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Contributions to the theory of natural selection. A series of essays
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London, Macmillan and co, 1870
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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by MBLWHOI Library
Annotation Not Available

top-margin annotation Female Ants leave the nest & cannot have seen but very little of the Work done by the Workers & yet have offspring It is wonderf.

top-margin annotation Cuckoo — Tanagrella
from End Note 2 annotation 205 Instincts of nidification

lines 4—8 annotation The last female Bee which is hatched

lines 14—15 annotation cocoons of Butterflies

bottom-margin annotation Solitary Wasps Spiders

lines 8—29 annotation Think of influence of Language Antiquity of Man Brazil & California

lines 9—11 score
lines 10—11 underline "simple ... hereditary"

lines 14—19 score
from End Note 2 annotation 221 Song of Birds acquired confirmed by Hon Herbert, I suppose in his edition of White — see L. Jenyns

lines 1—28 annotation A Man does not make a canoe or arrow-head without practice — so differs from Birds — all a fallacy
from End Note 2 annotation 225 Man

lines 5—13 annotation mistaken instinct
from End Note 2 annotation 229 mistaken instinct

lines 15—30 score
lines 19—22 score
lines 17—21 annotation “    ” [and (sub)editorial marking(s)]

lines 7—19 score

lines 22—30 score

lines 7—15 score

lines 19—21 score
lines 4—30 annotation Yet it must be added that some extremely ancient skulls were fairly well developed

lines 29—30 score

lines 23—25 score

lines 3—5 score

lines 1—23 annotation There is all the difference in the World between an instinct (ie not hereditary habit) & intellectual act

top-margin annotation It is brain here & not use of hands

lines 3—6 score

lines 9—11 score
lines 10—11 underline "his ... disproportionate"

lines 20—26 score
lines 16—29 annotation If we look to detail to usage of hair above the lips, over whole body

lines 21—29 score
lines 6—29 annotation Under sexual selection — like injury for Horns of Stags

lines 6—11 score

lines 24—28 score
lines 24—28 annotation incitable/incidental

bottom-margin annotation Perhaps specify thus

bottom-margin annotation He who can count & reason & do the rest

bottom-margin annotation No new faculty

lines 11—15 score
from End Note 2 annotation 353 Santals wd not break their parole

lines 12—15 score
lines 12—15 annotation !
from End Note 1 annotation intelligent power 356 & 359

lines 7—8 underline "[most of line]"
from End Note 1 annotation intelligent power 356 & 359

bottom-margin annotation I admit the possibility but I do not see the necessity or evidence in interference for the production of man as distinct from the production of lower animals.