B. Slater [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 2, Page 348, Date 1997
A History of the Orchid, by Merle A. Reinikka [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 2, Page 348, Date 1997
The Ontario Naturalized Garden, by Lorraine Johnson [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 2, Page 349, Date 1997
Canada's Biodiversity: The Variety of Life, its Status, Economic Benefits, Conservation Costs, and Unmet Needs, by Ted Mosquin, Peter G. Whiting, and Don E. McAllister [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 2, Page 350, Date 1997
The Greening of Ethics, by Richard Sylvan and David Bennett [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 2, Page 351, Date 1997
Wildlife and Recreationists: Coexistence Through Management and Research, eds Richard L. Knight and Kevin J. Gutzwiller [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 2, Page 352, Date 1997
Conservation Biology in Theory and Practice, by G. Caughley and A. Gunn [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 2, Page 352, Date 1997
Macroecology, by James H. Brown [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 2, Page 353, Date 1997
Fundamentals of Conservation Biology, by M. L. Hunter [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 2, Page 353, Date 1997
Drinking Water: Refreshing Answers to All Your Questions, by James M. Symons [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 2, Page 354, Date 1997
Eastern Deciduous Forest: Ecology and Wildlife Conservation, by Richard H. Yahner [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 2, Page 354, Date 1997
River Out of Eden, by Richard Dawkins [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 2, Page 354, Date 1997
Diary of William W. Judd: Sifton Botanical Bog (Byron Bog), London, Ontario, 1981-1993, by W. W. Judd [Review]
Vol 111, Iss 2, Page 355, Date 1997