Preliminary notice of the Schizopoda collected by H. M.S. Discovery in the Antarctic region
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 1, Date 1906
XXVII.—On new Thyrididæ and Pyralidæ
Ser 7, Vol 17, Iss 98, Page 189, Date 1906
XVII.—On new Thyrididæ and Pyralidæ
Ser 7, Vol 17, Iss 97, Page 112, Date 1906
XLV.—On new Thyrididæ and Pyralidæ
Ser 7, Vol 17, Iss 100, Page 344, Date 1906
XXXIV.—On new Thyrididæ and Pyralidæ
Ser 7, Vol 17, Iss 99, Page 253, Date 1906
Descriptions and records of bees. VII
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 23, Date 1906
Notes on some genera of the Crustacean family Hippolytidae
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 29, Date 1906
V.—On the Bats of the Hipposideros armiger and Commersoni Types
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 35, Date 1906
On the generic arrangement of the Australian rats hitherto referred to Conilurus, with remarks on the structure and evolution of their molar cusps
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 81, Date 1906
IX.—A new aquatic genus of Muridæ discovered by Consul L. Soderström in Ecuador
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 86, Date 1906
XIII.—Descriptions of two new species of Pterygistes
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 98, Date 1906
XV.—Descriptions of some new African butterflies
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 104, Date 1906
On some fishes from the Kwango River (Congo System) in Angola, collected by Dr. W. J. Ansorge
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 110, Date 1906
XIX.—Notes on Trematode parasites of the Cockle (Cardium edule) and mussel (Mytilus edulis)
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 148, Date 1906
XXI.—Flying-fish flight, and an unfixed law of nature
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 158, Date 1906
XXII.—A new Heterotanais and a new Eurydice, genera of Isopoda
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 167, Date 1906
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 171, Date 1906
Descriptions of new Australian Pupinae and Pupinellae, with a note on Pupina pineticola Cox
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 243, Date 1906
XXXII.—Description of a new species of Unio (Cuneopsis) from Yunnan
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 246, Date 1906
Descriptions of new species of Pleurodonte (Caracolus), Planispira, and Kaliella
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 247, Date 1906
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 249, Date 1906
XXXV.—On hipposiderus caffer, Sund., and its closest Allies; with some notes on H. fuliginosus, Temm
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 269, Date 1906
Two new species of Carida from the west coast of Ireland
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 297, Date 1906
XXXVIII.—Synonymic notes on Musca marginalis, Wied., and the genus Pycnosoma, Br. & von Berg
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 301, Date 1906
XXXIX.—On the freshwater Medusa Limnocnida tanganicæ and its occurrence in the River Niger
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 304, Date 1906
XLI.—Descriptions of new Batrachians discovered by Mr. G. L. Bates in South Cameroon
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 317, Date 1906
XLII.—New mammals from the Australian region
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 324, Date 1906
Descriptions of two new cyprinid fishes from Yunnan Fu, collected by Mr. John Graham
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 332, Date 1906
On new species of Histeridae and notices of others
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 337, Date 1906
Descriptions of two new lizards from New Zealand
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 369, Date 1906
XLIX.—On some mammals collected by Mr. Robin Kemp in S. Nigeria
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 375, Date 1906
Some undescribed species of Cicadidae
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 384, Date 1906
Diagnoses of five new species of Decapod Crustacea and of the hitherto unknown male of Spirontocaris rectirostris (Stimps) from the Inland Sea of Japan, as also of a new species of Palaemon from Darjeeling, Bengal
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 400, Date 1906
LV.—Descriptions of some new species of heterocera from Peru
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 406, Date 1906
LVI.—New insectivores and voles collected by Mr. A. Robert near Trebizond
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 415, Date 1906
LVIII.—New Asiatic mammals of the genera Kerivoula, Eliomys, and Lepus
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 423, Date 1906
LIX.—Spinning slugs and snails
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 426, Date 1906
Bibliographical notice
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 432, Date 1906
Descriptions of new fishes discovered by Mr. E. Degen in Lake Victoria
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 433, Date 1906
Preliminary descriptions of new species of Amphipoda from the "Discovery" Antarctic Expedition, 1902-1904
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 452, Date 1906
Notes on British Copepoda: changes of names
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 458, Date 1906
LXIV.—Notes on the genus Tatera, with descriptions of new species
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 474, Date 1906
LXV.—A new genus of free-tail bat from N.E. Africa
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 499, Date 1906
LXVI.—A dwarf form of the African elephant
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 501, Date 1906
LXVII.—On the morphological significance of the joints of the mandibles in the Acari
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 504, Date 1906
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 506, Date 1906
On the anatomy and histology of the Ixodidæ
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 509, Date 1906
The large dermal glands of the species of Echinaster
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 511, Date 1906
LXVIII.—Some new and little-known Trematodes
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 513, Date 1906
Descriptions and records of bees. XI
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 527, Date 1906
Eastern and African Heterocera
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 540, Date 1906
On a collection of fishes from Gallaland
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 557, Date 1906
Description of a new fish of the genus Clarias from Uganda
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 569, Date 1906
LXXV.—On the generic name Stolasterias, Sladen
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 574, Date 1906
LXXVI.—A new vole from Spain
Ser 7, Vol 17, Page 576, Date 1906