II.—Amphipodous crustacea. A new species, and some items of description and nomenclature
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 10, Date 1874
III.—On Callisoma Branickii, a new species from nice
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 15, Date 1874
IV.—On the Longicorn Coleoptera of New Zealand
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 16, Date 1874
V.—On the skulls of sea-bears and sea-lions (Otariadæ), and on the seals of the Auckland Islands
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 24, Date 1874
Descriptions of new Reptilia and Amphibia from Persia and Baluchistan
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 31, Date 1874
VII.—Description of a new species of skink
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 35, Date 1874
X.—On a new genus and species of bird belonging to the family Nectariniidæ
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 63, Date 1874
XII.—On the invertebrate marine fauna and fishes of St. Andrews
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 68, Date 1874
Bibliographical notice: A History of British Quadrupeds, including the Cetacea. By Thomas
Bell ...
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 75, Date 1874
Bibliographical Notice
Ser 7, Vol 14, Page 78, Date 1904
New observations on the habits of the ants of the south of France
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 89, Date 1874
On Nearctos and Ælurina
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 93, Date 1874
Observations on the fecundation of the Batrachia Urodela
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 96, Date 1874
XIII.—On the nature of the seed-like body of Spongilla; on the origin or mother cell of the spicule; and on the presence of spermatozoa in the Spongida
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 97, Date 1874
On the Longicorn Coleoptera of New Zealand
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 118, Date 1874
XVI.—Descriptions of two new species of Fulgora from India
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 131, Date 1874
XVII.—On Dendrohyrax Bakeri, a new species from tropical North-eastern Africa
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 132, Date 1874
XX.—On the invertebrate marine fauna and fishes of St. Andrews
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 144, Date 1874
XXI.—Descriptions of some new species of birds
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 156, Date 1874
On the structure of the caudal appendage of some Ascidian larvæ
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 164, Date 1874
On Euphysetes Pottsii
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 167, Date 1874
On a new genus of Asellidæ
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 168, Date 1874
On some new genera and species of Araneidea
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 169, Date 1874
XXV.—On three new species of toucans pertaining to the genus Aulacorhamphus
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 183, Date 1874
XXVII.—On a new genus and species (Hylæocarcinus Humei) of land-crabs from the Nicobar Islands
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 187, Date 1874
XXVIII.—On the invertebrate marine fauna and fishes of St. Andrews
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 192, Date 1874
Descriptions and figures of deep-sea sponges and their spicules from the Atlantic Ocean, dredged up on board H.M.S. Porcupine, chiefly in 1869; with figures and descriptions of some remarkable spicules from the Agulhas Shoal and Colon, Panama
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 207, Date 1874
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 222, Date 1874
A new order of hydrozoa
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 237, Date 1874
XXX.—On the genera Paradoxurus, Platyschista, and Paguma; and notes on some species lately received in the British Museum
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 241, Date 1874
XXXII.—Description of a new species of lizard of the genus Celestus
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 257, Date 1874
XXXIII.—On the invertebrate marine fauna and fishes of St. Andrews
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 258, Date 1874
XXXIV.—"Eozoon" examined chiefly from a Foraminiferal stand-point
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 274, Date 1874
On a collection of Hemiptera Heteroptera from Japan. Descriptions of various new genera and species
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 289, Date 1874
XXXVI.—Notes on the sulphur-bottom whale of the New-Zealand whalers. With a note by Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S. &c
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 304, Date 1874
XXXVII.—On priority in the discovery of the canal-system in Foraminifera
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 305, Date 1874
Bibliographical notice
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 307, Date 1874
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 310, Date 1874
Description of the living and extinct races of gigantic land-tortoises. Parts I. and II. introduction and the tortoises of the Galapagos islands
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 311, Date 1874
On the annelids of the Gulf of Marseilles
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 313, Date 1874
XXXIX.—Development of the marine sponges from the earliest recognizable appearance of the ovum to the perfected individual
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 321, Date 1874
XL.—On the invertebrate marine fauna and fishes of St. Andrews
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 337, Date 1874
XLI.—Description of a remarkable kind of air-bladder
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 349, Date 1874
XLII.—List of the species of feline animals (Felidæ)
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 351, Date 1874
XLIV.—Description of a butterfly from Madagascar forming a new genus, from the collection of Henley Grose Smith and (by his benevolence) of W. C. Hewitson
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 359, Date 1874
XLV.—On a collection of Hemiptera Heteroptera from Japan. Descriptions of various new genera and species
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 360, Date 1874
XLVI.—Descriptions of new species of Sesia in the collection of the British Museum
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 365, Date 1874
Descriptions of new species of fishes in the British Museum
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 368, Date 1874
On the anatomy of the Tyroglyphi
Ser 5, Vol 14, Page 369, Date 1884
XLVIII.—Final note on Eozoon canadense
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 371, Date 1874
XLIX.—Description of a remarkable new pheasant from Borneo
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 373, Date 1874
Note on the enemies of Difflugia
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 377, Date 1874
A scarlet ear shell, probably artificial
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 378, Date 1874
Descriptions of two new species of fishes from the Bermuda Islands
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 379, Date 1874
On the ethology of Sacculina carcini
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 386, Date 1874
L.—Development of the marine sponges from the earliest recognizable appearance of the ovum to the perfected individual
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 389, Date 1874
LI.—Description of a new Helix from Southern India
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 406, Date 1874
LIII.—On the invertebrate marine fauna and fishes of St. Andrews
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 412, Date 1874
LIV.—On a collection of Hemiptera Heteroptera from Japan. Descriptions of various new genera and species
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 426, Date 1874
LVI.—Further instances of the sponge-spicule in its mother cell
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 456, Date 1874
LVII.—Note on the Planula- or Gastrula-phase of development in Mollusca
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 458, Date 1874
Bibliographical notice
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 460, Date 1874
Note on Ablepharus pusillus
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 461, Date 1874
The winged fruits of the carboniferous genus Cardiocarpus
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 462, Date 1874
Coal of the carboniferous era not made of bark
Ser 4, Vol 14, Page 463, Date 1874