I.—Remarks on some Algæ belonging to the genus Caulerpa
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 1, Date 1853
II.—On the genus Truncatella
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 4, Date 1853
III.—On the operculum of the genus Diplommatina
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 9, Date 1853
IV.—Description of a new species of Rhododendron from Bootan, in India
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 10, Date 1853
V.—On relative position; including a new arrangement of phanerogamous plants
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 11, Date 1853
VIII.—On the genus Gercyon, with a short monographical synopsis of the British Sphæridiidæ
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 73, Date 1853
IX.—Characters of new land shells, collected by Edgar L. Layard, Esq., in Ceylon
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 90, Date 1853
X.—Notes on the ornithology of Ceylon, collected during an eight years' residence in the Island
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 97, Date 1853
XI.—On the Rissoa rubra
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 107, Date 1853
XII.—Description of several new species of British Crustacea
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 110, Date 1853
XIII.—On two new species of Calanidæ, with observations on the spermatic tubes of Pontella, Diaptomus, &c
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 115, Date 1853
XIV.—Notes on some new or little-known marine animals
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 124, Date 1853
XV.—On the teeth of the genus Mitra, Lamarck
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 129, Date 1853
Système Silurien du Centre de la Bohême. 1ère partie, Recherches Paléontologiques. Trilobites, par J. Barrande. 2 vols. 4to
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 130, Date 1853
Popular Physical Geology. By J. B. Jukes, F.R.S. 12mo. Reeve and Co., London, 1853
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 135, Date 1853
Royal Institution of Great Britain
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 136, Date 1853
Zoological Society
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 139, Date 1853
Observations on the breeding of the nightingale in captivity
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 148, Date 1853
On a new species of Bulimus
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 149, Date 1853
On a new genus of Anomiadæ
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 150, Date 1853
Meteorological observations for June 1853
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 151, Date 1853
XVI.—Notes on some new or little-known marine animals. (No. 2.)
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 153, Date 1853
XVII.—On two new species of Calanidæ, with observations on the spermatic tubes of Pontella, Diaptomus, &c
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 159, Date 1853
XVIII.—Notes on the ornithology of Ceylon, collected during an eight years' residence in the island
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 165, Date 1853
XIX.—On the head of the genus Conus Linn
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 176, Date 1853
XX.—On the animal of Rotella, Lamk
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 179, Date 1853
XXI.—On the phosphorescence of some marine invertebrata
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 180, Date 1853
XXII.—On some new carboniferous limestone fossils
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 188, Date 1853
Bibliographical notices
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 197, Date 1853
Zoological Society
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 199, Date 1853
On the movements of the blood in the pulmonary Arachnida
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 219, Date 1853
Note on the germination of the spores of the Uredines
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 221, Date 1853
Meteorological observations for July 1853
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 223, Date 1853
XXIII.—On some new species of Trigonia from the inferior oolite of the Cotteswolds, with preliminary remarks upon that genus
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 225, Date 1853
XXIV.—Note on the Artesian well at Colchester; and remarks on some of the microscopic fossils from the colchester chalk
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 240, Date 1853
XXV.—On the mechanism of aquatic respiration and on the structure of the organs of breathing in invertebrate animals
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 243, Date 1853
XXVI.—Notes on the ornithology of Ceylon, collected during an eight years' residence in the Island
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 262, Date 1853
XXVII.—Remarks on the Lias at Fretherne near Newnham, and Purton near Sharpness; with an account of some new foraminifera discovered there; and on certain pleistocene deposits in the vale of gloucester
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 272, Date 1853
Zoological Society
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 278, Date 1853
Royal Society
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 289, Date 1853
On the monstrosity of a rose
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 290, Date 1853
On the change of colour in a chamæleon (Chamæleo vulgaris)
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 292, Date 1853
Notes on a new species of Artamus, from India
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 294, Date 1853
Meteorological observations for Aug. 1853
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 295, Date 1853
XXIX.—On the branchial currents in the bivalves
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 303, Date 1853
XXX.—On preserving the balance between the animal and vegetable organisms in sea water
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 319, Date 1853
XXXI.—On the cornbrash of the neighbourhood of Cirencester
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 324, Date 1853
XXXII.—On the teeth of the Pneumonobranchiate Mollusca
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 329, Date 1853
XXXIII.—On the mechanism of aquatic respiration and on the structure of the organs of breathing in invertebrate animals
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 333, Date 1853
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 348, Date 1853
Spadix purpurea, gosse
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 365, Date 1853
Rare Irish Mollusca
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 366, Date 1853
Meteorological observations for Sept. 1853
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 367, Date 1853
On the British Tritons
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 369, Date 1853
XXXV.—Notes on some new or little-known marine animals (No. 3)
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 384, Date 1853
Descriptions of some undescribed species of reptiles collected by Dr. Joseph Hooker in the Khassia Mountains, East Bengal, and Sikkim Himalaya
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 386, Date 1853
XXXVII.—On the mechanism of aquatic respiration and on the structure of the organs of breathing in invertebrate animals
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 393, Date 1853
XXXIX.—Descriptions of two new genera (Pfeifferia and Janella) of Land Mollusca
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 412, Date 1853
XL.—Notes on the habits of Bivalve shell-fish
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 415, Date 1853
Centuries of North American fungi
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 417, Date 1853
XLII.—Note on the transverse processes of the two-toothed dolphin (Hyperoodon bidens)
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 435, Date 1853
XLIII.—Remarks on Libellula Brodiei (Buckman), a fossil insect from the upper Lias of dumbleton, gloucestershire
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 436, Date 1853
The botany of the Eastern Borders, with the popular names and uses of the plants, and of the customs and beliefs which have been associated with them. By G. Johnston, M.D. &c. 8vo. London, 1853
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 439, Date 1853
The handbook of British Ferns, comprising scientific and popular descriptions with engravings of all the indigenous species and varieties, with instructions for their cultivation. By T. Moore, F.L.S. &c. Second edition. London, 1853
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 442, Date 1853
Beiträge zur Mycologie. Von G. Fresenius, M.D. Frankfurt A. M. 1850, 1852. Hefte 1, 2. 4to, pp. 38. pl. 4, & pp. 80. pl. 5
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 443, Date 1853
A monograph of the subclass Cirripedia, with figures of all the species. The Lepadidæ or pedunculated cirripedes
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 444, Date 1853
Zoological Society
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 448, Date 1853
On the mode of reproduction and development in various groups of zoophytes and Mollusca
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 476, Date 1853
Teeth of Testacellus and Glandina
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 478, Date 1853
Meteorological observations for Oct. 1853
Ser 2, Vol 12, Page 482, Date 1853