Descriptions of some new species of Blattidae
Ser 8, Vol 8, Page 1, Date 1911
IV. Contributions to an Insect Fauna of the Amazon Valley. Coleoptera : Longicornes
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 40, Date 1861
V.—Remarks on some novel phases of organic Life, and on the boring powers of minute Annelids, at great depths in the sea
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 52, Date 1861
VI.—Improved method of making microscopic sections
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 58, Date 1861
VII.—Notice of a new species of Damaster from Japan
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 59, Date 1861
VIII.—Zoological notes on perusing M. Du Chaillu's ‘Adventures in Equatorial Africa.’
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 60, Date 1861
Royal Society
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 65, Date 1861
On the Pediculi infesting the different races of Man
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 79, Date 1861
On a new species of fish belonging to the genus Pagrus
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 80, Date 1861
IX.—On the sexual life of plants, and parthenogenesis
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 81, Date 1861
X.—On additions to the Madeiran Coleoptera
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 99, Date 1861
XII.—Observations on British Protozoa and Zoophytes
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 120, Date 1861
XIII.—On some new species of Mollusca from the North of China and Japan
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 135, Date 1861
XIV.—On the Palœontology of the Coralline Oolites of the neighbourhood of Oxford
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 142, Date 1861
XV. Contributions to an Insect Fauna of the Amazon Valley. Coleoptera : Longicornes
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 147, Date 1861
XVI.—A catalogue of the zoophytes of South Devon and South Cornwall
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 152, Date 1861
XVIII.—Notes on the Hydroid zoophytes
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 168, Date 1861
British Wild flowers. Illustrated by J. E. Sowerby. 8vo. London: Van Voorst, 1860
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 173, Date 1861
Narrative of the Canadian Red River Exploring expedition of 1857, and of the Assinniboine and Saskatchewan Exploring expedition of 1858. By Henry Youle Hind, M.A., F.R.G.S. 2 vols. 8vo. Longmans: London, 1860
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 175, Date 1861
Tabular view of the orders and Leading Families of Myriapoda, Arachnida, Crustacea, Annelida, and Entozoa. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, London, 1861
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 178, Date 1861
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 179, Date 1861
On a new species of fish of the genus Gerres
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 189, Date 1861
Classification of the Forminifera
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 190, Date 1861
XIX.—On the organic origin of the so-called ‘Crystalloids’ of the chalk
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 193, Date 1861
XX.—On the sexual Life of plants, and parthenogenesis
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 200, Date 1861
XXIII. Contributions to an Insect Fauna of the Amazon Valley. Coleoptera : Longicornes
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 212, Date 1861
XXIV.—On the history of the ‘Maté’ plant, and the different species of Ilex employed in the preparation of the ‘Yerba de Maté,’ or Paraguay Tea
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 219, Date 1861
XXV.—On the nomenclature of the Foraminifera
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 229, Date 1861
XXVI.—On some new genera and species of Mollusca from the North of China and Japan
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 239, Date 1861
XXVII.—On the structure of the larger Foraminifera
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 246, Date 1861
XXVIII.—A catalogue of the zoophytes of South Devon and South Cornwall
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 251, Date 1861
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 262, Date 1861
Observations on the existence of various Mollusca and zoophytes at very great depths in the Mediterranean
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 270, Date 1861
Transmutation of Grasses
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 271, Date 1861
Contributions to British Carcinology. I. Characters of undescribed Podophthalmia and Entomostraca
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 273, Date 1861
XXX.—Notes and corrections on the Organization of Infusoria, &c
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 281, Date 1861
XXXI.—A catalogue of the zoophytes of South Devon and South Cornwall
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 290, Date 1861
XXXII.—Report of the results of Deep-sea dredging in Zetland, with a notice of several species of Mollusca new to science or to the British Isles
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 297, Date 1861
XXXIII.—On some new genera and species of Mollusca from the North of China and Japan
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 299, Date 1861
XXXIV.—Further observations on the structure of Foraminifera, and on the larger fossilized forms of Scinde, &c., including a new genus and species
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 309, Date 1861
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 334, Date 1861
Note on the synonymy of the fossil genus Echinodon of Professor Owen
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 341, Date 1861
M. Du Chaillu and his book
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 346, Date 1861
On the height of the Gorilla
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 349, Date 1861
XXXVI.—A catalogue of the Zoophytes of South Devon and South Cornwall
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 360, Date 1861
A preliminary synopsis of the labroid genera
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 382, Date 1861
XXXIX.—On the history of the ‘Maté’ plant, and the different species of Ilex employed in the preparation of the ‘Yerba de Maté,’ or Paraguag Tea
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 389, Date 1861
XLI.—On the arrangement of the families and genera of Chlorospermous Algæ
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 404, Date 1861
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 420, Date 1861
On the larval state of the Muscidæ
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 428, Date 1861
On the structure of the brain in Man and the Apes, and its relation to the zoological system
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 429, Date 1861
On the Spermatophora of some Hirudinei
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 431, Date 1861
XLII.—On the division of the European Seas into Provinces, with reference to the distribution of Mollusca
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 433, Date 1861
XLIII.—On Paramecium? coli, Malmsten
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 437, Date 1861
Descriptions of several recently discovered spiders
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 441, Date 1861
XLV.—Further observations on the structure of Foraminifera, and on the larger fossilized forms of Scinde, &c., including a new genus and species
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 446, Date 1861
XLVI. Contributions to an Insect Fauna of the Amazon Valley. Coleoptera : Longicornes
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 471, Date 1861
XLVII.—On the Scalidæ or "Wentletraps" of the Sea of Japan; with descriptions of some new species
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 479, Date 1861
XLVIII.—Additional notes on some new Palæozoic Star-fishes
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 484, Date 1861
L.—On the influence of the venation in the reproduction of monstrosities among Ferns
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 490, Date 1861
A Manual of the Subkingdom CÅ“lenterata. By Joseph Reay Greene, B.A., Professor of Natural History in Queen's College, Cork. London, 1861. Longmans. 12mo
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 493, Date 1861
On the Foraminifera of the Vienna Tertiary Basin
Ser 3, Vol 8, Page 507, Date 1861