Notes on the distribution of House Bunting Emberiza striolata in Tunisia
Vol 12, Iss 1, Page 14, Date 2005-03
White-backed Night Heron Gorsachius leuconotus at Nazinga Game Ranch, Burkina Faso
Vol 12, Iss 1, Page 18, Date 2005-03
New observations of Anambra Waxbill Estrilda poliopareia
Vol 12, Iss 1, Page 24, Date 2005-03
The Yellow-capped Weaver Ploceus dorsomaculatus is not a ‘nuthatch-weaver’
Vol 12, Iss 1, Page 28, Date 2005-03
New records of weavers using man-made structures for nesting
Vol 12, Iss 1, Page 31, Date 2005-03
The hybrid population of Pied Crow Corvus albus and Somali Crow C. edithae on Dahlak Kebir Island, Eritrea,: a case of assortative mating
Vol 12, Iss 1, Page 37, Date 2005-03
First record of Bimaculated Lark Melanocorypha bimaculata for Seychelles
Vol 12, Iss 1, Page 40, Date 2005-03
Long-eared Owl Asio otus breeding in Cairo, Egypt
Vol 12, Iss 1, Page 42, Date 2005-03
Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus: the first records for Seychelles
Vol 12, Iss 1, Page 44, Date 2005-03
Squacco Heron Ardeola ralloides: the first records for Seychelles
Vol 12, Iss 1, Page 45, Date 2005-03
First record of Great Bittern Botaurus stellaris for Uganda
Vol 12, Iss 1, Page 47, Date 2005-03
Barau’s Petrel Pterodroma baraui off the east coast of southern Africa
Vol 12, Iss 1, Page 48, Date 2005-03
Little-known African bird: Chaplin’s Barbet Lybius chaplini, Zambia’s fig-loving endemic
Vol 12, Iss 1, Page 50, Date 2005-03
Chaplin’s Barbet Lybius chaplini-a bibliography
Vol 12, Iss 1, Page 53, Date 2005-03
Mascarene Grey White-eye Zosterops borbonicus with yellow forehead
Vol 12, Iss 1, Page 55, Date 2005-03
Birding Tunisia-off the beaten track
Vol 12, Iss 1, Page 56, Date 2005-03
Letter: On São Tomé Grosbeak Neospiza concolor
Vol 12, Iss 1, Page 76, Date 2005-03
Letter: On Rufous-naped Lark Mirafra africana ‘flappeting’ display
Vol 12, Iss 1, Page 76, Date 2005-03