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Die Congerien- und Paludinenschichten Slavoniens und deren Faunen : ein Beitrag zur Descendenz-Theorie
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Wien, Hölder, 1875
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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Annotation Not Available

lines 25—28 score
lines 25—28 annotation like Hyatt

lines 30—33 score

line 40 score

lines 1—3 score
lines 1—3 annotation gradual slow changes

lines 45—55 score
line 45 underline "viele ... Typen"
lines 48—50 underline "Viviparen ... müssen"
lines 53—55 underline "[whole line]"

line 36 score

lines 26—28 score
line 29 score
lines 17—35 annotation Is vehement that it is arguing in a vicious circle to call all forms which can be connected by gradations the same species [true but useful or necessary for systematic work.]

lines 22—27 score
lines 23—25 underline "die ... sind"

lines 27—32 score
lines 30—32 underline "dass ... Gestalten"

line 36 score

lines 41—45 score

lines 26—31 score
line 28 underline "Auftreten ... Formenreihen"
line 30 underline "variiren ... Abänderung"

line 33 annotation 3 species of new genus

lines 34—39 apparently unintentional mark
line 39 annotation 3 species

line 43 score

line 9 underline "Reihen"

lines 11—12 underline "während ... slavonischen"

line 13 underline "mehrfach Ammoneen"

line 17 underline "sondern ... Uebergänge"

lines 20—21 underline "dass ... feinsten"

lines 31—40 score
lines 31—35 annotation each form in a successive bed.

lines 52—54 score
lines 53—54 underline "[most of line]"

line 1 score

line 20 underline "auf ... X"

lines 19—22 score
lines 19—22 annotation Table of Descent

lines 47—48 underline "[most of line]"

lines 49—51 score
lines 50—52 underline "eine ... Hauptverbreitung"

lines 3—4 underline "während ... auf-treten"

lines 4—12 annotation Looks as if periods of rapid variation & then of rest, but denies.

lines 25—27 annotation modification goes on in same district.

line 31 underline "kein"

line 32 underline "innerhalb ... stattfindet"

lines 33—34 underline "Auftreten ... Mutationen"

lines 33—40 annotation a row of forms divides into 2 rows only in separate districts

lines 41—46 score
line 42 score
line 45 annotation an exception

top-margin annotation just what I have said

lines 3—5 score

lines 18—19 underline "von ... hin"

line 20 underline "die ... Variationen"

line 21 underline "erhalten sich"

lines 24—27 score
line 27 underline "die ... nicht"

line 30 score

lines 32—33 score
line 33 underline "so ... Auge"

lines 35—38 score

lines 40—41 underline "Verdickung ... Sculptur"

line 2 underline "Verdickung ... Sculptur"
line 3 underline "Unionen"
line 4 underline "Dickschaligkin"
lines 1—5 annotation in a distinct genus, (showing effects of conditions.

lines 7—10 score
lines 8—9 underline "[most of line]"
line 12 underline "Einwirkung ... suchen"
lines 8—13 annotation in a different district another series of forms.

lines 18—24 score
lines 14—22 annotation Thickening of shell in small pond to be due to water becoming more fresh.

lines 30—34 score
lines 30—32 underline "[most of line]"

lines 36—37 underline "Nur ... angenommen"

line 46 score

lines 19—23 score

line 40 underline "abgeänderten ... wird"

line 41 underline "constatirt ... können"

line 1 underline "innerhalb ... ihrer"

line 4 underline "von ... bekannt"

lines 16—17 underline "dass ... Reihen"

lines 18—22 score
lines 18—22 annotation fail on sea because we do not have whole area

line 33 score

lines 42—45 score
line 43 underline "Melanopsis ... nachgewiesen"
line 45 underline "Jahrb. ... Heft"

line 1 score

lines 19—20 underline "betrachten ... Formenkreise"

lines 20—21 underline "wie ... Verbindung"

line 50 score

lines 51—52 score
lines 51—55 annotation same kind of variation in several distinct forms

lines 1—3 score
lines 1—5 annotation same var. at very distinct periods