I.—Observations on the development of gonidia (?) from the cell-contents of the Characeæ, and on the circulation of the mucus-substance of the cell; with a postscript
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 1, Date 1855
II.—Descriptions of the animals of certain genera of Conchifera
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 22, Date 1855
Notes on some new or little-known marine animals
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 27, Date 1855
IV.—On the homologies of the carapace and on the structure and function of the antennæ in Crustacea
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 36, Date 1855
V.—On double monstrosity in fishes
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 47, Date 1855
Zoological Society
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 61, Date 1855
Royal Institution of Great Britain
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 69, Date 1855
Botanical Society of Edinburgh
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 72, Date 1855
On the eggs of Otogyps and Prosthemadera
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 78, Date 1855
Meteorological observations for May 1855
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 79, Date 1855
VI.—Notes on Palæozoic bivalved entomostraca. No. I. Some species of Beyrichia from the upper Silurian limestones of Scandinavia
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 81, Date 1855
VII.—On the conjugation of the Diatomaceæ
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 92, Date 1855
VIII.—On a new genus of fossil Cidaridæ, with a synopsis of the species included therein
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 94, Date 1855
IX.—Brief notices of several new or little-known species of mammalia, lately discovered and collected in Nepal, by Brian Houghton Hodgson, Esq
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 101, Date 1855
X.—On the Assiminia Grayana and Rissoa anatina
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 114, Date 1855
Descriptions of two newly discovered species of Araneida
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 120, Date 1855
XII.—Note on the descent of glaciers
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 122, Date 1855
Catalogue of British Hymenoptera in the collection of the British Museum. Part I. Apidæ—Bees. By Frederick Smith, M.E.S. London: Printed by Order of the Trustees, 1855. 12mo
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 124, Date 1855
Proceedings of the Yorkshire Philosophical Society. Vol. I York, 1855
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 128, Date 1855
Characters of some new or imperfectly-described species of Tanagers
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 140, Date 1855
On the organization of the pedicellate glands of the leaf of Drosera rotundifolia
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 146, Date 1855
On a new organ observed in Callitriche (C. platycarpa, &c.)
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 149, Date 1855
On the spermatophora of the Crickets
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 150, Date 1855
Meteorological observations for June 1855
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 151, Date 1855
XIII.—Observations on the genera Pachybdella (Diesing) and Peltogaster (Rathke), two animal forms parasitic upon the abdomen of Crabs
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 153, Date 1855
XIV.—Notes on Palæozoic Bivalved Entomostraca. No. II. Some British and Foreign species of Beyrichia
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 163, Date 1855
XV.—On the heart and circulation in the Pycnogonidæ
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 176, Date 1855
XVI.—Abstract of a monograph of the family Gorgonidæ
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 177, Date 1855
XVII.—On the genus Assiminia
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 183, Date 1855
XVIII.—On the law which has regulated the introduction of new species
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 184, Date 1855
XIX.—On some new species of Hemipedina from the Oolites
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 196, Date 1855
XX.—Short biographical notice of the late Dr. Johnston of Berwick-upon-Tweed
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 199, Date 1855
The British Flora, comprising the phænogamous or flowering plants and the ferns. The 7th edition, with Additions and Corrections, &c. By Sir William Jackson Hooker, K.H., D.C.L. &c. &c., and George A. Walker Arnott, LL.D. &c. &c. Longman and Co. 1855. Pp
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 203, Date 1855
Royal Society
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 205, Date 1855
Botanical Society of Edinburgh
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 219, Date 1855
Zoological Society
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 222, Date 1855
Notice of a new Indian Swallow
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 225, Date 1855
Notice of some new species of birds contained in the museum of the Hon. East India Company
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 226, Date 1855
On the genus Modiolarca
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 228, Date 1855
Monstrosity of Antirrhinum majus
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 229, Date 1855
Notice of the Horns and skull of the Arnee
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 230, Date 1855
Meteorological observations for July 1855
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 231, Date 1855
XXI.—The vegetable individual, in its relation to species
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 233, Date 1855
XXII.—Note on the subgenus Limea, Bronn
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 256, Date 1855
XXIII.—Notes on the Brachiopoda observed in a Dredging Tour with Mr. M'Andrew on the coast of Norway, in the summer of the present year
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 257, Date 1855
XXIV.—On the Young States of some Annelides
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 259, Date 1855
XXV.—Observations on the genus Assiminia
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 272, Date 1855
XXVI.—On the morphology of the organs called lenticels
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 273, Date 1855
Bibliographical notices
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 277, Date 1855
Zoological society
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 278, Date 1855
Sibbald's drawings of Scottish animals
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 296, Date 1855
Clausilia Rolphii
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 298, Date 1855
Note on the Aphyllanthes monspeliensis, and the new family of the Aphyllanthaceæ
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 300, Date 1855
Meteorological observations for Aug. 1855
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 303, Date 1855
XXVII.—Notes on some new or little-known marine animals
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 305, Date 1855
On new or little known marine animals
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 308, Date 1855
XXVIII.—On the injurious effects of an excess or want of heat and light on the aquarium
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 313, Date 1855
XXIX.—On the mechanism of aquatic respiration and on the structure of the organs of breathing in invertebrate animals
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 315, Date 1855
XXX.—Notice and description of a new species of spider
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 329, Date 1855
XXXI.—Observations on the habits of the stickleback (being a continuation of a previous paper)
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 330, Date 1855
Bibliographical notices
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 354, Date 1855
Zoological Society
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 367, Date 1855
Notice of some imperfectly-known species of birds contained in the museum of the Hon. East India Company
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 369, Date 1855
Notes on the habits of Indian birds. Part IV
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 371, Date 1855
Description of a new species of Momotus
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 373, Date 1855
On the anatomy of the Great Anteater (Myrmecophaga Jubata)
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 374, Date 1855
Descriptions of two new tanagers in the British Museum
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 377, Date 1855
Bohemian forests and peat-bogs
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 378, Date 1855
Occurrence of Diodonta fragilis at Weymouth
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 379, Date 1855
Description of a second species of the genus Procnias
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 380, Date 1855
Meteorological observations for Sept. 1855
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 383, Date 1855
XXXIII.—On the Batrachian Ranunculi of Britain
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 385, Date 1855
XXXIV.—On the mechanism of aquatic respiration and on the structure of the organs of breathing in invertebrate animals
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 404, Date 1855
XXXV.—On the genera of mollusca, and on the genus Assiminia in particular
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 422, Date 1855
XXXVII.—On the phænomena of the reproduction of the Chitons
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 446, Date 1855
XXXVIII.—Note on Linaria sepium, Allman
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 449, Date 1855
Catalogue of the genera and subgenera of birds contained in the British Museum. By G. R. Gray, F.L.S. London: 1855
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 450, Date 1855
Descriptive and illustrated catalogue of the histological series contained in the museum of the Royal College of Surgeons. Prepared for the microscope. Vol. ii. London. 1855. 4to
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 454, Date 1855
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 457, Date 1855
Shropshire mollusca
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 464, Date 1855
Arrested development of the tadpole of the common frog
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 465, Date 1855
Meteorological observations for October 1855
Ser 2, Vol 16, Page 466, Date 1855