Descriptions of new lizards and frogs from Mount Victoria, Owen Stanley Range, New Guinea, collected by Mr. A. S. Anthony
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 6, Date 1897
III.—Descriptions of four new species of Lycænidæ from the Eastern Archipelago
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 13, Date 1897
IV.—Contributions from the New Mexico biological station.—No. 2. On a collection of Diptera from the lowlands of the Rio Nautla, in the State of Vera Cruz. I
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 16, Date 1897
VI.—Contributions from the New Mexico biological station.—III. The bees of the genus colletes found in New Mexico
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 39, Date 1897
On cteniform spiders from the lower Amazons and other regions of North and South America, with a list of all known species of these groups hitherto recorded from the New World
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 52, Date 1897
Descriptions of new Malay frogs
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 106, Date 1897
On some trapdoor spiders of the family Ctenizidae from South and West Australia, contained in the collection of the British Museum
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 109, Date 1897
X.—Descriptions of two new species of scorpions from East Africa
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 116, Date 1897
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 119, Date 1897
"The most pious priority purist" on the lobster, the crayfish, and Professor Bell
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 120, Date 1897
Note on some sponges from the Auckland Islands
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 124, Date 1897
On a collection of Homoptera made in Southern Afrika
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 125, Date 1897
XII.—A contribution to the biology of the social wasps of Brazil
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 133, Date 1897
XIII.—Contributions from the New Mexico biological station.—No. IV. Diptera from the Sacramento and White Mountains, in Southern New Mexico. I
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 138, Date 1897
XIV.—The physiological importance of the air-spaces in flying animals
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 149, Date 1897
Description of a new snake from Sierra Leone
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 154, Date 1897
Description of a new fish from Lake Nyassa
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 155, Date 1897
XVIII.—On the Tsu-shima representative of the Japanese Sable
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 161, Date 1897
XIX.—On a new Gazelle from central Arabia
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 162, Date 1897
Description of a new species of Delma from Western Australia
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 170, Date 1897
Descriptions of new species of butterflies from the Pacific Islands
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 172, Date 1897
XXIII.—On lepidoptera heterocera from China, Japan, and Corea
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 180, Date 1897
The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Published under the authority of the Secretary of State for India in Council. Edited by W. T. Blanford.—Moths. Vol. IV
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 236, Date 1897
The parasitic diseases of poultry. London : Gurney & Jackson, 1896
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 237, Date 1897
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 238, Date 1897
To the editors of the ‘Annals and Magazine of Natural History.’ The generic name of the river crayfish
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 239, Date 1897
A gigantic cephalopod on the Florida coast
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 240, Date 1897
New species of Hymenoptera from central America
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 261, Date 1897
A list of reptiles and batrachians from the Congo Free State, with the description of two new snakes
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 276, Date 1897
Description of a new from Usambara, German East Africa
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 281, Date 1897
XXVIII.—Description of a new species of the genus Pœcilopsaltria belonging to the family Cicadidæ
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 282, Date 1897
Descriptions of some new Oriental Opiliones recently received by the British Museum
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 283, Date 1897
XXX.—A contribution to the osteology of the Mesozoic Amioid fishes Caturus and Osteorachis
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 292, Date 1897
XXXI.—On lepidoptera heterocera from China, Japan, and Corea
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 297, Date 1897
XXXII.—On a new mouse from Damaraland
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 349, Date 1897
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 350, Date 1897
What are the names of the crayfish and lobster?
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 352, Date 1897
The lobster and the crayfish: a reply
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 353, Date 1897
XXXIII.—Report upon the scorpiones and Pedipalpi obtained on the Lower Amazons by Messrs. E. E. Austen and F. Pickard Cambridge during the trip of Mr. Siemens's Steamship ‘Faraday’
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 357, Date 1897
XXXIV.—New species of hymenoptera from Central America
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 368, Date 1897
XXXV.—A contribution to the Osteology of the mesozoic amioid fishes Caturus and Osteorachis
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 379, Date 1897
XXXVI.—On a new dormouse from Mashunaland
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 388, Date 1897
XXXVII.—Note on Deridea, Westwood (Lyttidæ), with the description of a new species
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 389, Date 1897
XXXVIII.—On a collection of heterocera made in the Transvaal
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 390, Date 1897
XL.—Descriptions of further new species of butterflies from the Pacific Islands
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 403, Date 1897
XLII.—On Spirorbis: Asymmetry of these annelids and phylogenic connexion of species in the genus
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 411, Date 1897
XLIII.—On lepidoptera heterocera from China, Japan, and Corea
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 414, Date 1897
XLIV.—Descriptions of two new Muridæ from Central and West Africa
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 463, Date 1897
Description of a new lizard from Obok
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 467, Date 1897
Description of a new genus and species of Tortoises from Borneo
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 468, Date 1897
XLVIII.—On a new nymphalid butterfly from N.E. Borneo
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 469, Date 1897
Astacus vindicated as the Lobster's genus
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 470, Date 1897
Notes on the Longicorn Genus Glenea, Newm., with Descriptions of New Species
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 473, Date 1897
List of the reptiles and batrachians collected by Mr. Alfred Everett in Lombok, Flores, Sumba and Saru, with descriptions of new species
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 503, Date 1897
LIII.—Descriptions of some new species of scorpions of the Genus Tityus, with notes upon some forms allied to T. americanus (Linn.)
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 510, Date 1897
LIV.—On Sus verrucosus, Müll. & Schleg., and allies, from the Eastern Archipelago
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 521, Date 1897
LVIII.—On a collection of heterocera made in the Transvaal
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 579, Date 1897
LIX.—Descriptions of some new species of Acræidæ collected by Mr. F. J. Jackson at Ntebi, Uganda
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 581, Date 1897
On the organization and affinities of Pleurotomaria
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 583, Date 1897
LX.—Note on a cast of the brain-cavity of Iguanodon
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 585, Date 1897
List of the Neuroptera collected by Mr. E. E. Austen on the Amazons &c. during the recent expedition of Messrs. Siemens Bros. Cable S. S. 'Faraday,' with descriptions of several new species of Odonata (dragonflies)
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 598, Date 1897
LXIII.—The Otter of Central America
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 618, Date 1897
LXIV.—On the relations of Antennophorus Uhlmanni, Haller, to Lasius mixtus, Nyl
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 620, Date 1897
LXVI.—On a new African Pierine Butterfly of the genus Mylothris
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 627, Date 1897
LXVII.—Some new forms of American Rotifera.—II
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 628, Date 1897
LXVIII.—Descriptions of eleven new species of Land and Freshwater Mollusca from South Africa
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 633, Date 1897
Bibliographical notice
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 679, Date 1897
On the Malpighian tubes of Orthoptera
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 680, Date 1897
The supposed great Octopus of Florida: certainly not a Cephalopod
Ser 6, Vol 19, Page 682, Date 1897