II.—Description of a new Lemonia
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 7, Date 1909
Notes on the genus Acerodon, with a synopsis of its species and subspecies, and descriptions of four new forms
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 20, Date 1909
V.—On a new crab taken from a deep-sea telegraph-cable in the Indian Ocean
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 30, Date 1909
VI.—On mammals from the Upper Zambezi River
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 33, Date 1909
A revision of the fishes of the genus Elops
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 37, Date 1909
Description of a new freshwater gobiid fish from the Niger
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 42, Date 1909
X.—Eocidaris and some species referred to it
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 43, Date 1909
XI.—On the anatomy and classification of the Scombroid fishes
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 66, Date 1909
XII.—The classification of Teleostean fishes
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 75, Date 1909
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 87, Date 1909
XIII.—New species of Indo-Malayan and African Lepidoptera
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 89, Date 1909
XIV.—The collections of William John Burehell, D.C.L., in the Hope Department, Oxford University Museum
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 98, Date 1909
The char (Salvelinus) of Great Britain
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 111, Date 1909
On some new and rare Entomostraca from the Scottish seas
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 122, Date 1909
The type of Exocoetus exiliens (L. Gmel.)
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 147, Date 1909
Some mammals from N.E. Kimberley, Northern Australia
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 149, Date 1909
Notes from the Gatty Marine Laboratory, St. Andrews, no. 31. On the Spionidae
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 153, Date 1909
XXI.—Descriptions of seventeen new species and varieties of land and freshwater shells from East and West Africa and the Transvaal
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 180, Date 1909
Rhyncotal Notes XLVI
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 187, Date 1909
XXIII.—On the characters and affinities of "Desmalopex" and Pteralopex
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 213, Date 1909
Descriptions of three new freshwater fishes from South America, presented to the British Museum by Herr J. Paul Arnold
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 234, Date 1909
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 235, Date 1909
XXVII.—Notes on larval Trematodes
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 237, Date 1909
XXVIII.—New species of Dendromus and Tatera
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 246, Date 1909
XXXI.—On mammals collected in Turkestan by Mr. Douglas Carruthers
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 257, Date 1909
XXXII.—Two new bats from the Solomon Islands
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 266, Date 1909
Description of a new cichlid fish of the genus Heterogramma from La Plata
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 270, Date 1909
XXXIV.—On the toxic action of the bite of the Boomslang or South-African tree-snake (Dispholidus typus)
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 271, Date 1909
Preliminary note on some fishes from the Irish Atlantic slope
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 279, Date 1909
New African phlebotomic Diptera in the British Museum (Natural History). Part vi
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 280, Date 1909
XXXVII.—New genera and species of blood-sucking Muscidæ from the Ethiopian and Oriental regions, in the British Museum (Natural History)
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 285, Date 1909
XXXVIII.—On some new Steneosaurs from the Oxford Clay of Peterborough
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 299, Date 1909
XL.—Note on a rare Plumularian hydroid, Cladocarpus formosus
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 310, Date 1909
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 315, Date 1909
Rhynchotal notes. XLVII
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 317, Date 1909
XLIII.—Descriptions of four new species of Heterocera from Tropical South America
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 345, Date 1909
XLIV.—Descriptions of three new species of Heterocera from Dutch New Guinea
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 347, Date 1909
XLV.—On mammals collected by Mr. S. A. Neave, M.A., B.Sc. (Oxon.), in Katanga, Congo Free State
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 348, Date 1909
XLVI.—Notes on locomotion and the use of slime-threads in the marine Mollusca
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 354, Date 1909
XLVII.—Alcyonarians from the Gulf of Cutch
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 362, Date 1909
On the N. Australian rats referred to the genus Mesembriomys
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 372, Date 1909
L.—New species of Paradoxurus, of the P. philippinensis group, and a new Paguma
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 374, Date 1909
LII.—Two new Macaques from W. Java
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 380, Date 1909
Bibliographical notice
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 382, Date 1909
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 383, Date 1909
On some new Steneosaurs from the Oxford Clay of Peterborough
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 384, Date 1909
LIV.—Twelve new European mammals
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 415, Date 1909
LV.—Descriptions of new African Lepidoptera
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 422, Date 1909
LVI.—Description of a new Hesperid from Peru, belonging to the subfamily Pyrrhopyginæ
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 438, Date 1909
LVII.—Diagnoses of new mammals collected by Mr. H. C. Robinson in the Malay Peninsula and Rhio Archipelago
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 439, Date 1909
The genus Puerulus, Ortmann and the post-larval development of the Spiny Lobsters (Palinuridae)
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 441, Date 1909
Preliminary notice on the Cephalopoda collected by the Fishery Cruiser Goldseeker 1903-1908
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 446, Date 1909
Bibliographical notice
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 456, Date 1909
LX.—Descriptions of some new species of Heterocera, chiefly from Tropical South America
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 457, Date 1909
LXI.—The generic arrangement of the African Squirrels
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 467, Date 1909
LXII.—Remarks on some genera of the Scoliidæ, with descriptions of new species
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 476, Date 1909
LXIV.—Four new Tabanus species from India and Assam
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 487, Date 1909
Oriental Rhynchota Heteroptera
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 491, Date 1909
LXVI.—New land, freshwater, and marine shells from South America
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 507, Date 1909
LXVII.—Four new African mammals
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 514, Date 1909
LXVIII.—On some new species of Coleoptera from Rhodesia and adjacent territories
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 517, Date 1909
Guide to the whales, porpoises, and dolphins (Order Cetacea) exhibited in the Department of Zoology, British Museum (Natural History). Illustrated by 33 Figures. London: Printed by Order of the Trustees, 1909. Price 4d
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 529, Date 1909
Guide to the specimens illustrating the races of mankind (Anthropology) exhibited in the Department of Zoology, British Museum (Natural History). Illustrated by 16 Figures. London: Printed by Order of the Trustees, 1908. Price 4d
Ser 8, Vol 3, Page 530, Date 1909