Notes on the natural history of East Finmark
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 1, Date 1903
Notes on some Copepoda from the Arctic Seas collected in 1890 by the Rev. Canon A. M. Norman, F.R.S
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 4, Date 1903
II.—A revision of the genera of the Araneæ or spiders, with reference to their type species
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 32, Date 1903
Descriptions of four new species of Barbus discovered by Mr. A. Blayney Percival in East Africa
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 52, Date 1903
Descriptions of two new lizards discovered by Mr. E. Degen in (sic) his journey to Abyssinia
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 54, Date 1903
VII.—On some secondary sexual characters in the cenus Aranea, Linn
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 59, Date 1903
Notes on Forficulidae, with descriptions of new species in the collection of the Natural History Museum, South Kensington
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 60, Date 1903
IX.—Descriptions of four new species of West-African Lycænidæ
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 69, Date 1903
On some undescribed Rhynchota
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 72, Date 1903
XI.—On a remarkable new hare from Cape Colony
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 78, Date 1903
On some genera and species of South American Aviculariidae
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 81, Date 1903
XIV.—On some Pleurodiran Chelonians from the Eocene of the Fayum, Egypt
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 115, Date 1903
XV.—On new species of Mus from Borneo and the Malay Peninsula
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 123, Date 1903
XVI.—The hares of Crete and of Cyprus
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 126, Date 1903
Dr. Günther's Monograph of the reptiles and batrachians of Central America Biologica Centrali-Americana.—Reptilia and Batrachia. By Albert Günther. London, 1885–1902. Pp. xx & 326; 76 pls
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 127, Date 1903
Publications of the British Museum of Natural History, South Kensington
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 132, Date 1903
Zoological Results based on Material from New Britain, New Guinea, Loyalty Islands, and elsewhere, collected during the years 1895, 1896, and 1897 by Arthur Willey. Part VI. Cambridge, 1902. 4to
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 133, Date 1903
Birds in the Garden. By Granville Sharpe, M.A. With 105 illustrations, including eight photogravures. London: J. M. Dent & Co., 1902
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 136, Date 1903
Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India. Palœontologia Indica, being figures and descriptions of the organic remains procured during the progress of the Geological Survey of India. New Series. Vol. II. Part 1. Observations sur quelques Plantes Fossiles
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 137, Date 1903
Cyclops rubellus, Lilljeborg
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 139, Date 1903
New and little-known American Coccidae
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 155, Date 1903
XIX.—Notes on the Natural History of East Finmark
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 166, Date 1903
On some new genera and species of parasitic and fossorial Hymenoptera from the Khassia Hills, Assam
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 173, Date 1903
XXI.—Some observations on British freshwater Harpactids
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 185, Date 1903
XXII—Descriptions of some new species of Lepidoptera chiefly from South America
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 196, Date 1903
Rhynchotal notes. XVI. Heteroptera: Family Reduviidae (continued), Apiomerinae, Harpactorinae and Nabinae
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 203, Date 1903
Descriptions of four new Arachnida of the orders Pedipalpi, Solifugae and Araneae
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 220, Date 1903
XXVI.—New species of Oxymycterus, Thrichomys, and Ctenomys from S. America
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 226, Date 1903
XXVII.—Description of a new Coleopterous insect belonging to the Curculionidæ
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 229, Date 1903
Notes on the Forficularia. VII. Some hitherto unpublished descriptions of new species, by the late Mr. Auguste de Bormans
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 231, Date 1903
Palœontologia Indica. Series XV. Himalayan Fossils. Vol. II. Part 1. The Cephalopoda of the Lower Trias. By Carl Diener, Ph.D., University of Vienna. Pages 181; plates i.–xxiii. Folio. Calcutta: Geol. Survey Office. London: Kegan Paul & Co
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 241, Date 1903
The Palœontology of the Niagaran Limestone in the Chicago Area. The Crinoidea. By Stuart Weller. Bull. Nat. Hist. Survey Chicago, iv. part 1, 153 pp., xv. pls., and text-figures. 27th June, 1900
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 244, Date 1903
Some new spiders from the camaroons collected by Mr G. L. Bates
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 258, Date 1903
A revision of the fishes of the family Lophiidae
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 277, Date 1903
XXXV.—Two new Glossophagine bats from central America
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 286, Date 1903
XXXVI.—Note on the technical name of the Tasmanian devil
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 289, Date 1903
XXXVIII.—On three new races of Tragulus kanchil, Raffles, with remarks on the genus
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 291, Date 1903
XL.—On the genera of the Dromiidæ
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 297, Date 1903
On the affinities and nomenclature of certain genera of melolonthid and rutelid Coleoptera
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 303, Date 1903
XLII.—On two new voles of the subgenera Pitymys and Microtus
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 306, Date 1903
Two new Australian spiders of the family Ctenizidae
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 308, Date 1903
XLIV.—On some new genera and species of parasitic and fossorial hymenoptera from the Khasia Hills, Assam
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 313, Date 1903
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 333, Date 1903
Rhynchotal notes. XVII. Heteroptera: Family Reduviidae
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 352, Date 1903
New generic names for some Entomostraca and Cirripedia
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 367, Date 1903
XLIX.—On the skeleton and systematic position of Luvarus imperialis
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 372, Date 1903
L.—On a new species of cat from China
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 374, Date 1903
LII.—Two South-American forms of Rhogeessa
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 382, Date 1903
LIV.—The musk-rat of the Antilles (Mus pilorides) as type of a very distinct genus (Megalomys, Trt.) under the new generic name Moschomys
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 385, Date 1903
LV.—Observations on the flight of flying-fish (Exocœtus, sp. incertœ)
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 389, Date 1903
LVI.—New species of Indian aculeate Hymenoptera
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 393, Date 1903
Notes on Blattidae, with descriptions of new genera and species in the collection of the British Museum, South Kensington. No. I
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 404, Date 1903
LVIII.—On Macrurous Crustacea obtained by Mr. George Murray during the cruise of the ‘oceana’ in 1898
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 416, Date 1903
LIX.—Report on the Cœlenterata from the intermediate waters of the N. Atlantic, obtained by Mr. George Murray during the cruise of the ‘Oceana’ in 1898
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 420, Date 1903
Geological Survey of Canada. Contributions to Canadian Palœontology.—Vol. VII. Part 2. On Vertebrata of the Mid-Cretaceous of the North-west Territory. By H. F. Osborn and L. W. Lambe. 4to. 84 pages; with frontispiece, 20 plates, and 24 blocks of text-fig
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 430, Date 1903
The Evolution of the Northern Part of the Lowlands of South-eastern Missouri. By C. F. Marbut, Professor of Geology. Pp. vii & 63; 7 plates of views and maps. 8vo. Published by the University of Missouri. 1902
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 432, Date 1903
Fifteen new species and two new genera of tropical and southern Opiliones
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 433, Date 1903
On the systematic position and classification of the gadoid or anacanthine fishes
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 459, Date 1903
LXIV.—On a new rat of the Mus rufescens group from Simla
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 473, Date 1903
LXVI.—Report on a small collection of Echinoderm larvœ made by Mr. George Murray, F.R.S., during the cruise of the ‘Oceana,’ in November 1898
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 477, Date 1903
LXVII.—On a new species of Sergestes obtained by Mr. George Murray during the cruise of the ‘Oceana’ in 1898
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 479, Date 1903
On some Batrachians and Reptiles from Venezuela
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 481, Date 1903
LXIX.—On three new forms of Peromyscus obtained by Dr. Hans Gadow, F.R.S., and Mrs. Godow in Mexico
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 484, Date 1903
LXX.—New forms of Sciurus, Oxymycterus Kannabateomys, Proechimys, Dasyprocta, and Caluromys from South America
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 487, Date 1903
LXXII.—On the species of the genus Rhinopoma
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 496, Date 1903
LXXIII.—New species of eastern and African Lepidoptera
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 499, Date 1903
LXXIV.—New species of Indian Aculeate Hymenoptera
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 511, Date 1903
Bibliographical notice
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 526, Date 1903
On the evolution of Proboscidea
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 527, Date 1903
LXXV.—New species of Indian Aculeate Hymenoptera
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 529, Date 1903
LXXVII.—On the occurrence of Acomys in Cyprus
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 565, Date 1903
Notes on the natural history of East Finmark, Polyzoa
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 567, Date 1903
Description of a new fish of the genus Chaetostomus from Venezuela
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 599, Date 1903
Description of a new fish of the genus Arges from Venezuela
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 601, Date 1903
Descriptions of new genera and species of New Zealand Coleoptera
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 602, Date 1903
LXXXIII.—The systematic position of the genus Hadrotarsus, Thorell
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 619, Date 1903
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 7, Vol 11, Page 625, Date 1903