I.—Transformation of an entire shell into chitinous structure by the polype Hydractinia, with short descriptions of the polypidoms of five other species
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 1, Date 1873
III.—On Berardius and other ziphioid whales
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 17, Date 1873
IV.—On the Peregrine Falcon from Sardinia
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 20, Date 1873
V. Notes on the Longicorn Coleoptera of Tropical America
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 21, Date 1873
VI.—Growth or evolution of structure in seedlings
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 45, Date 1873
VII.—Sequoia and its history
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 52, Date 1873
VIII.—Physico-chemical investigations upon the aquatic Articulata. Part II
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 70, Date 1873
On the reproduction and development of the telescope-fish of China
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 76, Date 1873
Additional observations on Codiophyllum
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 77, Date 1873
The Bell Collection of Reptiles
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 78, Date 1873
Notice of a new and remarkable fossil bird
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 80, Date 1873
XI.—Summary of zoological observations made at Naples in the winter of 1871–72
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 81, Date 1873
XV. Notes on the Longicorn Coleoptera of Tropical America
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 117, Date 1873
XVI.—On a new species of Turkey Vulture from the Falkland Islands and a new genus of Old-World Vultures
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 133, Date 1873
Records of the rocks; or notes on the geology, natural history, and antiquities of north and south wales, devon, and cornwall. By the Rev. W. S. Symonds, F.G.S. &c. 8vo. London, 1872
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 149, Date 1873
A manual of Palæontology for the use of students, with a general introduction on the principles of Palæontology. By H. A. Nicholson, M.D, D.Sc., &c. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1872
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 151, Date 1873
Anatomical investigations on the Limuli
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 152, Date 1873
On the Boomdas (Dendrohyrax arboreus)
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 154, Date 1873
On Deep-sea dredging in the Gulf of St. Lawrence
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 155, Date 1873
On a new freshwater tortoise from Borneo (Orlitia borneensis)
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 156, Date 1873
Descriptions of three new species of crustacea parasitic on the cetacea of the N.W. Coast of America
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 157, Date 1873
Preliminary descriptions of new species of mollusks from the Northwest coast of America
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 159, Date 1873
Projectile power of the capsules of Hamamelis virginica
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 160, Date 1873
On the original form, development, and cohesion of the bones of the sternum of chelonians; with notes on the skeleton of Sphargis
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 161, Date 1873
XX.—On the homologies of the shoulder-girdle of the Dipnoans and other fishes
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 173, Date 1873
XXII.—On the silurus and glanis of the ancient Greeks and Romans
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 199, Date 1873
XXIII.—Remarks on certain errors in Mr. Jeffreys's article on "The mollusca of Europe compared with those of Eastern North America"
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 206, Date 1873
XXIV.—Remarks on Cervus chilensis and Cervus antisiensis
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 213, Date 1873
XXV.—Further remarks on the Guémul of Patagonia (Huamela leucotis)
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 214, Date 1873
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 227, Date 1873
On a new subclass of fossil birds (Odontornithes)
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 233, Date 1873
On two new Free Sponges from Singapore
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 234, Date 1873
On the "Capreolus" of Zonites algirus
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 235, Date 1873
On the developmental history of Petromyzon
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 236, Date 1873
On the parasites of the Cetaceans of the N.W. Coast of America, with descriptions of new forms
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 238, Date 1873
XXVII.—On the Calcispongiæ, their position in the animal kingdom, and their relation to the theory of descendence
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 241, Date 1873
XXVIII.—Remarks on a few species belonging to the family Terebridæ, and descriptions of several new forms in the collection of the British Museum
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 262, Date 1873
XXIX.—On the French species of the genus Geomalacus
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 271, Date 1873
XXX.—Description of Labaria hemisphærica, Gray, a new species of Hexactinellid sponge, with observations on it and the sarcohexactinellid sponges generally
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 275, Date 1873
XXXI.—On a Crustacean of the genus Zia
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 286, Date 1873
XXXII.—Description of a new species belonging to the genus Vitrina
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 288, Date 1873
Observations on chelonians, with descriptions of new genera and species
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 289, Date 1873
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 310, Date 1873
Preliminary descriptions of three new species of Cetacea from the coast of California
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 316, Date 1873
On Hypermetamorphosis in Palingenia virgo, and on the analogies of its larva with the Crustacea
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 317, Date 1873
Deep-water fauna of Lake Michigan
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 319, Date 1873
XXXV.—On the primitive cell-layers of the embryo as the basis of genealogical classification of animals, and on the origin of vascular and lymph systems
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 321, Date 1873
On a new Australian species of Thyrsites
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 338, Date 1873
XXXVII.—Notices of British fungi
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 339, Date 1873
Description of two new species of frogs from Australia
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 349, Date 1873
Description of a new Saurian (Hyalosaurus) allied to Pseudopus
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 351, Date 1873
XLI.—On the dentition of Rhinoceroses (Rhinocerotes), and on the characters afforded by their skulls
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 356, Date 1873
XLII.—On some works relating to a new classification of Ammonites
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 362, Date 1873
Description of a new snake from Madagascar
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 374, Date 1873
XLIV.—Reply to Professor Verrill's "Remarks on certain Errors in Mr. Jeffreys's article on the Mollusca of Europe compared with those of Eastern North America
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 375, Date 1873
Birds of the Humber District. By John Cordeaux. London: Van Voorst, 1872
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 377, Date 1873
Lecture on the Feræ Naturæ of the British Islands. By John Colquhoun, Author of ‘The Moor and the Loch,’ &c
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 381, Date 1873
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 383, Date 1873
On the dorsal shield of Tolypeutes
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 397, Date 1873
Observations on the structure of the proboscis of an hermaphrodite Nemertian from the Marseilles Coast
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 398, Date 1873
French measures
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 400, Date 1873
XLV.—On the advantage fo a dominant language for science
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 401, Date 1873
XLVI.—Notes on the Palæozoic Bivalved Entomostraca. No. X. Entomis and Entomidella
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 413, Date 1873
Contribution to our knowledge of Ceratophrys and Megalophrys
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 417, Date 1873
XLVIII.—Note on the discovery of Ligidium agile, Persoon (= Zia Saundersii, Stebbing), in Great Britain
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 419, Date 1873
XLIX.—On the Calcispongiæ, their position in the animal kingdom, and their relation to the theory of descendence
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 421, Date 1873
L.—Observations on pigs (Sus, Linnæus; Setifera, Illiger) and their skulls, with the description of a new species
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 431, Date 1873
LI.—Note on the appearance in Australia of the Danais Archippus
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 440, Date 1873
LII.—Descriptions of new species of Fossorial hymenoptera in the collection of the British Museum
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 441, Date 1873
LIII.—Observations on M. Favre's paper on a new classicifcation of Ammonites
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 451, Date 1873
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 454, Date 1873
On the fauna of Nowaja-Semlja
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 464, Date 1873
Note on the anatomy of Comatula rosacea
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 466, Date 1873
On Mammalia from the neighbourhood of Concordia, in New Granada
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 468, Date 1873
Additional note on Tolypeutes conurus
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 469, Date 1873
M. Gervais on the skeleton of the luth (Sphargis coriacea)
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 470, Date 1873
Bryozoa of Florida
Ser 4, Vol 11, Page 471, Date 1873