I.—On the Classification of the Annelides
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 1, Date 1866
III. Contributions to an Insect Fauna of the Amazons Valley. Coleoptera : Longicornes
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 31, Date 1866
IV.—On the terrestrial and fluviatile Mollusca of Trinidad
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 42, Date 1866
V.—Notice of some new species of Callithrix in the collection of the British Museum
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 57, Date 1866
Manual of Geology. By The Rev. Samuel Haughton, M.D., F.R.S., Fellow of Trinity College, Professor of Geology in the University of Dublin. London: Longman & Co., 1865. 8vo. pp. 360, with sixty-six woodcuts
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 65, Date 1866
Essay on the Trees and Shrubs of the Ancients; being the substance of four Lectures delivered before the University of Oxford. By C. Daubeny, M.D., Professor of Botany and Rural Economy. Oxford, 1865
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 71, Date 1866
The Record of Zoological Literature. 1864. Vol. I. Edited by Albert C. L. G. Günther, M.A., M.D., Ph.D., F.Z.S., &c. Van Voorst, 1865
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 73, Date 1866
Notice of two new species of Colobus from Western Africa
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 77, Date 1866
On the vital resistance of encysted Colpodæ
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 79, Date 1866
X.—Preliminary account of a new Cetacean captured on the shore at Buenos Ayres
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 94, Date 1866
XIII.—On the classification of the Annelides
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 107, Date 1866
XIV.—A synopsis of the species of the genus Collocalia, with descriptions of new species
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 118, Date 1866
XVI.—On the muscular force of insects
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 139, Date 1866
XVII.—Descriptions of several species of Trichopterygidæ found by Dr. H. Schaum in various parts of North America and Brazil
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 141, Date 1866
XVIII.—Notice of a Japanese Pheasant
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 150, Date 1866
The Natural History of the Tineina. By H. T. Stainton. Vols. VIII. and IX. 8vo. London: Van Voorst, 1864–1865
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 151, Date 1866
On the Chevreulius callensis of Lacaze-Duthiers
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 152, Date 1866
On the extension of certain marine fishes to the freshwater rivers of India
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 153, Date 1866
On a new mode of parsitism observed in an undescribed animal
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 155, Date 1866
On the development of the Axolotl (Siredon mexicanus vel Humboldtii)
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 156, Date 1866
On the multiplicity and termination of the nerves in the Mollusca
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 157, Date 1866
On a new kind of illumination for opaque objects under high powers
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 159, Date 1866
Observations on some Lepidosirens (Protopterus annectens, Owen) which have lived in the Menagerie of reptiles in Paris, and formed their cocoon there
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 160, Date 1866
XX.—Notice of Torynocrinus and other new and little-known fossils from the Upper Greensand of Hunstanton, commonly called the Hunstanton Red Rock
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 173, Date 1866
XXII. Contributions to an Insect Fauna of the Amazons Valley. Coleoptera : Longicornes
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 191, Date 1866
On Phthiriasis, and on the structure of the mouth in Pediculus
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 213, Date 1864
XXV.—On the tubulation of the valves of Rhynchopora Geinitziana, De Verneuil
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 230, Date 1866
Catalogue of the Coleopterous Insects of the Canaries in the Collection of the British Museum. By T. Vernon Wollaston, M.A., F.L.S. Printed by order of the Trustees. London, 1864. 8vo, pp. xiii & 648
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 233, Date 1866
Naturalization of Zosterops dorsalis in New Zealand
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 237, Date 1866
General considerations on the circulation of the lower animals
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 238, Date 1866
XXVI.—On germination at different degrees of constant temperature
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 241, Date 1866
XXIX.—On the Pleistocene fossils collected by Col. E. Jewett at Sta. Barbara (California); with descriptions of new species
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 274, Date 1866
XXX.—On the float of the Ianthinæ
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 278, Date 1866
Descriptions of some new species of diurnal Lepidoptera in the collection of the British Museum
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 285, Date 1866
XXXII.—Some account of a new species of fern (Polystichum Maderense) recently discovered in the Island of Madeira
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 287, Date 1866
XXXIII. Contributions to an Insect Fauna of the Amazons Valley. Coleoptera : Longicornes
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 288, Date 1866
XXXIV.—Additional observations on Ziphiorrhynchus
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 303, Date 1866
XXXVI.—Notes on some peculiarities in the eye of the Mackerel
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 307, Date 1866
Note on the genera Amphipeplea and Assiminea
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 309, Date 1866
New fishes from South America
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 311, Date 1866
The white-beaked bottlenose
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 312, Date 1866
Note on the genus Chevreulius of Lacaze-Duthiers
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 313, Date 1866
On the organs of parturition in the Kangaross
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 316, Date 1866
Descriptions of twenty-one new fishes from Port Jackson, and one from Port Natal
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 317, Date 1866
On the probable existence of accessory eyes in a fish
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 320, Date 1866
XXXVII.—An epitome of the evidence that Pterodactyles are not Reptiles, but a new subclass of vertebrate animals allied to birds (Saurornia)
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 321, Date 1866
XXXVIII.—On the developmental history of the Nematode worms
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 331, Date 1866
XL.—On the morphological structure and the motory phenomena of the contractile substance of the Polythalamia (Gromia oviformis)
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 351, Date 1866
On a new species of Astacus
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 359, Date 1866
XLII.—On the various modes of coloration of feathers
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 361, Date 1866
XLIII. Contributions to an Insect Fauna of the Amazons Valley. Coleoptera : Longicornes
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 367, Date 1866
Our Reptiles: a plain and easy Account of the Lizards, Snakes, Newts, Toads, Frogs, and Tortoises indigenous to Great Britain. By M. C. Cooke. 12mo. London: Hardwicke, 1865
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 373, Date 1866
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 375, Date 1866
New fluid for preserving Natural-History specimens
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 385, Date 1866
On the swimming-bladder and sexual organs of the Murænoid fishes
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 388, Date 1866
Notes on the Dactylethræ
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 391, Date 1866
On the occurrence of bones of Marmots near Graz
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 392, Date 1866
The placentoid, a new organ of anthers
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 395, Date 1866
On the method of flight of the flyingfish
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 397, Date 1866
On some marsupial fishes
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 398, Date 1866
Note on the presence of teeth on the Maxillæ of Spiders
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 399, Date 1866
XLIV.—On the anatomy and physiology of the Vorticellidan parasite (Trichodina pediculus, Ehr.) of Hydra
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 401, Date 1866
XLV. Contributions to an Insect Fauna of the Amazons Valley. Coleoptera : Longicornes
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 425, Date 1866
XLVI.—Note on the identity of certain species of Diurnal Lepidoptera
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 435, Date 1866
XLVIII.—Observations on the "Prodrome of a Monograph of the Pinnipedes, by Theodore Gill"
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 444, Date 1866
XLIX.—On the developmental history of the Nematode Worms
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 447, Date 1866
L.—Note on some new facts in botanical geography
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 464, Date 1866
The geology and scenery of the North of Scotland; being two Lectures given at the Philosophical Institution, Edinburgh. With notes and an appendix. By James Nicol, F.R.S.E., F.G.S., &c. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1866
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 467, Date 1866
On the perforating Bryozoa of the family Terebriporidæ
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 471, Date 1866
Remarks on some bones of the Dodo (Didus ineptus) recently collected in the Mauritius
Ser 3, Vol 17, Page 473, Date 1866
On the Amphipoda of the Adriatic
Ser 3, Vol 3rd ser. v. 17 (1866), Page 154, Date 1840