I.—Observations on the distribution and habits of the pelagic and freshwater free-floating Diatomaceæ
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 1, Date 1860
II.—Revision of the family Pennatulidæ, with descriptions of some new species in the British Museum
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 20, Date 1860
III.—On the Burmese genus Sophina
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 26, Date 1860
Zoological Society
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 48, Date 1860
Geological Society
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 68, Date 1860
On the Mud-fish of the Nile (Lepidosiren annectens?)
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 70, Date 1860
New British species of Hydra
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 71, Date 1860
On a new species of Odontophorus
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 72, Date 1860
Description of a zoophyte and two species of Echinodermata new to Britain
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 73, Date 1860
VIII.—On the tribe Colletieæ, with some observations on the structure of the seed in the family of the Rhamnaceæ
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 76, Date 1860
IX.—On Clostophis and Rhiostoma, new Burmese genera of land-shells
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 95, Date 1860
X.—On the nomenclature of the Foraminifera
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 98, Date 1860
On the Squillidae
Ser 5, Vol 5, Page 108, Date 1880
XI.—Note on the comparative size of marine Mollusca in various latitudes of the European Seas
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 116, Date 1860
On some new Longicornia from the Moluccas
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 119, Date 1860
XIII.—On the markings of the Diatomaceæ in common use as test-objects
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 122, Date 1860
XIV.—Note in answer to Mr. Clark's remarks on Lepton sulcatulum
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 131, Date 1860
On the origin of species by means of natural selection; or, the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for Life.—By Charles Darwin, M.A., F.R.S., F.G.S., &c. London, 1859
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 132, Date 1860
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 143, Date 1860
Descriptions of new species of salamanders from China and Siam
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 151, Date 1860
XV.—On new fossil Crustacea from the Silurian Rocks
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 153, Date 1860
XVI.—On the Aphanarthra of the Canary Islands
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 163, Date 1860
Description of Uriechis microlepidotes, a new snake from South Africa
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 168, Date 1860
XVIII.—Description of Leptodeira torquata, a new snake from Central America
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 169, Date 1860
XIX.—Descriptions of two British spiders new to science
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 171, Date 1860
XX.—On the nomenclature of the Foraminifera
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 174, Date 1860
XXII.—Remarks on Mr. M'Andrew's "note on the comparative size of marine Mollusca in various latitudes of the European seas
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 197, Date 1860
XXIII.—On the tribe Colletieæ, with some observations on the structure of the seed in the family of the Rhammaceæ
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 200, Date 1860
A Guide to the Quadrupeds and Reptiles of Europe; with descriptions of all the species: compiled from the Latest Writers. By Lord Clermont. London: John Van Voorst, 1859. Post 8vo
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 222, Date 1860
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 225, Date 1860
On the Hydra rubra of Mr. Lewes
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 228, Date 1860
On the genus Hyalonema
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 229, Date 1860
On the generative organs of the Scarabæideous Beetles
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 230, Date 1860
Description of a new species of Gull (Gavia roseiventris) from the Falkland Islands
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 232, Date 1860
XXVI.—Notes on Plectopylis, a group of Helicidæ distinguished by several internal plicate Epiphragms; with the characters of a new species
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 243, Date 1860
XXVII.—On the discovery of the snail-leech, Glossiphonia marginata, in England
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 248, Date 1860
XXIX.—On additions to the Madeiran Coleoptera
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 252, Date 1860
XXX.—On the tribe Colletieæ, with some observations on the structure of the seed in the family of the Rhamnaceæ
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 267, Date 1860
XXXII.—On the nomenclature of the Foraminifera
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 285, Date 1860
XXXIII.—On the marginal nerves of the leaves of Mosses
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 298, Date 1860
On some new genera and species of Mollusca from Japan
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 299, Date 1860
Characters of some apparently undescribed Ceylon insects
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 304, Date 1860
XXXVI.—Reply to Mr. Jeffreys's remarks on a "note on the comparative size of marine Mollusca in various latitudes of the British Seas
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 311, Date 1860
Handbook of the British Flora. By G. Bentham, F.L.S. London: Lovell Reeve. 1858
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 316, Date 1860
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 323, Date 1860
On the Hooks on the front edge of the hinder wings of certain Hymenoptera. Communicated by Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S. &c
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 339, Date 1860
The fabricius sea bull-head (Acanthocottus Grœnlandicus)
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 342, Date 1860
On a malformation in Echinus Flemingii, Ball
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 343, Date 1860
Abstract of a lecture by Prof. T. H. Huxley, F.R.S., on species and races, and their origin, delivered before the members of the Royal Institution, on the Evening of Friday, February 10, 1860
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 344, Date 1860
Mr. Darwin on the origin of species
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 348, Date 1860
The monstrous Begonia frigida at Kew, in relation to Mr. Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 350, Date 1860
XXXVII.—On the genus Notopterophorus of Costa
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 353, Date 1860
XXXVIII.—On additions to the Madeiran Coleoptera
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 358, Date 1860
XXXIX.—On the identity of Morrhua punctata and Morrhua vulgaris
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 366, Date 1860
XL.—On the tribe Colletieæ, with some observations on the structure of the seed in the family of the Rhamnaceæ
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 370, Date 1860
XLI.—Characters of new Cingalese land-shells collected by F. Layard, Esq., Ceylon civil service
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 381, Date 1860
On the history of Echeneis
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 386, Date 1860
XLIII.—Note concerning Statice Dodartii and S. occidentalis
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 402, Date 1860
XLIV.—On a species of Ostrea taken from the copper sheathing on the bottom of a vessel in the Liverpool graving docks
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 404, Date 1860
On some new genera and species of Mollusca from Japan
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 405, Date 1860
The Ibis, a Magazine of general Ornithology. Edited by Philip Lutley Sclater, M.A. Vol. I. Trübner and Co., 1859
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 417, Date 1860
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 422, Date 1860
On Sertularia tricuspidata
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 431, Date 1860
On the genus Huxleya
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 432, Date 1860
XLVI.—On Cyclostigma, a new genus of fossil plants from the Old Red Sandstone of Kiltorcan, co. Kilkenny; and on the general law of phyllotaxis in the natural orders Lycopodiaceæ, Equisetaceæ, Filices, &c
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 433, Date 1860
XLVII.—On the occurrence of a sucker-like adhesive apparatus in the Daphniadæ and allied crustacea
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 445, Date 1860
XLVIII.—On additions to the Madeiran Coleoptera
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 448, Date 1860
XLIX.—On new land-shells from Darjiling, with a series of new Indian species of Achatina
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 460, Date 1860
L.—On the nomenclature of the Foraminifera
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 466, Date 1860
LII.—On the Lucernaria cyathiformis of Sars
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 480, Date 1860
LIII.—On the tribe Colletieæ, with some observations on the structure of the seed in the family of the Rhamnaceæ
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 482, Date 1860
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 493, Date 1860
Investigation of Trichina spiralis
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 503, Date 1860
Sertularia Tricuspidata
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 504, Date 1860
On the seminal fluid and fecundation in the Arachnida
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 505, Date 1860
Note on the larva of a Nematode worm, and on some remarkable peculiarities of the generative organs in the Nematoda
Ser 3, Vol 5, Page 506, Date 1860