I.—The genera and subgenera of the Sciuropterus Group, with descriptions of three new species
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 1, Date 1908
A synoptic revision of the Tanyrrhynchinae (Curculionidae)
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 9, Date 1908
III.—The collections of William John Burchell, D.C.L., in the Hope department, Oxford University Museum
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 33, Date 1908
Notes on the Forficularia. X. A revision of the Nesogasterinae
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 42, Date 1908
Notes on the Forficularia. XI. On new and little-known species and synonymic notes
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 47, Date 1908
VI.—Notes on the Forficularia.—XII. Note on the genus Apachys, serv
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 51, Date 1908
VII.—Description of some new species of Tabanidæ, with notes on some Hæmatopota
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 54, Date 1908
New Eastern Lepidoptera
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 60, Date 1908
IX.—Two new mammals from Asia Minor
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 68, Date 1908
X.—A survey of the species and varieties of Pupa, Draparnaud (Jaminia, Risso), occurring in South Africa
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 70, Date 1908
New deep-sea fishes from the south-west coast of Ireland
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 86, Date 1908
XII.—Description of a new genus and species of Cleridæ
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 95, Date 1908
XIII.—The recent voles of the Microtus nivalis group
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 97, Date 1908
An Erroneous Echinodermal Identification
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 104, Date 1908
Descriptions of new South-American reptiles
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 111, Date 1908
XVII.—Descriptions of two new forms of Papilio in the collection of Mr. Grose-Smith
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 116, Date 1908
XVIII.—Some notes concerning the male of Dexamine thea, Boeck
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 117, Date 1908
The species of the genus Dactylopsila
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 122, Date 1908
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 125, Date 1908
XXI.—On a collection of mammals from the Batu Islands, west of Sumatra
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 137, Date 1908
XXIII.—The genera of Stephanoceras and allies
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 145, Date 1908
Descriptions of new freshwater fishes from China and Japan
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 149, Date 1908
Descriptions of four new freshwater fishes from British New Guinea
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 153, Date 1908
XXVI.—Some new genera and species of Blattidæ, with notes on the form of the pronotum in the subfamily Perisphæriinæ
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 157, Date 1908
XXVII.—On a new Oribi obtained by Major Powell-Cotton in British East Africa
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 177, Date 1908
XXVIII.—Notes on the coleopterous genus Oniticellus and descriptions of some new species from India
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 178, Date 1908
XXIX.—On the generic names of the rupicaprine ruminants known as Serows and Gorals
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 183, Date 1908
XXXI.—Eighteen new European voles
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 194, Date 1908
Bibliographical notice
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 207, Date 1908
The name Archæocidaris
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 208, Date 1908
XXXII.—New African Phlebotomic Diptera in the British Museum (Natural History) Part I. Tabanidæ
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 209, Date 1908
XXXIII.—On Phytosaurian remains from the magnesian Conglomerate of Bristol (Rileya platyodon)
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 228, Date 1908
XXXIV.—Note on the ophidian genus Emydocephalus
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 231, Date 1908
XXXV.—Notes on a small collection of Plankton from New Zealand.—I
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 232, Date 1908
XXXVI.—On some new species of the coleopterous genus Mimela
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 241, Date 1908
XXXVII.—Description of a new elapine snake of the genus Apisthocalamus, Blgr., from New Guinea
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 248, Date 1908
XXXVIII.—On the large flying-squirrels referred to Petaurista nitida, Desm
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 250, Date 1908
XXXIX.—The nomenclature of the flying-lemurs
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 252, Date 1908
XLI.—Note on a Megalosaurian tibia from the lower Lias of Wilmcote, Warwickshire
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 257, Date 1908
XLIV.—Description of a new longicorn beetle from South Africa
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 279, Date 1908
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 282, Date 1908
The echinoid name Cidaris and its modern application
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 284, Date 1908
Descriptions of some new species of Noctuidae from Peru
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 289, Date 1908
XLVII.—A list of mammals collected by Mr. C. F. M. Swynnerton in Northern Gazaland (Portuguese East Africa) and the Melsetter District of Rhodesia
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 303, Date 1908
XLIX.—Descriptions of thirty new species of Tabani from Africa and Madagascar
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 311, Date 1908
Description of a new elapine snake from Australia
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 333, Date 1908
LI.—Note on the type specimen of a blind snake, Helminthophis wilderi (Garman), from Brazil
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 334, Date 1908
LII.—A note on Loligo media (L.)
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 336, Date 1908
LIV.—On the synonymy and systematic position of some species of Tabanidæ described by Thunberg and Lichtenstein
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 344, Date 1908
LV.—The missing premolar of the Chiroptera
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 346, Date 1908
On some new and curious Thysanoptera (Tubulifera) from Papua
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 355, Date 1908
Description of a species of Palaemon from near Sydney, probably either a new species or the adult form of Palaemon (Eupalaemon) danae Heller
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 363, Date 1908
Description of a new cichlid fish of the genus Heterogramma from Demerara
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 370, Date 1908
Description of a new fish of the genus Galaxias from Chile
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 372, Date 1908
LXII.—Notes from the Gatty Marine Laboratory, St. Andrews.—No. XXIX
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 373, Date 1908
LXIII.—On certain African and S.-American otters
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 387, Date 1908
The inclusion of foreign bodies by sponges, with a description of a new genus and species of Monaxonida
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 395, Date 1908
LXVI.—On Philoscia patiencei, sp. n., a new terrestrial Isopod
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 428, Date 1908
On four little known names of chiropteran genera
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 431, Date 1908
LXVIII.—On the extremity of the tail in Ichthyosauria
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 436, Date 1908
LXIX.—On the interlocking of the neural arches in Ichthyosauria
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 441, Date 1908
LXXI.—New Asiatic Apodemus, Evotomys, and Lepus
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 447, Date 1908
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 450, Date 1908
LXXIII.—Description of a new species of the genus Conus
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 465, Date 1908
LXXIV.—On a new Rhodesian hare
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 466, Date 1908
LXXV.—The nomenclature of certain lorises
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 467, Date 1908
LXXVI.—On a stridulating-organ in certain African river-crabs
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 469, Date 1908
On the moths collected during the cruise of the Valhalla during the winter 1905-6, by Mr. E. B. G. Meade-Waldo
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 474, Date 1908
LXXVIII.—On the occurrence of the hydroid Cordylophora in Egypt
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 492, Date 1908
LXXX.—Additions to the hymenopterous genera Myzine and Plesia
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 497, Date 1908
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 531, Date 1908
The type of Cidaris
Ser 8, Vol 1, Page 532, Date 1908