Notes on some miscellaneous Coleoptera with descriptions of new species. Part VI
Vol 50, Page 45, Date 1926
Studies in Australian Lepidoptera
Vol 50, Page 120, Date 1926
Review of Australian isopods of the cymothoid group. Pt II
Vol 50, Page 201, Date 1926
Ecological notes and description of previously unrecorded features of Ornithochiton ashbyi, B. and M., Acanthochiton crocodilus, T. and A., together with definitions of a new Callochiton (Polyplacophora)
Vol 50, Page 241, Date 1926
Species of the Isopod family Sphaeromidae, from the eastern, southern and western coasts of Australia
Vol 50, Page 247, Date 1926
Australian Hymenoptera Proctotrypoidea.-- No. 5
Vol 50, Page 298, Date 1926