A Descriptive Account of three Pachytragous Sponges growing on the Rocks of the South Coast of Devon
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 1, Date 1871
III.—Additional evidence of the structure of the head in Ornithosaurs from the Cambridge Upper Greensand; being a supplement to ‘The Ornithosauria’
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 20, Date 1871
IV.—Note on Dorvillia agariciformis
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 37, Date 1871
List of Coleoptera received from Old Calabar, on the West Coast of Africa
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 38, Date 1871
VII.—Observations on the species of Atax parasitic upon our freshwater mussels
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 55, Date 1871
VIII.—The tertiary shells of the Amazons valley
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 59, Date 1871
Notes on arctic zoology
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 64, Date 1871
On recent and fossil corals
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 66, Date 1871
Dredging in the Gulf of Suez
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 67, Date 1871
On the embryology of Limulus polyphemus
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 68, Date 1871
On the stipules of Magnolia and Liriodendron
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 69, Date 1871
X.—On Foraminifera from the Gulf and River St. Lawrence
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 83, Date 1871
XI.—Outline of some observations on the organization of Oligochœtous Annelids
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 90, Date 1871
XII.—The tertiary shells of the Amazons valley
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 101, Date 1871
XIV.—On fossil sponge-spicules of the Greensand compared with those of existing species
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 112, Date 1871
XVI.—Notes on the structure of the Crinoidea, Cystidea, and Blastoidea
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 142, Date 1871
XVII.—On a species of arenaceous Foraminifer (?) from the carboniferous limestone of Devonshire
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 158, Date 1871
XX.—Description of a new species of butterfly of the genus Paphia
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 165, Date 1871
Cardiff Naturalists' Society, report and transactions, 1868–69. 8vo, 1870
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 166, Date 1871
Geology.By Prof. John Morris, F.G.S, &c., and Prof. T. Rupert Jones, F.G.S., &c. First series. 12mo. London: Van Voorst, 1870
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 168, Date 1871
A manual of zoology for the use of Students, with a general introduction on the principles of zoology. By Henry Alleyne Nicholson, M.D. &c. Small 8vo. Blackwood: Edinburgh and London, 1870
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 169, Date 1871
On the assumption of the adult form by the genera Cypræa and Ringicula, and by certain species of the genus Astarte
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 171, Date 1871
Observations on the Invertebrata of Massachusetts
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 172, Date 1871
Abdominal sense-organs in a fly
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 174, Date 1871
On the Carboniferous flora of Bear Island (lat. 74°30′ N.)
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 175, Date 1871
The caudal styles of insects sense-organs, i. e. Abdominal antennœ
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 176, Date 1871
Ceratodus, and its place in the system
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 222, Date 1871
XXVI.—On a new genus and species of Hydroid Zoophyte (Cladocoryne floccosa)
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 227, Date 1871
XXIX.—Descriptions of three new species of Asiatic Birds
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 241, Date 1871
Bibliographical notice
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 242, Date 1871
The late Adrian Hardy Haworth
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 244, Date 1871
On the adult form in the genera Cypræa and Ringicula, and in certain species of the genus Astarte
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 245, Date 1871
Note on the Infusoria flagellata and the Spongiæ ciliatæ
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 247, Date 1871
XXX.—Descriptions of some new or little-known species of oaks from North-west America
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 249, Date 1871
XXXII.—On four new species of Asiatic Birds
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 257, Date 1871
On two undescribed Sponges and two Esperiadae from the West Indies; also on the Nomenclature of the Calcisponge Clathrina, Gray
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 268, Date 1871
XXXVI.—On the claspers of male lizards (Sauri)
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 283, Date 1871
XXXVII.—Sketch of a natural arrangement of the order Docoglossa
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 286, Date 1871
XXXVIII.—Additional notes on the skeleton of Dioplodon sechellensis
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 291, Date 1871
Recherches anatomiques et physiologiques sur les Champignons. Par J. B. Carnoy. (Bulletin de la Société Royale de Botanique de Belgique, tome ix. p. 157.)
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 292, Date 1871
General outline of the organization of the animal kingdom and manual of comparative anatomy. By Thomas Rymer Jones, F.R.S. &C. 4th edition. 8vo. London: Van Voorst, 1871
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 296, Date 1871
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 297, Date 1871
On a new species of three-toed Sloth from Costa Rica
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 302, Date 1871
On the Rotatoria of the neighbourhood of Tübingen
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 304, Date 1871
On the blood and blood-corpuscles of insects and some other Invertebrata
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 305, Date 1871
Observations on Urnatella, a genus of Ciliated polyps of the family Pedicellinidæ
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 309, Date 1871
Note on transversely striated muscular fibre among the Gasteropoda
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 312, Date 1871
On bud-formation in Gymnocladus and other plants
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 313, Date 1871
On the flowers of Aralia spinosa. L., and Hedera helix, L
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 315, Date 1871
XL.—On spore-cases in coals
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 321, Date 1871
XLI.—On the limits and classification of the Ganoids
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 329, Date 1871
XLII.—On a new species of Lemur from Madagascar, and on the changes of Lemur macaco, Linn
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 339, Date 1871
XLIII.—Description of a new species of the family Pittidæ
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 340, Date 1871
XLIV.—On some points in the Myology of the Chimpanzee and others of the Primates
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 341, Date 1871
XLV.—Contributions to the Crag-Fauna. Part II
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 351, Date 1871
Notice of a new Australian ziphioid whale
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 368, Date 1871
The Honey-Bee: its natural history, physiology, and management. By Edward Bevan, M.D. Revised, enlarged, and illustrated by William Augustus Munn, F.R.H.S. &c. 8vo. London: Van Voorst, 1870
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 369, Date 1871
British insects: a familiar description of the form, structure, habits, and Transformations of insects. By E. F. Staveley. 8vo. London: Reeve, 1871
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 370, Date 1871
An introductory text-book of Zoology for the use of junior classes. By H. Alleyne Nicholson, M.D., D.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.S.E., F.G.S. Sm. 8vo. Edinburgh and London: Blackwood, 1871
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 371, Date 1871
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 372, Date 1871
On the action of the so-called poisonous shadow of various tropical plants
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 389, Date 1871
A new genus of the Eolididæ
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 391, Date 1871
Descriptions of new Species of Butterflies from Tropical America
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 412, Date 1871
LII.—On Amphipleura pellucida and Surirella gemma as test-objects
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 423, Date 1871
LIII.—Notices of British Fungi
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 425, Date 1871
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 444, Date 1871
Discovery of the animal of the Spongiadæ confirmed
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 445, Date 1871
Note on Chlamyphorus truncatus
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 447, Date 1871
On the development of the leaves of the Sarraceniæ
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 448, Date 1871
Note on the malar bone in the skulls of Manidæ
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 449, Date 1871
On marine Bryozoa
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 450, Date 1871
Note on Asaphus platycephalus
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 451, Date 1871