I.—Report on the Schizopods collected by Mr. George Murray, F.R.S., during the Cruise of the ‘Oceana’ in 1898
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 1, Date 1905
Rhynchotal notes-XXXIII
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 22, Date 1905
A list of freshwater fishes of Africa
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 36, Date 1905
VII.—A Revision of the Fishes of the American Cichlid Genus Cichlosoma and of the Allied Genera
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 60, Date 1905
Revised nomenclature of the species described in Bate and Westwood's "British Sessile-eyed Crustacea"
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 78, Date 1905
IX.—Kerunia, a Symbiosis of a Hydractinian with a Cephalopod
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 95, Date 1905
The Nomenclature of Types in Natural History
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 102, Date 1905
A list of the batrachians and reptiles collected by Dr. W. J. Ansorge in Angola with descriptions of new species
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 105, Date 1905
XI.—On the Internal Parasites of the Tweed Salmon
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 115, Date 1905
XII.—On Hermaphroditism and Vestigial Structures in the Reproductive Organs of Testudo grææa
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 120, Date 1905
XIII.—Reply to Mr. G. A. Boulenger
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 126, Date 1905
List of the lizards in the Zoological Museum of Lund, with descriptions of new species
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 129, Date 1905
Notes on eastern and Australian Heterocera, with descriptions of one new genus and thirteen new species
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 142, Date 1905
XVI.—On a new Species of River-Crab from Yunnan
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 155, Date 1905
On some new genera and species of parasitic Hymenoptera from Borneo
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 159, Date 1905
XVIII.—On a Second Collection of Mammals obtained by Dr. W. J. Ansorge in Angola
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 169, Date 1905
XIX.—Descriptions of Three new Snakes discovered in South Arabia by Mr. G. W. Bury
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 178, Date 1905
Descriptions of new tailless batrachians in the collection of the British Museum
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 180, Date 1905
XXI.—Descriptions of new Species of Marine Shells, chiefly from Ceylon
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 184, Date 1905
XXII.—Description of a new Shell from the Cape Verd Islands
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 192, Date 1905
XXIII.—Descriptions of new Species of Land-Shells from British New Guinea, and Remarks on Two Species from the Solomon Islands
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 193, Date 1905
XXIV.—Notes on the Tabani from the Palœarctic Region in the British Museum Collection
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 196, Date 1905
Rhynchotal notes-XXXIV
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 203, Date 1905
Descriptions and records of bees. I
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 216, Date 1905
XXVII.—A Revision of the Fishes of the American Cichlid Genus Cichlosoma and of the Allied Genera
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 225, Date 1905
XXVIII.—On the Bats of the Rhinolophus philippinensis Group, with Descriptions of Five new Species
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 243, Date 1905
Bibliographical Notices
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 258, Date 1905
Rhynchotal notes. - XXXV
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 265, Date 1905
XXIX.—Rhynchotal notes.—XXXV
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 265, Date 1905
XXX.—On the Bats of the Rhiuoloplus arcuatus Group, with Descriptions of Five new Forms
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 281, Date 1905
On the bats of the Rhinolophus macrotis group with descriptions of two new forms
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 289, Date 1905
Descriptions and records of bees. II
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 292, Date 1905
Descriptions and records of bees. III
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 301, Date 1905
XXXVI.—A Revision of the Fishes of the American Cichlid Genus Cichlosoma and of the Allied Genera
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 316, Date 1905
A collection of fishes made by Dr. H. Gadow in southern Mexico
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 361, Date 1905
Descriptions of three new fishes from Japan, collected by Mr. R. Gordon Smith
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 363, Date 1905
Bibliographical Notice
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 365, Date 1905
L. - A Revision of the Fishes of the American Cichlid Genus Cichlosoma and of the Allied Genera
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 433, Date 1905
Descriptions and records of bees. V
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 465, Date 1905
Descriptions and records of bees. VI
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 477, Date 1905
LV.—Notes on the Forficularia.—IX.On new Species, with Synonymic Notes
Ser 7, Vol 16, Iss 95, Page 486, Date 1905
LVI.—On Hipposiderus diadema and its closest Allies
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 497, Date 1905
A revision of the genus Penaeus with diagnoses of some new species and varieties
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 508, Date 1905
LVII.—A Revision of the “Genus” Peneus, with Diagnoses of some new Species and Varieties
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 508, Date 1905
LVIII.—Descriptions of new Species of Noctuidæ in the British Museum
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 533, Date 1905
LIX.—Descriptions of Two new Species of Diurnal Lepidoptera belonging to the Subfamily Nymphalinæ
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 549, Date 1905
LX.—Description of a new Land-Shell from Christmas Island
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 551, Date 1905
LXIII.—Notes on British Copepoda: Change of Names
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 567, Date 1905
LXIV.—Note on Hexanchus griseus
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 571, Date 1905
LXV.—A new Genus and Two new Species of Bats
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 572, Date 1905
Bibliographical Notice
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 576, Date 1905
On new and little-known species of Eastern and Australian Lepidoptera
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 612, Date 1905
LXIX.—Notes on the various Forms of Arvicanthis pumilio, Sparrm
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 629, Date 1905
On a small collection of fishes from the Kasai river (Congo)
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 640, Date 1905
On a collection of fishes from Lake Bangwelo
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 642, Date 1905
LXXIII.—A List of the Species and Subspecies of the Genus Rhinolophus, with some Notes on their Geographical Distribution
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 648, Date 1905
On the oscules of Cinachyra
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 662, Date 1905
Ser 7, Vol 16, Page 676, Date 1905