I.—A contribution towards a knowledge of the Entozoa of British Marine Fishes.—Part II
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 1, Date 1909
III.—On new and rare Crustacea from Scottish waters
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 31, Date 1909
IV.—Some common crinoid names, and the fixation of nomenclature
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 37, Date 1909
Notes on Merlia normani, Kirkp
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 42, Date 1909
VI.—On a new species and a new subspecies of the genus Madoqua and a new subspecies of the genus Rhynchotragus
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 48, Date 1909
VII.—Descriptions of new genera and species of New-Zealand Coleoptera
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 51, Date 1909
Dates of the parts of C. H. C. Burmeister's ‘Genera Insectorum,’ 1838–1846
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 72, Date 1909
Rhynchotal Notes. XLVIII
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 73, Date 1909
IX.—New land and freshwater shells from West Africa
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 87, Date 1909
XI.—Notes on Voluta norrisii, V. piperita, V. sophia, and description of a new species
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 95, Date 1909
New African small mammals in the British Museum
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 98, Date 1909
A new gibbon from Annam
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 112, Date 1909
XV.—On some new species of birds from Katanga, Congo Free State
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 129, Date 1909
XVI.—Descriptions of new genera and species of New-Zealand Coleoptera
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 130, Date 1909
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 161, Date 1909
XVII.—A revision of the Australian species of the genus Scolia
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 165, Date 1909
XVIII.—Descriptions of some new species of the genus Delias from North New Guinea, recently collected by Mr. C. E. Pratt
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 176, Date 1909
XIX.—Descriptions of three new species of rhopalocera from North New Guinea
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 183, Date 1909
Descriptions of new freshwater fishes discovered by Mr. G. L. Bates in South Cameroon
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 186, Date 1909
Description of a new lizard of the genus Acanthodactylus from Syria
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 188, Date 1909
XXII.—Systematic notes on Coleoptera of the Clavicorn families
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 190, Date 1909
XXV.—A new species of Presbytis, allied to P. rubicundus
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 204, Date 1909
XXVII.—Note on the genus Smithia, Maltzan
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 229, Date 1909
XXVIII.—Notes on some South-American mammals, with descriptions of new species
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 230, Date 1909
XXIX.—Remarks on the species of the genus Rheinardtius
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 242, Date 1909
XXX.—Descriptions of apparently new species and subspecies of monkeys of the genera Callicebus, Lagothrix, Papio, Pithecus, Cercopithecus, Erythroccbus, and Presbytis
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 244, Date 1909
XXXI.—Description of a new species of monkey of the genus Cercopithecus
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 274, Date 1909
XXXIII.—On new species of Histeridæ and notices of others
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 291, Date 1909
XXXIV.—Description of new species of monkeys of the genera Cercopithecus and Papio
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 304, Date 1909
XXXV.—A new species of Fossa from Central Madagascar
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 306, Date 1909
Catalogue of the fresh-water fishes of Africa in the British Museum (Natural History). Vol. I. By G. A. Boulenger, F.R.S. London: Printed by Order of the Trustees, 1909
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 307, Date 1909
XXXVII.—Description of a new Japanese vole
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 317, Date 1909
Rhynchota Notes. xlix
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 320, Date 1909
Descriptions of new genera and species of Syntomidae, Arctiadae, Agaristidae and Noctuidae
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 344, Date 1909
XLII.—Neotetracus sinensis, a new insectivore of the family Erinaceidæ
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 389, Date 1909
Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phalœnœ in the British Museum. Vol. VIII. Catalogue of the Noctuidæ. By Sir George F. Hampson, Bart. London: Printed by Order of the Trustees. 8vo. Pp. xiv, 583; pls. cxxiii.–cxxxvi., and 162 figures in the text. (Text, price
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 391, Date 1909
Illustrations of African Blood-sucking flies other than mosquitoes and tsetse-flies. By Ernest Edward Austen, Assistant in the Department of Zoology, British Museum (Natural History). With coloured figures by Grace Edwards. London, 1909. Printed by Order
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 392, Date 1909
Descriptions and records of bees. XXIII
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 393, Date 1909
XLIV.—On the colours of horses, zebras, and tapirs
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 404, Date 1909
XLV.—Description of a new Lycœnid from Formosa
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 416, Date 1909
XLVII.—On some new Plesiosauria from the Oxford Clay of Peterborough
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 418, Date 1909
Descriptions of three new fishes from Portuguese Guinea
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 429, Date 1909
Descriptions of four new cyprinoid fishes from high Asia
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 432, Date 1909
L.— The species of Three-spined sticklebacks (Gastrosteus)
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 435, Date 1909
Descriptions of new marine fishes from Australia and the Pacific
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 438, Date 1909
Descriptions of Oriental Capsidae
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 440, Date 1909
LIII.—On a collection of mammals from South Africa
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 455, Date 1909
LIV.—Two new species of Colobus from Central Africa, collected by Mr. R. Grauer
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 474, Date 1909
LV.—Four new African squirrels
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 476, Date 1909
Bibliographical notice
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 484, Date 1909
Descriptions of nine species of Ennea and five Helicoids, all from South Africa
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 485, Date 1909
Descriptions of four new frogs and a new snake discovered by Mr. H. Sauter in Formosa
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 492, Date 1909
Descriptions of Three new Frogs discovered by Dr. P. Krefft in Usambara, German Fast Africa
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 496, Date 1909
Description of a new characinid fish from Mexico
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 497, Date 1909
LXI.—Descriptions of four new species of land-shells from Natal and the Transavaal
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 498, Date 1909
LXII.—A collection of mammals from Northern and Central Mantchuria
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 500, Date 1909
LXIII.—On the regular hexactine spicule of Hexactinellida
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 505, Date 1909
Descriptions of Oriental Capsidae
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 509, Date 1909
LXV.—On the Agriotype of domestic asses
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 523, Date 1909
LXVI.—On the fruit-bats of the genus Dobsonia
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 528, Date 1909
LXVIII.—East African forms of Arvicanthis abyssinicus
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 536, Date 1909
Bibliographical notice
Ser 8, Vol 4, Page 553, Date 1909