I.—Natural history notes from H.M. Indian marine survey steamer ‘Investigator,’ commander C. F. Oldham, R.N.—Series II., No. 19. Report upon the Mollusca dredged in the bay of Bengal and the Arabian sea during the season 1893–94
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 1, Date 1895
Some new species of Odonata of the ‘Légion’ Lestes, with notes
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 19, Date 1895
On a collection of reptiles and batrachians from Ferguson Island, D'Entrecasteaux group British New Guinea
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 28, Date 1895
On some new or little-known reptiles obtained by W. H. Crosse Esq. on the Niger
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 32, Date 1895
VI.—Descriptions of some new species of heterocera from tropical America
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 36, Date 1895
Some Javan Perichaetidae
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 40, Date 1895
VIII.—Descriptions of five new African shrews
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 51, Date 1895
IX.—On small mammals from Nicaragua and Bogota
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 55, Date 1895
On some Coccidae obtained by Mr. C.A. Barber in the Island of Antigua, W.I
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 60, Date 1895
XI.—New bees of the genus Halictus from New Mexico, U.S.A
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 63, Date 1895
XIII.—Notes on some of the Solifugæ contained in the collection of the British Museum, with descriptions of new species
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 74, Date 1895
XV.—Description of a new species of butterfly of the genus Amauris obtained by Mr. Scott Elliot in East Central Africa
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 122, Date 1895
Bibliographical notice
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 123, Date 1895
On the production of males and females in Melipona and Trigona
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 125, Date 1895
Correction to p. 521 ('Annals,' June 1895)
Ser 6, Vol 6, Page 125, Date 1895
On the development of the body in the prawn (Palæmon serratus, Fabr.) and the crayfish (Astacus fluviatilis, Gesn.)
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 127, Date 1895
XVI.—Notes on some genera and species of Coccidæ
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 129, Date 1895
Description of two new spiders obtained by Messrs J. J. Quelch and F. MacConnel on the summit of Mount Roraima, in Demerara; with a note upon the systematic position of the genus Desis
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 139, Date 1895
Natural history notes from H.M. Indian marine survey steamer ‘Investigator’, Commander C.F. Oldham, R.N., commanding. Series II, No. 18. On a new species of viviparous fish of the family Ophidiidae
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 144, Date 1895
XIX.—Further notes on Cutiterebra: On the identity of certain species described by the late Bracy Clark
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 147, Date 1895
XXI.—Descriptions of new Coleoptera in the British Museum
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 157, Date 1895
XXII.—Preliminary diagnoses of new mammals from Northern Luzon, collected by Mr. John Whitehead
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 160, Date 1895
On the reptiles and batrachians obtained by Mr. E. Lort-Phillips in Somaliland
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 165, Date 1895
XXV.—Descriptions of four new batrachians discovered by Mr. Charles Hose in Borneo
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 169, Date 1895
Descriptions of two new snakes from Usambara, German East Africa
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 171, Date 1895
The subfamilies, genera, and species of the copepod family Ascomyzontiddae, Thorell: diagnosis, synonymy and distribution
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 173, Date 1895
XXVIII.—Description of new genera and species of trapdoor spiders belonging to the group Trionychi
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 187, Date 1895
XXIX.—Description of a new species of squirrel from Central Africa
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 197, Date 1895
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 198, Date 1895
A query as to the synonymy of Rhysota Armiti, Smith
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 201, Date 1895
The breeding-habits of the earthworms
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 202, Date 1895
Note on the origin of the bell-nucleus in Physalia
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 203, Date 1895
XXX.—Notes on Amphipoda, old and new
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 205, Date 1895
XXXI.—On budding in Perophora
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 213, Date 1895
XXXII.—Notes on the identity of some of the types of Mygalomorphæ in the collection of the British Museum
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 223, Date 1895
XXXIII.—On a new sound-producing organ in a spider
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 230, Date 1895
XXXIV.—The Pholadidæ: Note on the early stages of development
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 233, Date 1895
XXXV.—On African mole-rats of the genera Georychus and Myoscalops
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 238, Date 1895
XXXVI.–Description of a new Chinese squirrel
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 242, Date 1895
XXXIX.—Natural history notes from H.M. Indian marine survey steamer ‘Investigator,’ Commander C. F. Oldham, R.N.—Series II., No. 20. Report upon some Mollusca dredged in the Arabian Sea during the season 1894–5
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 262, Date 1895
Bibliographical notice
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 266, Date 1895
Note on the protoplasmic connexion of Lasso-cells in Physalia
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 271, Date 1895
XL.—Notes on the Madreporarian genus Astræopora, as represented by the specimens in the British Museum (Natural History)
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 273, Date 1895
XLI.—The life-history and growth-rate of the lesser sand-eel (Ammodytes tobianus)
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 282, Date 1895
XLII.—Description of two new Chœtognaths (Spadella schizoptera and Sagitta hispida)
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 288, Date 1895
A new West-African insect
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 349, Date 1895
Note on Rhysota Armiti
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 351, Date 1895
Descriptions of some new Araneidæ of New South Wales
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 352, Date 1895
XLVII.—On some new and rare British Copepoda
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 353, Date 1895
XLVIII.—Descriptions of five new species of land-shells from New Guinea
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 362, Date 1895
XLIX.—Remarks on the value of certain cranial characters employed by Prof. Cope for distinguishing lizards from snakes
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 366, Date 1895
L.—Descriptions of four small mammals from South America, including one belonging to the peculiar marsupial genus "Hyracodon," Tomes
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 367, Date 1895
LI.—Newly-discovered stridulating-organs in the genus Scytodes
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 371, Date 1895
LII.—On the Lamellicorn Coleoptera of Japan, and notices of others
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 374, Date 1895
Description of new genera of Zephronidae, with brief preliminary diagnose of some new species
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 409, Date 1895
LV.—Descriptions of new species of Planema in the collection of the British Museum
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 415, Date 1895
LVI.—Some remarks on the dispersal of marine animals by means of seaweeds
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 418, Date 1895
Description of a new species of Scolopendra from the Solomon Islands
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 423, Date 1895
On the status of the names Aplysia and Tethys
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 424, Date 1895
On the origin of the triradiate spicules of Leucosolenia
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 427, Date 1895
LVIII.—The pectoral and pelvic girdles of Murænosaurus plicatus
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 429, Date 1895
LIX.—Description of a supposed new species of land-mollusk of the genus Parmarion from Pulo Laut, an island off the south-east coast of Borneo
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 434, Date 1895
On a collection of Hymenopterous insects from the Philippines
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 438, Date 1895
LXII.—A revision of the Jurassic Bryozoa.—Part II. The genus Proboscina
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 447, Date 1895
LXV.—Descriptions of five new species of Ennea from South Africa
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 478, Date 1895
Description of a new characinoid fish of the genus Parodon
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 480, Date 1895
LXVII.—Descriptions of two new snakes of the genus Calamaria
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 481, Date 1895
LXVIII.—Australian Entomophytes, or Entomogenous Fungi, and some account of their insect-hosts
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 482, Date 1895
Bibliographical notice
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 488, Date 1895
On rapid change of colour in Gasterosteuns
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 489, Date 1895
On the structure of the ectoderm and nervous system in Parasitic Platyhelminthes (Trematodes and Cestodes)
Ser 6, Vol 16, Page 493, Date 1895