Notes on the Decapoda in the Indian Museum III. The species obtained by the R.I.M.S.S. "Investigator" during the survey season 1910-1911
Vol 7, Page 15, Date 1912
Description of a hitherto undescribed species of Phoridae that causes Myiasis in man
Vol 7, Page 83, Date 1912
Notes on Pedipalpi in the collection of the Indian Museum. III. Some new and imperfectly known species of Hypoctonus
Vol 7, Page 101, Date 1912
Description of a new species of freshwater crab from Southern India
Vol 7, Page 111, Date 1912
Fauna Symbiotica Indica. No. 1. Polyzoa attached to Indo-Pacific Stomatopods
Vol 7, Page 123, Date 1912
The Indian mudturtles (Trionychidae)
Vol 7, Page 151, Date 1912
New cestodes from Indian fishes
Vol 7, Page 197, Date 1912
XIX. Gordiens du Musée Indien. Nouvelle Series
Vol 7, Page 215, Date 1912
Preliminary note on a new tortoise from South India
Vol 7, Page 217, Date 1912
On a new species of Branchiodrilus and certain other aquatic Oligochaeta with remarks on cephalization in the Naididae
Vol 7, Page 219, Date 1912
Fauna Symbiotica Indica No. 4.-Caridinicola, a new type of Temnocephaloidea
Vol 7, Page 243, Date 1912
Preliminary description of a freshwater Medusa from the Bombay Presidency
Vol 7, Page 253, Date 1912
On a new genus of Indian thrips (Thysanoptera) injurious to turmeric
Vol 7, Page 257, Date 1912
26. On a small collection of Recent crinoids from the Indian Ocean
Vol 7, Page 267, Date 1912
Contributions to the fauna of Yunnan based on collections made by J. Coggin Brown, 1909–1910. Part VIII, Earthworms
Vol 7, Page 273, Date 1912
Notes on the surface-living Copepoda of the Bay of Bengal. I and II
Vol 7, Page 313, Date 1912
The freshwater sponges of the Malabar zone
Vol 7, Page 383, Date 1912
Two new species of Scolopendridae
Vol 7, Page 415, Date 1912
XXXIV. Indian Psyllidae
Vol 7, Page 419, Date 1912
Descriptions of some new species of freshwater fishes from north India
Vol 7, Page 437, Date 1912
New Oriental Diptera, I
Vol 7, Page 445, Date 1912
Notes on the life history of Aphiochaeta ferruginea Brunetti
Vol 7, Page 515, Date 1912