The southeast Asian freshwater pufferfish genus Chonerhinos (Tetraodontidae), with descriptions of new species
Ser 4, Vol 43, Page 1, Date 1982
Synonymies of Indian Ocean eels, with the description of Gymnothorax enigmaticus, a moray previously known as G. ruppeli
Ser 4, Vol 43, Page 17, Date 1982-06-15
New species of North American Tachysphex wasps (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae)
Ser 4, Vol 43, Page 27, Date 1982
A revision of the grasshopper genera Chromacris and Xestotrachelus (Orthoptera, Romaleidae, Romaleinae)
Ser 4, Vol 43, Page 43, Date 1982-11-04
A new genus and two new species of remarkable Pacific worm eels (Ophichthidae, subfamily Myrophinae)
Ser 4, Vol 43, Page 59, Date 1982
Psilorhynchus gracilis, a new cyprinoid fish from the Gangetic lowlands
Ser 4, Vol 43, Page 67, Date 1983
Size and distribution of the California sea lion population in Mexico
Ser 4, Vol 43, Page 77, Date 1983
Megamouth - a new species, genus, and family of lamnoid shark (Megachasma pelagios, family Megachasmidae) from the Hawaiian Islands
Ser 4, Vol 43, Page 87, Date 1983-07-06
The cranial morphometry of Galapagos Tortoises
Ser 4, Vol 43, Page 111, Date 1984
The status of Trypoxylon figulus (Linnaeus, 1758), medium de Beaumont, 1945, and minus de Beaumont, 1945 (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae)
Ser 4, Vol 43, Page 123, Date 1984
Description and osteology of Thryssocypris, a new genus of anchovylike cyprinid fishes, based on two new species from southeast Asia
Ser 4, Vol 43, Page 141, Date 1984
Studies on Nebriini (Coleoptera: Carabidae), 5. New Nearctic Nebria taxa and changes in nomenclature
Ser 4, Vol 43, Page 159, Date 1984
Skeletal anatomy and classification of the neotenic Asian salmoniform superfamily Salangoidea (icefishes or noodlefishes)
Ser 4, Vol 43, Page 179, Date 1984
Predatory behavior of the white shark (Carcharodon carcharias), with notes on its biology
Ser 4, Vol 43, Page 221, Date 1984
Dendrodoa (Styelopsis) abbotti, sp. nov. (Styelidae, Ascidiacea) from the Pacific coast of the United States and its impact on some gonadal criteria of its genus and subgenus
Ser 4, Vol 43, Page 239, Date 1984
Three new species of seven-gilled hagfishes (Myxinidae, Eptatretus) from the Pacific Ocean
Ser 4, Vol 43, Page 249, Date 1984
New and noteworthy additions to the Melastomataceae of Panama
Ser 4, Vol 43, Page 269, Date 1984
Marine and freshwater stingrays (Dasyatidae) of west Africa, with description of a new species
Ser 4, Vol 43, Page 283, Date 1984
Revision of eastern Pacific catalufas (Pisces: Priacanthidae) with description of a new genus and discussion of the fossil record
Ser 4, Vol 43, Page 301, Date 1984
Amazonsprattus scintilla, new genus and species from the Rio Negro, Brazil, the smallest known clupeomorph fish
Ser 4, Vol 43, Page 317, Date 1984