I.—Contributions to the knowledge of the terrestrial Planariæ, from communications from Dr. Fritz Müller of Brazil and personal investigations
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 1, Date 1857
II.—Description of a new species of Earth-worm (Lumbricus corethrurus)
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 13, Date 1857
III.—Remarks on MM. Koren and Danielssen's researches on the development of Purpura lapillus
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 16, Date 1857
On the Ultimate Structure of Spongilla and Additional Notes on Fresh-water Infusoria
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 21, Date 1857
V.—Notice of the animal of Turbo Sarmaticus and other Mollusca from the Cape
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 41, Date 1857
VI.—List of the Echinodermata dredged between Drontheim and the North Cape
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 43, Date 1857
VII.—Descriptions of four new species of Echinodermata
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 46, Date 1857
On a true Parthenogenesis in moths and bees; a contribution to the history of reproduction in animals. By C. T. E. Von Siebold. Translated by W. S. Dallas. 8vo. London: Van Voorst, 1857
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 48, Date 1857
Introduction to Cryptogamic botany. By the Rev. M. J. Berkeley, M.A., F.L.S. With 127 illustrations on wood, drawn by the author. London, Baillière, 1857
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 55, Date 1857
Synopsis Plantarum Glumacearum. Auctore E. G. Steudel. Royal 8vo. Stutgard, 1855
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 57, Date 1857
Royal Institution of Great Britain
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 71, Date 1857
Note to the occurrence of the harvest mouse in Cornwall
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 77, Date 1857
A notice of the Baradla Cavern, near Agtelek, in Hungary
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 79, Date 1857
VIII.—Hectocotylus-foramtion in Argonauta and Tremoctopus explained by observations on similar formations in the Cephalopoda in general
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 81, Date 1857
X.—List of Coleoptera received from Old Calabar, on the West Coast of Africa
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 117, Date 1857
XI.—Notes on the Indian species of Lycium
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 126, Date 1857
XIV.—Observations on the development of the Star-fishes
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 132, Date 1857
System der Ornithologie West Afrika's von Dr. G. Hartlaub. Bremen, 1857, 1 vol. 8vo
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 136, Date 1857
Popular history of the aquarium of marine and freshwater animals and plants. By George Brettingham Sowerby, F.L.S. 12mo. London, Reeve, 1857
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 138, Date 1857
Royal Society
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 141, Date 1857
Botanical Society of Edinburgh
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 150, Date 1857
On the causes of the opening and closing of stomates
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 154, Date 1857
Descriptions of new Norwegian Annelides
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 155, Date 1857
Notes on some new and rare Diatomaceæ from the stomachs of Ascidiæ
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 158, Date 1857
On the vascular system of Anodonta
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 160, Date 1857
XV.—Researches on the mode in which gum-tragacanth is formed
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 161, Date 1857
XVI.—On the sands intermediate the Inferior Oolite and Lias of the Cotteswold Hills, compared with a similar deposit upon the Coast of Yorkshire
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 170, Date 1857
XVIII.—Remarks on the Lias of Barrow in Leicestershire, compared with the lower part of that Formation in Gloucestershire, Worcestershire, and Warwickshire
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 190, Date 1857
XIX.—Observations on the microscopic examination of Foraminifera obtained in deep-sea bottoms at the Feejee Islands
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 193, Date 1857
XX.—On the development of Neritina fluviatilis
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 196, Date 1857
Zoological Society
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 211, Date 1857
Geological Society
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 231, Date 1857
Descriptions of some new Norwegian polypes
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 238, Date 1857
Natural history of the Conway reef
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 239, Date 1857
On the occurrence of Urocerus gigas in Cornwall
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 240, Date 1857
XXIII.—The process of fecundation in the Vegetable Kingdom, and its relation to that in the animal Kingdom
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 241, Date 1857
XXV.—Further observations on deep soundings obtained by H.M.S. "Herald," Capt. Denham, R.N., F.R.S., employed on surveying service in the South-western Pacific; with an account of the examination of the alimentary matter of the Salpæ as bearing on the nat
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 264, Date 1857
XXVI.—On the distribution of the Mollusca in depth on the coasts of Nordland and Finmark
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 267, Date 1857
Description of the male of Lycosa tarentuloides Maderiana Walck. , and of three newly discovered species of the genus Lycosa
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 282, Date 1857
Royal Society
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 297, Date 1857
Botanical Society of Edinburgh
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 303, Date 1857
Zoological Society
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 308, Date 1857
On the vitality of seeds transported by marine currents
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 317, Date 1857
Description of a new Norwegian star-fish
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 319, Date 1857
Description of a new genus of star-fish
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 320, Date 1857
XXXI.—Observations on the habits of various marine animals
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 334, Date 1857
XXXII.—On the discovery of Cnicus tuberosus at Avebury, Wilts
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 337, Date 1857
XXXIII.—On the Amphioxus lanceolatus
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 339, Date 1857
XXXIV.—On the production of varieties and monstrous flowers by Pruning
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 341, Date 1857
XXXV.—The process of fecundation in the vegetable Kingdom, and its relation to that in the animal Kingdom
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 344, Date 1857
XXXVI.—On the presence of motile organs, and the power of locomotion, in foraminifera
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 365, Date 1857
XXXVII.—Note on the presence of the fossil genus Isodonta, Buv., in the English Jurassic Rocks
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 367, Date 1857
XXXVIII.—Descriptions of new Ceylon Coleoptera
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 368, Date 1857
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 376, Date 1857
Note on elephant remains from the gravel near Ballingdon Hill, Essex
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 396, Date 1857
Description of a new species of Pachyrhamphus
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 398, Date 1857
A few remarks on the midge fly which infests the wheat
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 399, Date 1857
Description of Actinopsis, a new genus of Actiniæ from Norway
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 400, Date 1857
XXXIX.—Description of eight new species of Entomostraca found at Weymouth
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 401, Date 1857
XLI.—Observations on the habits of the common Marten (Martes foina)
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 416, Date 1857
XLII.—On the unity of the genera Pleuracanthus, Diplodus and Xenacanthus, and on the specific distinction of the Permian fossil Xenacanthus Decheni (Beyrich)
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 423, Date 1857
XLIII.—Remarks on the species of whales which have been observed on the coasts of Cornwall
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 424, Date 1857
XLIV.—The process of fecundation in the vegetable kingdom, and its relation to that in the animal kingdom
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 439, Date 1857
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 460, Date 1857
On a new genus of birds from Mexico
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 470, Date 1857
Discovery of footsteps of quadrupeds in the New Red Sandstone of Saint-Valbert, near Luxeuil (Haute-Saône)
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 471, Date 1857
On two new species of birds from Bogota
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 472, Date 1857
XLV.—On the natural history of the Aru Islands
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 473, Date 1857
XLVII.—Supplement to a catalogue of British spiders, including remarks on their structure, functions, Œonomy, and systematic arrangement
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 497, Date 1857
XLVIII.—On certain Coleopterous insects from the Cape de Verde Islands
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 503, Date 1857
XLIX.—Remarks on the Columbinæ, with a description of a new Indian Pigeon, akin to the ‘Stock dove’ of Europe
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 506, Date 1857
L.—A description of two new Cryptogams
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 514, Date 1857
A manual flora of Madeira and the adjacent Islands of Porto Santo and the Dezertas. By R. T. Lowe, M.A. Part I. Thalamifloræ. 12mo. London, Van Voorst, 1857
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 516, Date 1857
The insect hunters; or, entomology in verse. 12mo, 1857, London
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 518, Date 1857
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 519, Date 1857
British Edriophthalma
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 524, Date 1857
On circulation in plants. (Second Part.)
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 526, Date 1857
Sepia Officinalis
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 528, Date 1857
On the Sphærobolus stellatus
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 529, Date 1857
On the cause of the rhythmic motion of the heart
Ser 2, Vol 20, Page 530, Date 1857